Projects for Sidney Anderson

Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument - NRCA

2024-05-15 — 2026-12-01

We are working with the National Park Service to understand the current condition of natural resources in Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument (KAWW). KAWW was designated as a national monument in 2016 and protects 87,500 acres of mountains, forests, and rivers in northern Maine. The scenic views and abundant wildlife make this a popular recreation destination for outdoor enthusiast.

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Storm surge in Cambridge, MD. Photo by Logan Bilbrough.

Eastport and Pine Street Adaptation Report Cards

2023-11-15 — 2025-05-31

Community-based planning and action is essential to help Maryland’s coastal communities prepare for and adapt to climate change. However, every community is different, both in terms of the actions needed to adapt to climate change and their capacity to plan and implement those actions.

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COAST Card logo

Coastal Ocean Assessment for Sustainability and Transformation (COAST Card)

2021-02-25 — 2025-07-31

The Coastal Ocean Assessment for Sustainability and Transformation (COAST) Card is a transnational and transdisciplinary research program funded through the Belmont Forum, a consortium of research funders that have targeted funds towards research that engages stakeholders into a co-design and co-development process, to foster solutions to global sustainability challenges. The project brings together researchers from the United States, Philippines, Norway, India, and Japan.

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Support of Community Engagement Core

2018-09-30 —

UMCES is working with the University of South Carolina Center for Oceans and Human Health to develop a work plan to help lead community engagement and research synthesis activities for the Community Engagement Core. The plan is envisioned to include stakeholder and researcher workshops to enhance two-way communication between community interests and the research communities.

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Chesapeake Bay Report Card Expansion

2018-01-01 — 2025-09-30

Incorporating novel indicators into the Chesapeake Bay Report Card. Make key improvements to the Chesapeake Bay Report Card, which has served since 2006 as the definitive source for ecosystem health status in the Bay and tidal tributaries.

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Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative: Integrating Citizen-based and Other Nontraditional Monitoring

2015-05-15 —

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Inc. (Alliance) in partnership with the Izaak Walton League of America (League), the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) at Dickinson College, and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Integration and Application Network (UMCES IAN) will provide technical, logistical, and outreach support for the integration of citizen-based and non-traditional monitoring networks into the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership.

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