Illustration of a man doing the salt marsh nekton survey.

Monitoring: salt marsh nekton survey

Illustration of a man doing the salt marsh nekton survey.

nekton survey salt marsh monitor monitoring survey research equipment swimmers fish crab clam snail Assateague barrier islands human person people man male

Author(s)Jane Hawkey
Author CompanyIntegration and Application Network
Date Created2011-08-23
AlbumHuman > Science/Research
Project(s)Assateague Island National Seashore Climate Change
Dimensions500 x 498
Filesize44.6 kB (svg)   50.2 kB (png)
Number of Downloads731
Filetype(s) SVG     PNG
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Required AttributionJane Hawkey, Integration and Application Network (