MDE Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan

MDE Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan

In 2009, Governor Martin O’Malley and Maryland’s General Assembly charged the State with developing a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan that will reduce greenhouse gases 25 percent by the year 2020.

Working closely with staff at Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), IAN's first task was to produce a 14-page executive summary to provide an overview of Maryland’s Plan, describing Maryland’s vulnerability to climate change and summarizing Maryland’s 150-plus Greenhouse Gas Reduction programs and initiatives and their associated benefits.


Key Personnel

Caroline Donovan
Program Manager
Tracey Saxby
Project Manager
Alexandra Fries
Program Manager
Bill Dennison
UMCES Interim President


  • Start: 2012-10-01
  • Finish: 2013-09-30
  • Duration: 11 months