Ben Fertig
Assistant Professor
Community College of Baltimore County, School of Math and Science

Mailing Address
Ben Fertig
Assistant Professor
Community College of Baltimore County, School of Math and Science
Capital building (PHOTO)
Acid mine tailings (PHOTO)
Anemone (PHOTO)
Bill gets interviewed (PHOTO)
Cliff dwelling birds (PHOTO)
David caught a frothing crab (PHOTO)
Death Valley National Park (PHOTO)
Death Valley National Park (PHOTO)
Drum Point Lighthouse (PHOTO)
Exothermic reaction (PHOTO)
Great Smoky Mountain National Park (PHOTO)
Great Smoky Mountain National Park (PHOTO)
Great Smoky Mountain National Park (PHOTO)
Great Smoky Mountain National Park (PHOTO)
Great Smoky Mountain National Park (PHOTO)
Great Smoky Mountain National Park (PHOTO)
Great Smoky Mountain National Park (PHOTO)
Moon jellyfish (Aurelia labiata) (PHOTO)
Oyster dredge (PHOTO)
Pacific Blue Tang (Paracanthurus hepatus) (PHOTO)
Sea nettles (Chrysaora fuscescens) (PHOTO)
Shenandoah Mountain Range (PHOTO)
The Doser (PHOTO)
Tree-lined Skyline Drive (PHOTO)
Waterfall along the road (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Cherry blossoms (PHOTO)
Empty Annapolis Marina (PHOTO)
Fieldwork in Maryland's Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Fisherman's Wharf (PHOTO)
Forest in Maui (PHOTO)
Garden in the Garden District (PHOTO)
Idle Fishing Rods (PHOTO)
Kelp forest (PHOTO)
Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus) (PHOTO)
Mountain ridge (PHOTO)
Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) (PHOTO)
Palm tree in the wind (PHOTO)
Power lines among the fields (PHOTO)
Purple Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) (PHOTO)
Rainforest in Maui (PHOTO)
Road in the Sky (PHOTO)
Sand dollars (Dendraster excentricus) (PHOTO)
Skilletfish found among oyster shells in Maryland's Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Strangler fig tree and epiphytes (PHOTO)
Tree along the River Isar (PHOTO)
Urban stream in Szombathely (PHOTO)
White Tailed Buck (PHOTO)
Withered corn during a drought (PHOTO)
Withered sunflowers (PHOTO)
Acid mine tailing mitigation (PHOTO)
Budapest on the Danube River (PHOTO)
Charleston Beaches (PHOTO)
Cycas revoluta (PHOTO)
Dolphin Show (PHOTO)
Garden of Eden (PHOTO)
Icicles over a rock outcrop (PHOTO)
Matthews Arm campground (PHOTO)
Naval Academy (PHOTO)
Preparation of field equipment (PHOTO)
Silouetted rainforest (PHOTO)
Skyline Drive (PHOTO)
tributary of Monie Bay (PHOTO)
Acid mine tailings headwaters (PHOTO)
Blossoms at Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Canaan Valley State Park (PHOTO)
Canaan Valley State Park (PHOTO)
Canaan Valley State Park (PHOTO)
Duck (PHOTO)
Ferns at Shenandoah (PHOTO)
Grapevines in a vineyard (PHOTO)
Growing grapes (PHOTO)
Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Lafayette Cemetary, Garden District (PHOTO)
Mitigating acid mine tailings (PHOTO)
Old tree (PHOTO)
Rainforest on Maui (PHOTO)
Raingear on the Patuxent (PHOTO)
Roots and Ferns (PHOTO)
Scubby tree on Telescope Peak trail (PHOTO)
Stream (PHOTO)
Trail outlined by roots (PHOTO)
Waterfall and stream in Canaan Valley State Park (PHOTO)
White flower found on Maui (PHOTO)
Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Clouds above the rainforest (PHOTO)
Fishing with General Pershing (PHOTO)
Lafayette Cemetary, Garden District (PHOTO)
Landshut, Germany (PHOTO)
Landshut, Germany (PHOTO)
Landshut, Germany (PHOTO)
Palm trees and a parking lot (PHOTO)
Pine tree (PHOTO)
Snow at high altitude (PHOTO)
Starfish (PHOTO)
Telescope Peak (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Big Sky and trees (PHOTO)
Great Smoky Mountain National Park (PHOTO)
Lazy sea lions (PHOTO)
Meadows (PHOTO)
Olive grove (PHOTO)
Rocky coast of Maui (PHOTO)
Unusual grass rockfish (PHOTO)
Waxy flower (PHOTO)
Buoys in Monie Creek (PHOTO)
Calipers (PHOTO)
Charleston Beaches (PHOTO)
Checking equipment on the Aquarius (PHOTO)
Drying oven (PHOTO)
Fishing net (PHOTO)
Grinding with mortar and pestle (PHOTO)
Ground oyster tissue (PHOTO)
Ground oyster tissue and tin capsule (PHOTO)
Oyster shells for restoration (PHOTO)
Oyster shells for restoration (PHOTO)
Palm Sunset (PHOTO)
Plankton collection (PHOTO)
Raingear on deck (PHOTO)
Sampling bacteria and viruses in Monie Bay, NERRS (PHOTO)
Sediment core preparation (PHOTO)
Sediment grab (PHOTO)
Sediment slurries (PHOTO)
Sifting for benthic organisms (PHOTO)
Snow on the rocks (PHOTO)
Urban stream (PHOTO)
Urban stream (PHOTO)
Water sample preparation (PHOTO)
Brood X Cicada (PHOTO)
Cages for deploying oyster biological indicators (PHOTO)
Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) (PHOTO)
Haleakala Crater, Maui (PHOTO)
Luray Caverns (PHOTO)
Luray Caverns (PHOTO)
Measurements in the rain (PHOTO)
Mine Tailings (PHOTO)
Oysters growing on rocks (PHOTO)
R/V Aquarius (PHOTO)
Salamander in Canaan Valley State Park (PHOTO)
Severn River Report Card Release (PHOTO)
Spring water flows at Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
White tailed fawn (PHOTO)
Acidic mine tailings in stream (PHOTO)
Cages for deploying oyster biological indicators (PHOTO)
Fishing Pier at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel (PHOTO)
Fishing net trap door (PHOTO)
Landshut on the River Isar (PHOTO)
Newsletter Layout exercise (PHOTO)
Nutria (Myocaster coypus) (PHOTO)
Sediment grab sampler (PHOTO)
Camel (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel (PHOTO)
Death Valley National Park (PHOTO)
Fishing rods along a pier (PHOTO)
Gas chromatograph with electron capture detector (PHOTO)
Kayaking at Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Luray Caverns (PHOTO)
Oysters and barnacles on a piling (PHOTO)
Sheep (PHOTO)
Treasury Hall at Petra, Jordan (PHOTO)
View from Haleakala (PHOTO)
Willow on the Isar River (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Budapest on the Danube River (PHOTO)
Church at Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
City Dock in Annapolis (PHOTO)
Olive grove (PHOTO)
Park overpass (PHOTO)
Redistributing Oyster Gardens (PHOTO)
Wading at Blackwater (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Collecting water samples (PHOTO)
Conceptual Diagram workshop with National Park Service (PHOTO)
Ghost crab pot (PHOTO)
Locust (PHOTO)
Newsletter Layout exercise (PHOTO)
Newsletter Layout exercise (PHOTO)
Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) (PHOTO)
Pony (PHOTO)
Silversword atop Haleakala (PHOTO)
Sitting off the dock on the Bay (PHOTO)
Slope and elevation (PHOTO)
View along Appalachian Trail (PHOTO)
Collected oysters (PHOTO)
Purple-striped Jelly (Chrysaora colorata) (PHOTO)
agriculture in Bavaria (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Annapolis Rocks (PHOTO)
Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Island in the river at Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Oysters growing along rocks (PHOTO)
Rainforest in Haleakala National Park (PHOTO)
Stream in Haleakala National Park (PHOTO)
Stream in Maui (PHOTO)
Vista from Skyline Drive (PHOTO)
Vista from Skyline Drive (PHOTO)
Isar River, Germany (PHOTO)
Nutria (Myocaster coypus) (PHOTO)
Budapest on the Danube River (PHOTO)
Dune grasses in bloom (PHOTO)
Rainbow over the Choptank (PHOTO)
Taylor float for oyster gardening (PHOTO)
Wetland Bird (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Charleston Beaches (PHOTO)
Maui's harbour (PHOTO)
Myna bird in a palm tree (PHOTO)
Sailboat (PHOTO)
Vista from Shenandoah National Park (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Boardwalk (PHOTO)
Charleston Beaches (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Foundation Oyster Gardening (PHOTO)
Curve of the creek (PHOTO)
Haleakala Crater (PHOTO)
High tide in Little Creek (PHOTO)
Low tide along a salt marsh (PHOTO)
Low tide along a salt marsh (PHOTO)
Low tide in a salt marsh (PHOTO)
Marsh buffer (PHOTO)
Marsh grasses at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Monie Creek (PHOTO)
Oyster Spat on Shell (PHOTO)
Planting oysters onto restoration reef (PHOTO)
Red Fungi (PHOTO)
Salt Marsh on Little Creek (PHOTO)
Salt Marsh on Monie Creek (PHOTO)
Sunset over Patuxent River (PHOTO)
Transporting Oysters (PHOTO)
View of the valley and clouds from Haleakala (PHOTO)
Vista from Skyline Drive (PHOTO)
low tide along a salt marsh (PHOTO)
tributary of Monie Bay (PHOTO)
Oyster (PHOTO)
The eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) (PHOTO)
Budapest on the Danube River (PHOTO)
Intertidal zone of Cadiz, Spain (PHOTO)
Palm trees (PHOTO)
Praying mantis (PHOTO)
Stunted plant growth along Haleakala (PHOTO)
Alligator (PHOTO)
Bavarian farmhouse (PHOTO)
Cages for oyster biological indicators (PHOTO)
Fine sediments from Patuxent River (PHOTO)
Myna bird on Maui (PHOTO)
Old and new coastal development (PHOTO)
Oyster biological indicators (PHOTO)
Secchi disc on ice (PHOTO)
Sediment core preparation (PHOTO)
Water sample analysis (PHOTO)
Big sky at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Butterfly (PHOTO)
Johnson Bay (PHOTO)
Maui's coastline (PHOTO)
Tide pools along the lava rocks of Maui's coast (PHOTO)
Tide pools in lava rocks (PHOTO)
Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Conceptual diagramming workshop at Shenandoah National Park (PHOTO)
Great Smoky Mountain National Park (PHOTO)
Patterns in the sand (PHOTO)
Rock outcropping (PHOTO)
Vista in Shenandoah National Park (PHOTO)
Alfara de Carles (PHOTO)
Alfara de Carles (PHOTO)
Alfara de Carles in silouette (PHOTO)
Blackfooted penguin (Spheniscus demersus) (PHOTO)
Fieldwork in Maryland's Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Luray Caverns (PHOTO)
Luray Caverns (PHOTO)
Pelican (PHOTO)
Rocky intertidal (PHOTO)
View of Lanai from Kaanapali (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Lookout at Blackwater Falls State Park (PHOTO)
Plankton net (PHOTO)
View along Appalachian Trail (PHOTO)
Vista from Skyline Drive (PHOTO)
Vista from the Garden of Eden (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Beach Development (PHOTO)
Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Budapest on the Danube River (PHOTO)
Budapest on the Danube River (PHOTO)
Budapest on the Danube River (PHOTO)
Charleston Beaches (PHOTO)
Charleston Beaches (PHOTO)
Ornate architechture (PHOTO)
Praying mantis (PHOTO)
Rainclouds over Maui's coast (PHOTO)
Top of a waterfall (PHOTO)
Wrought iron balconies (PHOTO)
Have A Nice Bay! (PHOTO)
Charleston Beaches (PHOTO)
Charleston Beaches (PHOTO)
Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Big Branch Marsh National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Burn management (PHOTO)
Burn management (PHOTO)
Frozen Choptank River (PHOTO)
Jetty in the frozen Choptank River (PHOTO)
Lilly pads (PHOTO)
Luray Caverns (PHOTO)
Sea lion (PHOTO)
Shenandoah (PHOTO)
Sunset at Mesquite Flats campground (PHOTO)
Winter at the Horn Point dock (PHOTO)
Kayaking among the rocks (PHOTO)
Ducks at Blackwater (PHOTO)
Wind swept tree (PHOTO)
Wind twisted tree on mountainside (PHOTO)
Duke of Gloucester St Church (PHOTO)
Iron balconies (PHOTO)
Strait of Gibralter (PHOTO)
Residential development and marsh along Monie Creek (PHOTO)
Rocky Outcropping (PHOTO)
Vista from Shenandoah National Park (PHOTO)
Exposed root structure (PHOTO)
Haleakala crater (PHOTO)
Historic Maryland (PHOTO)
Monie Creek (PHOTO)
Great Smoky Mountain National Park (PHOTO)
Lafayette Cemetary, Garden District (PHOTO)
Science Communication products (PHOTO)
Golf course at Ocean Pines (PHOTO)
Balmy Palmy Sunset in Maui (PHOTO)
Coastal fort (PHOTO)
Deploying oyster bioindicators (PHOTO)
Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Lock system for canal at Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Lookout at Blackwater Falls State Park (PHOTO)
Lookout at Blackwater Falls State Park (PHOTO)
Lookout at Blackwater Falls State Park (PHOTO)
Palms with a view (PHOTO)
Railroad and St. Peter's Church at Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Sailing in Annapolis (PHOTO)
Town of Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Town of Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
View out into Maui's valley (PHOTO)
buoys at low tide (PHOTO)
Bike-friendly subway entrance (PHOTO)
Look far and wide (PHOTO)
Rober Lee docks at Horn Point Lab (PHOTO)
Battlement of the Parador de Tortosa (PHOTO)
Fort at Cadiz (PHOTO)
Hard Rock Cafe, Baltimore (PHOTO)
Lafayette Cemetary, Garden District (PHOTO)
Lafayette Cemetary, Garden District (PHOTO)
Lookout at Blackwater Falls State Park (PHOTO)
Oysters on rocks (PHOTO)
Snake hiding in crevass (PHOTO)
US Coast Guard (PHOTO)
View above the clouds (PHOTO)
Insect on Leaf (PHOTO)
Recreation and Industry (PHOTO)
Trawler (PHOTO)
Alligator (PHOTO)
Winter Secchi depth = 0 (PHOTO)
Buoy marking oyster biological indicators (PHOTO)
Canaan Valley State Park (PHOTO)
Collecting sediment cores (PHOTO)
Measuring water quality (PHOTO)
Strait of Gibralter (PHOTO)
Winter Secchi depth (PHOTO)
Ducks along the Isar River (PHOTO)
Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) (PHOTO)
Five oysters out of their shell (PHOTO)
Oyster out of its shell (PHOTO)
Building docks (PHOTO)
Dried oyster gills (PHOTO)
Residential development and forest along Monie Creek (PHOTO)
Luray Caverns (PHOTO)
Luray Caverns (PHOTO)
Black Snake at Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Lava rocks along Maui coast (PHOTO)
Lizard on a tree (PHOTO)
Oysters and algae on rocks (PHOTO)
Budapest on the Danube River (PHOTO)
Death Valley National Park (PHOTO)
Flowering grasses (PHOTO)
Insect (PHOTO)
Luna moth (Actias luna) (PHOTO)
Luna moth (Actias luna) (PHOTO)
Palm Tree at Sunset (PHOTO)
Lava Coast (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Annapolis Rocks (PHOTO)
Death Valley National Park (PHOTO)
Mesquite Flat Dunes (PHOTO)
Mesquite Flat Dunes (PHOTO)
Mesquite Flat Dunes in Death Valley National Park (PHOTO)
Rocky coast of Maui (PHOTO)
Waterfalls leading to the ocean (PHOTO)
Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Deploying oyster biological indicators (PHOTO)
Riverwalk along the River Isar (PHOTO)
(...)ey Ridge Visitor Center (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Bridge over the River Isar (PHOTO)
Dam along the River Isar, Germany (PHOTO)
Development amonst fields (PHOTO)
Ducks along the Isar River (PHOTO)
Landshut on the River Isar (PHOTO)
Landshut on the River Isar (PHOTO)
Coast of Maui (PHOTO)
Collecting oyster biological indicators (PHOTO)
Crane statues with a vista (PHOTO)
Development along Monie Creek (PHOTO)
Golf course adjacent to hardened shoreline (PHOTO)
Alligator (PHOTO)
Fall leaves (PHOTO)
Sediment slurry (PHOTO)
A black sand beach (PHOTO)
Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Hiking at Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Scrubby tree at high altitude (PHOTO)
Maui lava coast (PHOTO)
Title Pursuit (PHOTO)
Tree-lined Skyline Drive (PHOTO)
Zen and the Art of Science Communication (PHOTO)
Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Luray Caverns (PHOTO)
John Sarbanes at the Severn River Report Card Release (PHOTO)
Lone Dead Tree (PHOTO)
Tree and birdhouse (PHOTO)
Tree branches (PHOTO)
Severn River Report Card Release (PHOTO)
Luray Caverns (PHOTO)
Luray Caverns (PHOTO)
Mequite Flat Dunes at Death Valley National Park (PHOTO)
Haleakala above the clouds (PHOTO)
buoys in Little Monie Creek (PHOTO)
Luray Caverns (PHOTO)
Road up Haleakala (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Barren tree (PHOTO)
Spring canopy forms at Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Tree at Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Tree canopy in spring (PHOTO)
Lava coast (PHOTO)
Maui's lava coast (PHOTO)
Rocky coast of Maui (PHOTO)
Death Valley National Park (PHOTO)
Death Valley National Park (PHOTO)
Footprints atop the dunes (PHOTO)
Looking east at the Grapevine Mountains (PHOTO)
Mequite Flat Dunes at Death Valley National Park (PHOTO)
Mequite Flat Dunes in Death Valley National Park (PHOTO)
Oyster bags under a frozen river (PHOTO)
Alligator (PHOTO)
Flowers found at Harper's Ferry (PHOTO)
Fieldwork in Maryland's Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Fieldwork in Maryland's Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Fieldwork in Maryland's Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Fieldwork is fun! (PHOTO)
Preparing sediment cores in Maryland's Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Sediment slurries (PHOTO)
2008 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card (PHOTO)
Bike entrance to subway in Budapest (PHOTO)
Boats at low tide (PHOTO)
Landshut on the River Isar (PHOTO)
Assateague Island public beach (PHOTO)
Map of old Boston (PHOTO)
Poultry feeding operation (PHOTO)
Little Monie Creek (PHOTO)
Turning the corner in Little Monie Creek (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
ACE Basin National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Collecting oyster biological indicator buoys (PHOTO)
Assateague Island public beach (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Rana catesbeiana (American Bullfrog) (PHOTO)
Toxicodendron radicans (poison ivy) (PHOTO)
Virginia Wetlands (PHOTO)
Virginia Wetlands (PHOTO)
Water Culvert (PHOTO)
Rivulets (PHOTO)
Marsh at Shems Creek (PHOTO)
Drying rack (PHOTO)
Fouling of cages for oyster biological indicators (PHOTO)
Messy cages (PHOTO)
Monitoring water quality (PHOTO)
Small boat work (PHOTO)
UMCES Horn Point Lecture Hall (PHOTO)
Deploying Oysters in Monie Bay (PHOTO)
2008 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card (PHOTO)
Landshut on the River Isar (PHOTO)
Budapest on the Danube River (PHOTO)
Tractor (PHOTO)
Blue Angels (PHOTO)
Outhouse (PHOTO)
Delaware Bay (PHOTO)
Camping along a river in a forest (PHOTO)
Mt. Rainier National Park (PHOTO)
Mt. Rainier waterfall (PHOTO)
Amanita muscaria (PHOTO)
Ariolimax sp (PHOTO)
Astoria-Megler Bridge (PHOTO)
Coastal Woodland (PHOTO)
Fort Clatsop (PHOTO)
Nereocystis luetkeana (PHOTO)
Oregon Wetlands (PHOTO)
Oregon Wetlands (PHOTO)
Oregon Wetlands (PHOTO)
Shoreline of the Columbia River (PHOTO)
Douglas Fir (PHOTO)
Roadside Woodland (PHOTO)
Rachel Carson (PHOTO)
Teaching about climate change aboard the Rachel Carson (PHOTO)
Canoeing on the Jug Bay (PHOTO)
Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (PHOTO)
Rudbeckia hirta (PHOTO)
Jug Bay (PHOTO)
Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary (PHOTO)
Autoanalyzer (PHOTO)
Boston (PHOTO)
Boston (PHOTO)
Charles River shoreline (PHOTO)
Crowd of people (PHOTO)
Dead man's fingers (Codium fragile) (PHOTO)
Empty Beach (PHOTO)
Fish head skeleton (PHOTO)
Haymarket (PHOTO)
Isotope ratio mass spectrometer (PHOTO)
Isotope ratio mass spectrometer (PHOTO)
Isotope ratio mass spectrometer (PHOTO)
Isotope ratio mass spectrometer with water bath (PHOTO)
Marshy coast (PHOTO)
Meat market (PHOTO)
Shells on a beach (PHOTO)
Tall Ships (PHOTO)
Water samples (PHOTO)
Educating state officials (PHOTO)
Tall Ships (PHOTO)
Lion (PHOTO)
Peacock (PHOTO)
Collecting samples with the Parker (PHOTO)
Hardened shoreline associated with development (PHOTO)
SAV bed in the Choptank (PHOTO)
SAV in the Choptank (PHOTO)
Quiet Waters Park (PHOTO)
Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse (PHOTO)
Annapolis Rooftops (PHOTO)
Blue Angels (PHOTO)
Blue Angels (PHOTO)
Blue Angels at St. Johns College (PHOTO)
Blue Angels flying low in Annapolis (PHOTO)
BayStat (PHOTO)
Aerial view of Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Agriculture on Church Neck (PHOTO)
Agriculture on Occohannock Neck (PHOTO)
Agriculture on Occohannock Neck (PHOTO)
Agriculture on Occohannock Neck (PHOTO)
Agriculture on Occohannock Neck (PHOTO)
Agriculture on Virginia Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Broad Creek (PHOTO)
Cherry Island (PHOTO)
Cherry Island (PHOTO)
Chicken houses (PHOTO)
Church Neck (PHOTO)
Cod Harbor (PHOTO)
Cod Harbor (PHOTO)
Creek off the Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Creek off the Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Dames Quarter marsh (PHOTO)
Deal Island Road, Route 363 (PHOTO)
Deal Island and Deal Island Marsh (PHOTO)
Ditched marsh (PHOTO)
Ditches in Deal Island Marsh (PHOTO)
Ewell (PHOTO)
Fallow field (PHOTO)
Fallow fields (PHOTO)
Farm amidst the forest (PHOTO)
Farm near Diggs, Virginia (PHOTO)
Farms along Hungar Creek (PHOTO)
Farms at Church Neck (PHOTO)
Field outside Salisbury (PHOTO)
Field preparation (PHOTO)
Fields along Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Fishing Bay, on the Piankatank River (PHOTO)
Fishing Bay, on the Piankatank River (PHOTO)
Fleets Island (PHOTO)
Forest and fields along the Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Growing fields (PHOTO)
Gwynn Island (PHOTO)
Gwynn Island (PHOTO)
Gwynn Island (PHOTO)
Gwynn Island (PHOTO)
Gwynn Island (PHOTO)
Hungars Creek (PHOTO)
Laws Thorofare (PHOTO)
Laws Thorofare and Tangier Sound (PHOTO)
Little Creek (PHOTO)
Little Creek and Monie Bay (PHOTO)
Looking down the Wicomico (PHOTO)
Looking down the Wicomico (PHOTO)
Looking west at Cherry Island (PHOTO)
Marsh along Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Mobjack Bay (PHOTO)
Monie Bay (PHOTO)
Monie Bay and Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Monie Bay and Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Monie Bay and Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Monie Bay and Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Monie Bay and Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Monie Bay and Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Monie Bay and Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Monie Bay and Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Monie Bay and Wicomico River meet (PHOTO)
Monie Bay, NERR (PHOTO)
Monie Bay, NERR (PHOTO)
Monie Bay, NERR (PHOTO)
Nassawadox Creek (PHOTO)
Nassawadox Creek (PHOTO)
Nassawadox Creek (PHOTO)
Nassawadox Creek (PHOTO)
Nassawadox Creek (PHOTO)
Nassawadox Creek (PHOTO)
Nassawadox Creek (PHOTO)
New Point Campground (PHOTO)
New Point Comfort Preserve (PHOTO)
New Point, Virginia (PHOTO)
New Point, Virginia (PHOTO)
Nutters Crossing Golf Course (PHOTO)
Off the Nassawadox Creek (PHOTO)
Old Town Neck (PHOTO)
Pepper Creek (PHOTO)
Pepper Creek (PHOTO)
Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
Point Breeze (PHOTO)
Port Hollywood (PHOTO)
Rappahannock River (PHOTO)
Rappahannock River (PHOTO)
Residential development (PHOTO)
Riparian buffers (PHOTO)
Riparian buffers (PHOTO)
Route 363, Deal Island Road (PHOTO)
Rusted tin roof (PHOTO)
Shiles Creek (PHOTO)
South Marsh Island (PHOTO)
Spit off Gwynn Island (PHOTO)
Spit off Gwynn Island (PHOTO)
Stingray Point (PHOTO)
Stingray Point (PHOTO)
Stutts Creek (PHOTO)
Susan, Viriginia (PHOTO)
Tangier (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
The Gulf (PHOTO)
Tip of Great Neck (PHOTO)
Town of Fitchetts, VA (PHOTO)
Town of Wenona (PHOTO)
Towns of Moon and Fitchetts (PHOTO)
Tractor paths (PHOTO)
Tree farms on Occohannock Neck (PHOTO)
Tylerton and Rhodes Point (PHOTO)
Various crops (PHOTO)
Virginia (PHOTO)
Virginia (PHOTO)
Virginia (PHOTO)
Virginia (PHOTO)
Virginia (PHOTO)
Virginia (PHOTO)
Virginia (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginia's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Virginiga's Eastern Shore (PHOTO)
Wetlands surrounding Little Creek (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Educating state officials (PHOTO)
Educating state officials (PHOTO)
Biological Testing Site (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory pier (PHOTO)
Fishing in Maryland's Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Hard Shoreline (PHOTO)
Maryland Coastal Bays Tour (PHOTO)
Maryland Natural Resources Police (PHOTO)
Beach on Solomons Island, Maryland (PHOTO)
Choptank River Bridge (PHOTO)
Choptank Riverbank (PHOTO)
Marsh grass sample (PHOTO)
Osprey Nest (PHOTO)
Oyster Hatchery Tank (PHOTO)
Pandion haliaetus (Osprey) (PHOTO)
Phragmites australis subsp. americanus (PHOTO)
Crayfish (PHOTO)
Color Contrast (PHOTO)
Dry Stream Bed (PHOTO)
Field Station (PHOTO)
Field Station (PHOTO)
Field Station (PHOTO)
Leaves of Three, Let Them Be (PHOTO)
Mine Tailings (PHOTO)
Mine Tailings (PHOTO)
Mine Tailings (PHOTO)
Mine Tailings (PHOTO)
Mine Tailings in Savage River (PHOTO)
Mine Tailings in Savage River (PHOTO)
Mine Tailings in Savage River (PHOTO)
Mine Tailings in Savage River (PHOTO)
Savage River (PHOTO)
Still Waters (PHOTO)
Stone Bridge (PHOTO)
Stream Mitigation (PHOTO)
Traveling the Tracks (PHOTO)
Oyster delta N-15 as a Bioindicator of Potential Wastewater and Poultry Farming Impacts and Degraded Water Quality in a Subestuary of Chesapeake Bay (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Elucidating terrestrial nutrient sources to a coastal lagoon, Chincoteague Bay, Maryland, USA (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Oyster deltaN-15 as a Bioindicator of Potential Wastewater and Poultry Farming Impacts and Degraded Water Quality in a Subestuary of Chesapeake Bay (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Chapter 5: Ecological indicators: assessing ecosystem health using metrics (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 8: Environmental statistics: balancing simplicity and explanatory power (BOOK CHAPTER)
Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) [delta]15N as a bioindicator of nitrogen sources: Observations and modeling (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Upstream land use affects water quality in Maryland's Coastal Bays (NEWSLETTER)
Biological indicators enhance water quality monitoring in Maryland's Coastal Bays (NEWSLETTER)