Scenario Planning with USGS
Scenario Planning with USGS
IAN has joined forces with the National Climate Change & Wildlife Science Center. The NCCWSC was created by Congress in 2008 to provide scientific information to assist managers of the Nation's fish, wildlife, and their habitats in responding to climate change. The NCCWSC is a part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Climate and Land Use Change Mission Area (CLU) and acts as the managing entity for the eight Department of the Interior (DOI) Climate Science Centers (CSCs) located throughout the country. IAN is to provide data compilation and synthesis services for climate change research activities operating through the NCCWSC’s Climate Science Center’s. This has begun by assisting in a pilot project for boreal forests in Northeastern United States led by the Wildlife Conservation Society in collaboration with the Northeast Climate Science Center and North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative. The project utilizes scenario planning to inform land and wildlife management on issues related to climate change, the boreal forest, and moose.
Key Personnel
- Start: 2014-11-01
- Finish: 2015-03-10
- Duration: 4 months