Illustration of Cladium procerum (Leafy Twig-sedge)

Cladium procerum (Leafy Twig-sedge)

Illustration of Cladium procerum (Leafy Twig-sedge)

sedge leafy twig-sedge marsh wetland Plantae vascular Magnoliophyta angiosperm flowering plant Liliopsida monocot Commelinidae Cyperales Cyperaceae Caladium procerum Australia

Author(s)Tracey Saxby
Author CompanyIntegration and Application Network
Date Created2009-11-04
AlbumFlora > Marsh/Wetlands
Dimensions250 x 501
Filesize60.3 kB (svg)   68.5 kB (png)
Number of Downloads952
Filetype(s) SVG     PNG
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Required AttributionTracey Saxby, Integration and Application Network (