In the section of the river above the dam builds up with sediment, making the dam shallower. High water flow causes scouring and the transport of sediment and associated nutrients over the dam. On this other side of the dam phosphorus mobilizes in reaction with salt water. Further down the river seagrass beds grow on the Susquehanna flats.

Conowingo Dam Reservoir and Susquehanna Flats Depiction

In the section of the river above the dam builds up with sediment, making the dam shallower. High water flow causes scouring and the transport of sediment and associated nutrients over the dam. On this other side of the dam phosphorus mobilizes in reaction with salt water. Further down the river seagrass beds grow on the Susquehanna flats.

diagram conowingo dam susquehanna flats sediment deposition scouring transport nutrients

Author(s)Brianne Walsh
Author CompanyIntegration and Application Network
Date Created2014-06-11
AlbumEcosystems > Coastal/Marine
Dimensions1000 x 751
Filesize141.4 kB
Number of Downloads452
Filetype(s) PNG
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Required AttributionBrianne Walsh, Integration and Application Network (