IAN sponsors MEES Colloquium: "Applying Science: Chesapeake Bay and beyond"

Presentation of space shutte photo and patchThe Marine, Estuarine and Environmental Sciences (MEES) Colloquium is an annual event that brings graduate students, faculty, and alumni together from the different participating institutions within the University System of Maryland. This year IAN was proud to sponsor the event in downtown Annapolis. The first night's events were held in the historic Banneker-Douglass Museum. We were honored to have the Maryland Secretaries of Environment (Shari Wilson), Planning (Rich Hall), and Natural Resources (John Griffin) to discuss the role of science in their agencies and in the development of state environmental policies. We had a special guest speaker, NASA astronaut Ricky Arnold (a MEES graduate and former student of Bill Dennison), who gave an entertaining and informative talk on his recent Space Shuttle mission to the International Space Station. The second day's meeting was held in the State Senate President Conference Room and was highlighted by student talks and presentations by Don Boesch and Bill Dennison on applying science.