4th European Conference on Coastal Lagoon Research

Adrian Jones ·
30 November 2009
Science Communication |     1 comments

ecolag logoBill Dennison is one of the keynote speakers at the 4th European Conference on Coastal Lagoon Research: Research and Management for the Conservation of Coastal Lagoon Ecosystems, South - North comparisons which aims to strengthen the scientific network specialized in the study of coastal lagoon ecosystems. The conference to be held in December is being hosted by the University of Montpellier. Scientists will report on advancements in many different thematic areas of coastal lagoon research, including biodiversity in lagoon ecosystems, conservation and valorization of natural heritage, biological adaptations of species to the gradients and environmental fluctuations that are characteristic for these transitional water ecosystems and their implications in aquaculture, environmental and socio-economic impact of sea level rise, etc.

About the author

Adrian Jones

Adrian has over 25 years experience in software development. He loves the challenge of building interactive data visualization tools, from the database to the front-end. He has worked with a wide range of businesses, universities, governmental, and non-governmental organizations around the world.

He also enjoys contributing to open source software and avidly follows the latest web and app development tools and frameworks.

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