CoastSmart Communities Initiative

CoastSmart Communities Initiative

The CoastSmart Communities Initiative (CCI), a program within the Maryland Department of Natural Resource’s Chesapeake and Coastal Service and staffed by IAN, is helping local communities identify and implement strategies to protect life, property, and natural resources vulnerable to coastal hazards such as storm surge, shoreline erosion, coastal flooding, and climate change. From hands-on training, planning tools, and online resources to a competitive grants program, CCI works to provide municipal and county governments with the tools that they need to identify vulnerabilities and take the necessary actions to become ready, adaptive, and resilient.


Key Personnel

Jeff Allenby
Director of Conservation Innovation
Kate Skaggs
CoastSmart Communities Planner


  • Start: 2011-06-01
  • Finish: 2015-12-31
  • Duration: 4 years, 6 months