New release: Drought in the U.S.- Affiliated Pacific Islands

US Affiliated Pacific Islands. In 2015, IAN began a national-scale effort with the USGS National Climate Adaptation Science Center (NCASC) to synthesize the impacts of ecological drought across the country. Workshops were held at each of the nation’s eight regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers covering the following regions: Alaska, Pacific Islands, Northwest, Southwest, North Central, South Central, Northeast, and Southeast. During the Pacific Islands workshop in March 2017 in Honolulu, Hawaii, it became clear that the high islands of the Hawaiian archipelago were not representative of the diverse U.S.-Affiliated Pacific islands (USAPI), and so a ninth workshop was planned to capture aspects of drought in the islands. This newsletter highlights the outcomes of a two-day workshop held in Honolulu, focusing on past, current, and future impacts of drought throughout the USAPI.
Welcome, Max!

Max recently began as a Science Communication Intern in Cambridge, MD. Max is a graduate of SUNY ESF, where he majored in Environmental and Forest Biology. Max will be using a variety of communication medium as he assists Senior Science Communicators and Integrators. In his free time he enjoys maintaining terrariums and aquariums, playing chess and Settlers of Cataan, and is hoping his new location will facilitate picking up sailing again.
Chesapeake Bay Report Card 2018 released!

AN released the 2018 Chesapeake Bay Report, giving the Chesapeake a C grade. Due to heavy rainfall in the past year we saw many indicators stay steady or decline in their score. Over the past decade we have noticed a significant improving trend in the Chesapeake Bay. This trend will continue to improve with the collective effort of the people who live here. More information about indicators and grades is available at
Verde River, AZ

Heath Kelsey and Andrew Elmore traveled to Camp Verde, Arizona to work with stakeholders from the National Forest Service, Friends of the Verde River, and The Nature Conservancy on a Verde River Report Card. This was our second workshop, which was designed to continue the process of selecting indicators, identifying data sources, and grading. Excellent progress was made in these areas due to the tremendous engagement we experienced with our project partners.
Delmarva Society for Women in Marine Science Symposium

Diving Deep into Scientific Communication
September 13 - September 14, 2019
Horn Point Laboratory, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, University of Delaware
Visit the SWMS website for more information here!