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    589 results for "seagrass":

    • Cymodocea nodosa
      Cymodocea nodosa ... Illustration of Cymodocea nodosa ... seagrass, SAV, Plantae, vascular, Magnoliophyta, angiosperm, flowering plant, Liliopsida, monocot, Alismatidae, Najadales, Cymod...
    • Trapa natans (Water Chestnut)
      Trapa natans (Water Chestnut) ... Illustration of Trapa natans (Water Chestnut) ... seagrass, SAV, water, chestnut, Plantae, vascular, Magnoliophyta, angiosperm, flowering plant, Magnoliopsida, dicot, Rosidae, My...
    • Seagrass restoration
      Seagrass restoration ... Illustration of seagrass restoration ... management, restoration, seagrass, SAV, plant, community, assemblage, substrate, sediment, recover, habitat ... Tracey Saxby...
    • Organochlorine and heavy metal concentrations in blubber and liver tissue collected from Queensland (Australia) dugong (Dugong dugon)
      ...c activities. ... bioaccumulation, dioxins, dugongs, Great Barrier Reef, heavy metals, marine mammals, organochlorines, seagrass ... Bill Dennison ... Haynes D, Carter S, Gaus C, Muller J, and Dennison WC...
    • Ecophysiology of the marine cyanobacterium, Lyngbya majuscula (Oscillatoriaceae) in Moreton Bay, Australia
      ...se amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorometry assessments of photosynthetic capacity. The effects of L. majuscula on various seagrasses in the bloom region were also assessed with repeated biomass sampling. The bloom commenced in January 2000 following...
    • Lagoon scale processes in a coastally influenced Caribbean system: Implications for the seagrass Thalassia testudinum
      Lagoon scale processes in a coastally influenced Caribbean system: Implications for the seagrass Thalassia testudinum ... The Bocas del Toro archipelago in the Caribbean sea on the northwest coast of Panama has high...
    • Influence of submarine springs and wastewater on nutrient dynamics of Caribbean seagrass meadows
      Influence of submarine springs and wastewater on nutrient dynamics of Caribbean seagrass meadows ... The east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, consists of highly permeable limestone, such that surface...
    • Diagram of Assawoman Bay
      Diagram of Assawoman Bay ... Diagram of Assawoman Bay. ... diagram, Coastal Bays, Maryland, Virginia, water quality, seagrass, benthic, fish, macroalgae ... Jane Thomas...
    • Diagram of Isle of Wight Bay
      ...am of Isle of Wight Bay ... Diagram of Isle of Wight Bay. ... diagram, Coastal Bays, Maryland, Virginia, water quality, seagrass, benthic, fish, macroalgae ... Jane Thomas...
    • Diagram of Newport Bay
      Diagram of Newport Bay ... Diagram of Newport Bay. ... diagram, Coastal Bays, Maryland, Virginia, water quality, seagrass, benthic, fish, macroalgae ... Jane Thomas...
    • Diagram showing differences between seagrass and macroalgae in the Coastal Bays
      Diagram showing differences between seagrass and macroalgae in the Coastal Bays ... Diagram showing differences between seagrass and macroalgae in the Coastal Bays. ... diagram, Coastal Bays, Maryland, Virginia, widgeongrass, Ruppia maritima, eelgr...
    • Diagram of Chincoteague Bay
      ...gram of Chincoteague Bay ... Diagram of Chincoteague Bay. ... diagram, Coastal Bays, Maryland, Virginia, water quality, seagrass, benthic, fish, macroalgae ... Jane Thomas...
    • Diagram of Sinepuxent Bay
      Diagram of Sinepuxent Bay ... Diagram of Sinepuxent Bay. ... diagram, Coastal Bays, Maryland, Virginia, water quality, seagrass, benthic, fish, macroalgae ... Jane Thomas...
    • Diagram of St. Martin River
      ...gram of St. Martin River ... Diagram of St. Martin River. ... diagram, Coastal Bays, Maryland, Virginia, water quality, seagrass, benthic, fish, macroalgae ... Jane Thomas...
    • Diagram showing ecosystem monitoring activities in the Coastal Bays
      ...wing ecosystem monitoring activities in the Coastal Bays. ... diagram, Coastal Bays, Maryland, Virginia, water quality, seagrass, groundwater, fish, macroalgae ... Jane Thomas...
    • Floating algal matts
      ...oating algal matts ... Dense floating matts of the macroalgae Chaetomorpha spp. in the Maryland Coastal Bays ... bloom, seagrass, eutrophication, anoxia ... Adrian Jones...
    • SAV Bed Marker Buoy
      ... Buoy ... SAV Bed Keep Out marker buoy to keep boats away and prevent propeller damage in the Maryland Coastal Bays ... seagrass, sign ... Adrian Jones...
    • Halophila ovalis (Paddle Weed)
      ...Paddle Weed) ... Illustration of the morphology of Halophila ovalis (paddle weed). ... illustration, morphology, label, seagrass, SAV, Plantae, vascular, Magnoliophyta, angiosperm, flowering plant, Liliopsida, monocot, Alismatidae, Hydrocharitales,...
    • Halophila spinulosa (Fern Seagrass)
      Halophila spinulosa (Fern Seagrass) ... Illustration of the morphology of Halophila spinulosa (fern seagrass). ... illustration, morphology, label, seagrass, SAV, Plantae, vascular, Magnoliophyta, angiosperm, flowering plant, Li...
    • Tropical seagrass ecosystem
      Tropical seagrass ecosystem ... Conceptual diagram illustrating tropical habitats for seagrass ecosystems. ... diagram, ecosystem, habitat, tropical, cyclone, seasonal turbid, reef, coastal, estuary, seagrass, SAV,...
    • Zostera capensis (Marine Eelgrass)
      ...elgrass) ... Illustration of the morphology of Zostera capensis (marine eelgrass). ... illustration, morphology, label, seagrass, SAV, Plantae, vascular, Magnoliophyta, angiosperm, flowering plant, Liliopsida, monocot, Alismatidae, Najadales, Zoste...
    • Thalassodendron ciliatum
      ...sodendron ciliatum ... Illustration of the morphology of Thalassodendron ciliatum. ... illustration, morphology, label, seagrass, SAV, Plantae, vascular, Magnoliophyta, angiosperm, flowering plant, Liliopsida, monocot, Alismatidae, Najadales, Cymod...
    • Evolution of seagrasses
      Evolution of seagrasses ... Conceptual diagram illustrating the evolution of seagrass species. ... diagram, seagrass, SAV, flowering plants, marine, Plantae, Angiosperms, Monocots, Alismatales, Hydrocharitaceae, Zosteraceae, Cymodoceace...
    • Hydrilla verticillata (Waterthyme) 1
      Hydrilla verticillata (Waterthyme) 1 ... Illustration of Hydrilla verticillata (Waterthyme) ... seagrass, SAV, waterthyme, Esthwaite, waterweed, Plantae, vascular, Magnoliophyta, angiosperm, flowering plant, Liliopsida, mono...
    • Najas guadalupensis (Common Water Nymph)
      Najas guadalupensis (Common Water Nymph) ... Illustration of Najas guadalupensis (Common Water Nymph) ... seagrass, SAV, common, water, nymph, Plantae, vascular, Magnoliophyta, angiosperm, flowering plant, Liliopsida, monocot, Alismat...