Projects for Annie Carew

Lower Kafue River Basin Report Card Development

2018-02-01 — 2019-12-31

This project is a continuation of the partnership between The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Sciences to develop a standardized methodology for designing and implementing report cards that assess the health some of the world’s most prominent freshwater basins. UMCES and the WWF are currently collaborating with Zambian stakeholders to create a report card for the Lower Kafue River Basin.

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Chesapeake Bay Report Card Expansion

2018-01-01 — 2025-09-30

Incorporating novel indicators into the Chesapeake Bay Report Card. Make key improvements to the Chesapeake Bay Report Card, which has served since 2006 as the definitive source for ecosystem health status in the Bay and tidal tributaries.

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NPS Resource Assessment Interface for Management Strategies

2016-07-26 — 2024-12-31

Resource Assessments for Managements Strategies is an ongoing project aimed to identify the best opportunities to preserve the environmentally, culturally and historically significant resources within and across the National Capital Region parks. This assessment strategy is being implemented over two phases: Phase I is currently underway and focuses primarily on the status and management recommendations of park-specific resources.

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Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative: Integrating Citizen-based and Other Nontraditional Monitoring

2015-05-15 —

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Inc. (Alliance) in partnership with the Izaak Walton League of America (League), the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) at Dickinson College, and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Integration and Application Network (UMCES IAN) will provide technical, logistical, and outreach support for the integration of citizen-based and non-traditional monitoring networks into the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership.

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