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    207 results for "dennison":

    • Science of Marine Managed Areas
      ...op in Boston. ... Continuing work with Conservation International's Marine Management Area Science (MMAS) program, Bill Dennison, Tim Carruthers, Caroline Wicks, and Jane Thomas from IAN and Ecocheck attended workshops in Boston in December 2009 an...
    • STAR team formed at Chesapeake Bay Program
      ...eling, geographic information science, web, and information management scientists and will be initially chaired by Bill Dennison. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science staff at the Chesapeake Bay Program (Katie Foreman, Jeni Keism...
    • Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation conference in Portland, Oregon
      ...ssions, presented both paper and electronic posters, and made presentations. IAN participants were Tim Carruthers, Bill Dennison, Ben Fertig, Katie Foreman, Adrian Jones, Jeni Keisman, Heath Kelsey, Bill Nuttle, Tracey Saxby, Jane Thomas, Ping Wang...
    • IAN hosts climate change workshops
      ...bay & aquatic ecosystems, forests & terrestrial ecosystems, human health, and growth & infrastructure. Bill Dennison and Dave Nemazie have facilitated the first meetings. Common themes have been maintaining connections between sectors,...
    • Science communication course for the Ohio Division of Wildlife
      ...ience communication course for the Ohio Division of Wildlife ... Course participants on the Ohio State campus. ... Bill Dennison and Emily Nauman taught a science communication course at Ohio State University (OSU) for a team from the Ohio Division...
    • Tim Carruthers new member of LOICZ SSC
      ...LOICZ is one of the sub-committees of the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP) . Tim takes over from Bill Dennison, who has sat on the SSC for the past six years, teaching courses, developing products and working with LOICZ staff to p...
    • IAN sponsors MEES Colloquium: "Applying Science: Chesapeake Bay and beyond"
      ...ental policies. We had a special guest speaker, NASA astronaut Ricky Arnold (a MEES graduate and former student of Bill Dennison), who gave an entertaining and informative talk on his recent Space Shuttle mission to the International Space Station....
    • EBM Tools Network webinar on science communication
      ...work webinar on science communication ... EBM Tools Network webinar on science communication. ... On September 30, Bill Dennison and Tim Carruthers presented a webinar on tools for science communication for the Ecosystem-Based Management Tools Netw...
    • IAN attends 12th International Riversymposium in Brisbane, Australia
      ...lia ... The winners of the 2009 International River prize - Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, Canada. ... Bill Dennison and Jane Thomas from IAN attended the 12 th International River symposium in Brisbane, Australia. This year's theme was...
    • Accelerating loss of seagrasses across the globe threatens coastal ecosystems
      ...s, coral reefs, and tropical rainforests and place seagrass meadows among the most threatened ecosystems on earth. Bill Dennison and Tim Carruthers from IAN were co-authors on this paper, published as an open access online article in the Proceeding...
    • LOICZ Dahlem-type Workshop
      ...ation and ideas between different fields, and the development of new theses on the basis of well-founded research. Bill Dennison and Michael Williams from IAN participated in a week long Dahlem-type workshop on the outskirts of Oslo, Norway. The wo...
    • Development of water transparency criteria for Florida seagrass
      ...h transparency is too low for healthy seagrass beds. A workshop of experts was convened by DEP, and facilitated by Bill Dennison and Caroline Wicks, to determine what factors affect light in seagrass beds and what transparency criteria have already...
    • George Wright Society meeting in Portland, Oregon.
      ...ociety meeting in Portland, Oregon. ... Habitat-based natural resource condition assessment of Rock Creek Park ... Bill Dennison and Tim Carruthers attended the George Wright Society conference in Portland, Oregon. Along with Shawn Carter, a Nation...
    • Lisa Florkowski completes her Master's thesis
      ...isa Florkowski completes her Master's thesis ... Lisa with her thesis committee (left to right): Todd Lookingbill, Bill Dennison, Shawn Carter and Tim Carruthers. ... In April, Lisa Florkowski successfully defended her Master's thesis: " Developmen...
    • IAN staff hold workshop with Shenandoah National Park Resource Managers
      ...onal Park Resource Managers ... Park Service and IAN staff at Shenandoah National Park Headquarters. ... IAN staff Bill Dennison, Joanna Woerner, and Ben Fertig traveled to Shenandoah National Park Headquarters on Feb 25-26 to design a booklet enti...
    • Assessment of Natural Resource Condition, Assateague Island National Seashore
      ...eeting for the Assateague Island National Seashore assessment project. The meeting was attended by staff from IAN (Bill Dennison, Tim Carruthers, Michael Williams, and Jane Thomas) and Horn Point Laboratory (Tom Fisher and Greg Radcliffe), as well...
    • Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Science Conference
      ...ght Panel for the Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Science Conference. ... Drs. Bill Boicourt, Ed Houde and Bill Dennison from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science served on the Scientific Oversight Panel for the Flori...
    • Integration and Application Network facilitates workshop on water transparency criteria for Florida seagrasses
      ...es workshop on water transparency criteria for Florida seagrasses ... Group of experts assembled for workshop. ... Bill Dennison and Caroline Wicks traveled to Orlando, Florida to facilitate a workshop held by the Florida Department of Environmenta...
    • National Estuarine Research Reserves System Conference
      ...elta; 15 N as a bioindicator of waste nitrogen and degraded water quality in a sub-estuary of Chesapeake Bay , and Bill Dennison gave a plenary talk at the annual conference of the National Estuarine Research Reserves System (NERRS) in Pacific Grov...
    • River Journeys published
      ...vides personal accounts derived from interviews with Riverprize recipients over the past 10 years. Jane Thomas and Bill Dennison of the Integration and Application Network made contributions to River Journeys, including a summary chapter. Jane Thom...
    • REU students trained in Science Communication
      ...ence communication . Students residing at both Horn Point Laboratory and Chesapeake Biological Laboratory met with Bill Dennison, Jane Thomas, Ben Fertig, and IAN intern Hilary Stevens at the Annapolis Synthesis Center to draw conceptual diagrams a...
    • Integrating Science with Park Management Decisions Workshop
      ...ence communication, barriers to effectiveness, thresholds, web tools, printed products, and assessment approaches. Bill Dennison and Shawn Carter presented the approach being developed in the National Capital Region Network parks and facilitated a...
    • Science Communication Course for Chesapeake Bay Program staffers
      ...ctively course to the Chesapeake Bay Program staffers on Tuesday April 29. Jane Thomas and Jane Hawkey, along with Bill Dennison, instructed the course to the 11 staffers in the Annapolis Synthesis Center. The staffers are participating in the thre...
    • San Francisco Estuary report card scoping workshop
      ...coping workshop was organized by Drs. Erica Fleishman (NCEAS), Wim Kimmerer ( San Francisco State University ) and Bill Dennison (IAN). Workshop participants developed a report card framework based on the pelagic organism decline in the San Francis...
    • Reef Plan Monitoring: Marine Water Quality Impacts
      ...e monitoring program. This newsletter summarizes the outcomes from the Marine Integration Workshop, facilitated by Bill Dennison (IAN), Ben Longstaff (EcoCheck), and Jane Thomas (IAN)....