Chesapeake Bay Marsh Restoration Workshop
On March 10, 2006, IAN, along with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Maryland Port Administration, and the U.S. Fish and Widlife Service, held the “Chesapeake Bay Marsh Restoration Workshop”. This one-day technical workshop brought together scientists, engineers, and economists to focus on the concept of restoring eroding marshes at the Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge with dredged materials. Information derived from this meeting will be used to develop a workplan for this potential project.
Seminars presented at the workshop are available in multimedia format. An
International Tidal Wetlands Conference is being held May 31 – June 2, 2006 at Salisbury University in Salisbury, Maryland. This conference is open to all interested participants. We will be inviting ecologists, engineers, and economists from across the country and around the globe, who have worked on similar projects and can help to develop a plan for this project in the Chesapeake.