Shoreline erosion control
Conceptual diagram illustrating a hardened shoreline vs a natural shoreline. The hardened shoreline has concrete rip-rap or a sea wall. It can be very costly and can also interrupt natural shoreline processes and sand movement that can lead to increased erosion downdrift from the structure. A natural shoreline incorporates native vegetation with a buffer strip of sand and/or fiber logs. It filters runoff and traps sediment, actually widening the beach, and providing valuable shoreline habitat for wildlife.
diagram climate change sea level rise flooding protection erosion shoreline buffer rip rap bulkheadAuthor(s) | Jane Hawkey |
Author Company | Integration and Application Network |
Date Created | 2012-08-01 |
Album | Human > Climate Change |
Type | Graphic |
Dimensions | 1000 x 300 |
Filesize | 143.8 kB |
Number of Downloads | 403 |
Filetype(s) | PNG |
License | Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) |
Required Attribution | Jane Hawkey, Integration and Application Network (ian.umces.edu/media-library) |