Now available: 2020 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card

The 2020 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card was released on June 22 in person at Sandy Point State Park. The Bay itself received a moderate score (C), a slight increase from 2019. The Chesapeake Watershed was scored separately, including several new socioeconomic indicators, and received a good score (B-). The new indicators included protected lands, and the socio-economic indicators stewardship, walkability, and heat vulnerability index. The new socio-economic indicators attempt to address the question of equity in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Underprivileged and underserved communities are more vulnerable to adverse environmental impacts. We are committed to improving Chesapeake Bay environmental and socio-economic health. It is vital to incorporate equity and justice into environmental management.
Despite the tumult of 2020, the essential work of monitoring the Chesapeake Bay and Watershed continued. We are grateful to our partners and staff whose hard work made this report card possible. Visit to view the full report card and learn more about the indicators and process.