Illustration of mushroom coral (Fungiidae)

Mushroom coral (Fungiidae)

Illustration of mushroom coral (Fungiidae)

corals coral reef koa amu Cnidaria Anthozoa Scleractinia

Author(s)Amber O'Reilly
Author CompanyKahuku High and Intermediate School
Date Created2010-07-30
AlbumFauna > Cnidaria
Project(s)Pacific Island Network coral education resources
Dimensions501 x 433
Filesize250.9 kB (svg)   256.3 kB (png)
Number of Downloads1045
Filetype(s) SVG     PNG
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Required AttributionAmber O'Reilly, Kahuku High and Intermediate School (