Science videos on the UMCES Channel engage students across the country.

Investing in math and science education: "Our generation's Sputnik moment"

Joanna Woerner ·
26 January 2011
Environmental Literacy | Science Communication |     1 comments

Last month, President Obama coined the phrase Sputnik moment in regard to the race for new innovations in science and technology. Last night, he raised this issue again in his State of the Union address. The President asserted that in order to support innovation, advance alternate energies, compete in the new global economy, and create jobs, the country needs investments in research and education equivalent to those undertaken during the height of the Space Race.

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New media such as the soon to be launched UMCES SchoolTube channel is a vital part of rejuvenating young people's interest in science.

As seen on TV....or your computer, or your smart phone

Joanna Woerner ·
13 December 2010
Environmental Literacy | Science Communication | 

We've all seen how video-sharing websites have the power to make everyday events such as frolicking kids and frisky kitchens go viral. Well then, we should be able to harness that power to deliver engaging content about items that impact our every day. Items such as climate change, water quality, and public health issues—topics so important, they warrant space on our screens. The challenge is that these topics don't have the warm and fuzzy factor of frolicking kids and frisky kittens.

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