Isotope ratio mass spectrometer. The tubing allows different gases to flow in and out of the mass spectrometer to meausure gas chemistry and isotope ratios

Isotope ratio mass spectrometer

Isotope ratio mass spectrometer. The tubing allows different gases to flow in and out of the mass spectrometer to meausure gas chemistry and isotope ratios

dissolved gas analytical chemistry sample analysis machines scientific equipment tools research gas analysis dissolved gases water chemistry water quality isotope ratio mass spectrometer laboratories equipment mass spectrometer isotop

Author(s)Ben Fertig
Author CompanyIntegration and Application Network
Date Created2009-07-21
AlbumHuman > Science/Research
Dimensions1092 x 922
Filesize1.1 MB
Number of Downloads266
Filetype(s) JPG
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Required AttributionBen Fertig, Integration and Application Network (