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James Tributary Summary: A summary of trends in tidal water quality and associated factors, 1985-2021 (Page 1)

James Tributary Summary: A summary of trends in tidal water quality and associated factors, 1985-2021

Sullivan B, Gootman K, Gunnerson A, Johnson C, Mason C, Perry E, Bhatt G, Keisman J, Webber J, Harcum J, Lane M, Devereux O, Zhang Q, Murphy R, Karrh R, Butler T, Van Note V, Wei Z ·
3 November 2023

The James Tributary Summary outlines change over time for a suite of monitored tidal water quality parameters and associated potential drivers of those trends for the period 1985 – 2021 and provides a brief description of the current state of knowledge explaining these observed changes.

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Potomac Tributary Report: A summary of trends in tidal water quality and associated factors, 1985-2018 (Page 1)

Potomac Tributary Report: A summary of trends in tidal water quality and associated factors, 1985-2018

Keisman J, Murphy RR, Devereux OH, Harcum J, Karrh R, Lane M, Perry E, Webber J, Wei Z, Zhang Q, Petenbrink M ·
18 December 2020

The Potomac Tributary Report summarizes change over time in a suite of monitored tidal water quality parameters and associated potential drivers of those trends for the time period 1985 – 2018, and provides a brief description of the current state of knowledge explaining these observed changes.

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