State of the Bays Data Analysis and Visualization
State of the Bays Data Analysis and Visualization
The Delaware Center for Inland Bays is working to oversee and facilitate the implementation of a long-term approach for the wise use and enhancement of the Inland Bays watershed. The Center’s mission is “to preserve, protect and restore Delaware’s Inland Bays and their watershed,” which is achieved through education, outreach, science & research, restoration, and public policy. UMCES is providing assistance to the Delaware Center for Inland Bays to help them with portions of the State of the Inland Bays Report. UMCES will also create a website for the State of the Inland Bays on UMCES is working with Delaware Center for Inland Bays staff to review previous analysis methods and determine the best analysis methods to use in the 2020 State of the Bays Report. Water quality indicators to analyze are Chlorophyll a, Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen, Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus, Water Clarity, and Dissolved Oxygen.
Key Personnel

- Start: 2021-04-01
- Finish: 2022-03-01
- Duration: 11 months