Shenandoah National Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (Page 1)  
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Shenandoah National Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment

Assessment of natural resource condition within Shenandoah National Park was carried out using the National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program Vital Signs ecological monitoring framework. The park was categorized into six reporting areas based on two altitudes and three major geology types underlying Shenandoah National Park. Thirty-one metrics were analyzed for 14 indicators grouped into four categories: Air Resources, Terrestrial Resources, Aquatic Resources, and Landscape Dynamics. Overall, the natural resources of Shenandoah National Park were in moderate condition, based on significant concern for air resources, and moderate concern for terrestrial and aquatic resources and landscape dynamics.


Author(s)Costanzo SD, Lookingbill T, Walsh B, Fries A, Spitzer S, Hawkey J, Vargas V, Webb B, Easby S, Goelst C, Rouch M.
IAN Author(s)Simon Costanzo, Brianne Walsh, Alexandra Fries, Suzanne Webster, Jane Hawkey, Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen
Date Published2016-08-10
ProjectShenandoah National Park science communication products
Location(s)Shenandoah National Park
Number of Pages242
Filesize28.4 MB
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