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    207 results for "dennison":

    • Seagrass synthesis project
      Seagrass synthesis project ... Group photo of the workshop team members at the Moreton Bay Research Station. ... Bill Dennison participated in a project entitled "Australian seagrass habitats: Condition and threats" as part of the Australian Cent...
    • Special issue of Water Research & Education
      ...d to Dr. Peter Oliver, an educator who passed away last November, and includes two papers co-authored by Peter and Bill Dennison on immersive education and popular education....
    • Science communication course for the MEES Environmental Management students
      ...ice as part of the MEES Spring Semester Science for Environmental Management course being taught by Don Boesch and Bill Dennison. The course was attended by 12 PhD and Master's students within the MEES program and focused on conceptual diagrams and...
    • IAN's social media presence
      ...facebook likes and check-ins, our media tweets, our pinterest photos and diagrams, and our youtube seminar videos. Bill Dennison has started his own twitter account, and he and Bill Nuttle will be blogging together on the IAN website. Feel free to...
    • Science for Environmental Management course
      ...13 program, MEES 698Y: Special Topics in Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences is being taught by Don Boesch and Bill Dennison. This 3 credit course addresses the role of science in environmental management, using theory, case studies, practition...
    • EcoCheck transition
      EcoCheck transition ... a) EcoCheck global products and b) Caroline Wicks, Heath Kelsey, Russell Callender, Bill Dennison, and Ken Barton with a framed history of EcoCheck's first phase. ... EcoCheck was formed in 2004 as a partnership betwe...
    • International River Prize awarded to Willamette River, Oregon
      ...The 2012 recipient of the International RiverPrize is the Willamette River Initiative , based in Portland, Oregon. Bill Dennison (IRF Director) will be attending their biennial Within Our Reach conference : "Making Progress Towards a Healthier Will...
    • Science for Environmental Management course
      ...13 program, MEES 698Y: Special Topics in Marine-Estuarine-Environmental Sciences is being taught by Don Boesch and Bill Dennison. This 3 credit course addresses the role of science in environmental management, using theory, case studies, practition...
    • Shenandoah National Park natural resource condition assessment underway
      ...s. The project will run over the next 18 months with involvement from Simon Costanzo, Alex Fries, Tracey Saxby and Bill Dennison from IAN and Todd Lookingbill and Justin Madron from the University of Richmond....
    • Environmental report card workshop in Surfers Paradise, Australia
      Environmental report card workshop in Surfers Paradise, Australia ... Bill Dennison, Jane Thomas, Heath Kelsey, and IAN alumnus Tim Carruthers attended the AWERA environmental report card workshop. ... S...
    • Streamlining environmental reporting in the Pacific region
      Streamlining environmental reporting in the Pacific region ... Workshop attendees in Nadi, Fiji. ... Bill Dennison, Heath Kelsey, and Jane Thomas from IAN traveled to Nadi, Fiji to facilitate a workshop held March 20-21, aimed at stre...
    • Assessing the vulnerability of the Great Barrier Reef to climate change
      ...ge ... Ove Hoegh-Guldberg discussing the synergistic effects of various climate change impacts on coral reefs. ... Bill Dennison, Heath Kelsey, and Jane Thomas recently attended a Great Barrier Reef Foundation workshop to develop a synthetic public...
    • Bay Action Plan Blog
      ...25-step science-based proposal by 57 senior policymakers and scientists determined to clean up the Chesapeake Bay. Bill Dennison from IAN is a regular blog contributor....
    • South East Queensland Flood Newsletter
      ...newsletter outlines the impacts and effects through a conceptual diagram developed by the Flood Science Taskforce. Bill Dennison from IAN co-authored this Healthy Waterways newsletter. For further infomation, see the associated blog series ....
    • Dennison sabbatical in Queensland, Australia
      Dennison sabbatical in Queensland, Australia ... Bill at the International Water Centre. ... Bill Dennison will be based in Brisbane, Australia until July 2011 as part of a sabbatical at the International Water Centre . The In...
    • Bill Dennison gives keynote address on communicating science at the Latornell conference, Ontario, Canada
      Bill Dennison gives keynote address on communicating science at the Latornell conference, Ontario, Canada ... Bill giving his keynote...
    • Two international NGOs invite IAN to science outreach conference in Zanzibar
      ...esults to the local community of resource managers and resource users, many of whom are subsistence fishers. IAN's Bill Dennison, Jane Hawkey, and Kate Bentsen, along with Guiseppe DiCarlo from Conservation International were invited to conduct a o...
    • Citizens for Science seminar series
      ...health report cards , increase environmental literacy, and empower the public. In the first seminar of the series, Bill Dennison talks about the Challenges and advantages of using citizen scientists for environmental monitoring ....
    • Conservation International booklets released
      Conservation International booklets released ... Tim Carruthers, Giselle Samonte, Bill Dennison, Leah Bunce Karrer, Tim Noviello, and John Tschirky celebrating publication of the booklets at Conservational Internati...
    • NASA workshop on data use and modeling for Chesapeake Bay research and applications
      ...he NASA workshop on data use and modeling for Chesapeake Bay research and applications. ... On March 29, IAN staff Bill Dennison and Kris Beckert and EcoCheck staff Heath Kelsey and Christine Thurber met with NASA staff scientists at the Goddard Sp...
    • LOICZ Scientific Steering Committee Meeting in Chennai, India
      ...nnai, India ... Tim facilitating one of the sessions at the 2010 LOICZ SSC in Chennai, India. ... Taking over from Bill Dennison, Tim Carruthers is continuing UMCES and IAN representation on the LOICZ (Land Ocean Interactions of the Coastal Zone) S...
    • New IAN Seminar Series launched
      ...he Scientific Technical Analysis and Reporting (S.T.A.R.) meeting in conjunction with the Chesapeake Bay Program . Bill Dennison presented the first lecture, entitled " Chesapeake Bay health: What causes positive and negative trajectories? " in Jan...
    • Workshop in Colonial National Historical Park kicks off natural resource assessment
      ...Historical Park kicks off natural resource assessment ... Statue of Captain John Smith at Historic Jamestowne. ... Bill Dennison, Tim Carruthers, Jane Thomas, and Kate Bentsen traveled to Colonial National Historical Park on March 10-11 to initiate...
    • NPS workshops on natural resource assessments and lessons learned
      ... IAN staff meeting with National Park Service staff at Monocacy National Battlefield. ... On January 27, IAN staff Bill Dennison, Tim Carruthers, and Jane Thomas met with natural resource staff from Antietam National Battlefield , Monocacy National...
    • Science communication course in Canada
      Science communication course in Canada ... A conceptual diagram hand-drawn by one of the participants. ... Bill Dennison (IAN) and Caroline Wicks ( EcoCheck ) headed to Toronto, Ontario on May 11th to teach a Science Communication Course wi...