The landscapes of the Northeast and Midwest depend on abundant and relatively predictable seasonal water regimes. Human uses of water compete with environmental flows for aquatic species, especially during drought periods. Climate change is predicted to increase temperatures and precipitation variability in the Northeast United States, causing shifts in seasonality.

Potential shifts in seasonality in the Northeast and Midwest resulting from climate change

The landscapes of the Northeast and Midwest depend on abundant and relatively predictable seasonal water regimes. Human uses of water compete with environmental flows for aquatic species, especially during drought periods. Climate change is predicted to increase temperatures and precipitation variability in the Northeast United States, causing shifts in seasonality.

diagram climate change northeast midwest amherst spring flows snow snowmelt spring summer fall winter growing season massachusetts maine new york vermont connecticut minnesota michigan ohio

Author(s)Brianne Walsh
Author CompanyIntegration and Application Network
Date Created2016-11-03
AlbumHuman > Climate Change
PublicationEcological Drought in the Northeast United States
Project(s)USGS Climate Change Research Activities Synthesis
Dimensions977 x 1053
Filesize376.7 kB
Number of Downloads426
Filetype(s) PNG
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Required AttributionBrianne Walsh, Integration and Application Network (