Shari Wilson, Admiral of the Chesapeake Bay and Calliethos intellegente

Bill Dennison ·
14 December 2010
Applying Science | 

Shari Wilson, the Maryland Secretary for Environment for the past four years announced that she is stepping down, and she recently attended her final BayStat meeting. At the end of the meeting, Governor O'Malley presented her with a proclamation declaring Shari Wilson "Admiral of The Chesapeake Bay".

Shari and Omalley
Shari Wilson and Governor O'Malley

At a gathering following the BayStat meeting, Secretary of Natural Resources John Griffin presented Shari with a beautiful print.

Shari and John
Shari Wilson and John Griffin

Don Boesch and I presented her with a blue crab print from one of the symbols from the Integration and Application Network, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science symbol and image libraries, used in various conceptual diagrams to depict Chesapeake Bay and other water bodies. This blue crab symbol was created by Chip Chenery in 2004, when he was at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, UMCES.

Don Shari and Bill
Don Boesch, Shari Wilson and Bill Dennison

On the back of the print are the following statements:

To honor your contributions to Chesapeake Bay, the scientific community has elected to bestow a scientific name for you, based on the iconic Chesapeake Bay blue crab. Blue crab scientific name: Callinectes sapidus from Calli = Greek for 'beautiful'; nectes = Greek for 'swimmer'; sapidus = Latin for 'savory'

Shari Wilson scientific name:

Calliethos intellegente

Calli = Greek for 'beautiful'; ethos = Greek for 'character'

intellegente = Latin for 'smart'

Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors.

Signed, Don Boesch and Bill Dennison

About the author

Bill Dennison

Dr. Bill Dennison is a Professor of Marine Science and Interim President at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES).

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