Workshop at Louisiana State University to synthesize issues of protection and restoration of coastal Louisiana.

The discussions are building on the wealth of previous studies in the region and the aim is to help facilitate production of science communication products. This project was intended to start with a workshop at Horn Point – which was cancelled due to Hurricane Katrina, rescheduled to take place in Louisiana, and again cancelled due to Hurricane Rita. So finally, Bill Dennison and Tim Carruthers traveled to Baton Rouge for two days of workshops with scientists and resource managers, followed by a day of meetings working on a science newsletter to be entitled ‘Reducing Flood Damage in Coastal Louisiana: Communities, Cultures, and Commerce’. Jane Thomas assisted online from Horn Point by creating graphics and draft newsletter formats. Alaina Owens from LSU is subsequently visiting IAN staff for a week to work on the newsletter, which will be the first in a series for issues in coastal Louisiana. Visit the
Coastal Louisiana Ecosystem Assessment and Restoration (CLEAR) website for further information.