Projects completed supporting EPA Chesapeake Bay Program
Web Team highlights:
- UX Improvements and Accessibility Enhancements: Conducted UX testing and implemented improvements on the homepage, navigation, and key templates, enhancing accessibility by remediating 112 of 149 issues.
- Content Updates and Strategic Revisions: Redesigned the search results page and updated multiple content areas, including infographics, ChesapeakeProgress indicators, and ChesapeakeDecisions, with new scientific and strategy data.
Data Analysis Team highlights:
- Chesapeake Bay TMDL Indicator Development: Led the development of the Chesapeake Bay TMDL indicator, integrating monitoring and modeling data to track nutrient reduction progress, which has been officially approved and published on Chesapeake Progress.
- Expansion to Nontidal Network Stations: Extended the TMDL indicator framework to quantify reduction progress at 83 stations for nitrogen, 66 stations for phosphorus, and 66 stations for sediment within the Nontidal Network. See R Shiny app METRIC.
- Water Quality Indicators: Led the annual integration of partner data to update two critical water-quality indicators: (1) Nutrient and sediment loads to the Chesapeake Bay, and (2) Water quality standards attainment indicator. On Chesapeake Progress and supported by enhanced R Shiny apps: Attainment Indicator and Attainment Deficit.