IAN releases its 3rd annual report card

Image shows the cover of the IAN Report Card 2017 with Integration & Application Network written vertically down the left side of the page, a photo of 4 IAN staff on a walking bridge in the woods smiling at the camera, and the words IAN recently completed IAN Report Card 2017 and made it available on IAN Press. The annual IAN report card is an annual summary of sorts, with the quintessentially-IAN report card spin. The report card reflects on IAN's social impacts, ecological outcomes, and partnership engagement in 2017. This year the social media indicators were revamped to reflect the engagement of IAN's follower on social media as well as its total reach through unique impressions. Working through the report card process allows staff and the admin team to appreciate its accomplishments as well as hone in on improvements to make in the next year. Overall IAN earned an A- (90%) in 2017.