Research Opportunity in Environmental Science

NPS DiagramA graduate student fellowship is available to work in a cooperative research program established between the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) and National Park Service (NPS). The purpose of this partnership is to enhance the integration of ecological data into environmental decision making. The successful applicant will synthesize park-based monitoring data, which include air, water, and biological resources, for the purpose of communicating trends or thresholds for ecological indicators (“vital signs”). One anticipated outcome of the fellowship will be to highlight the ecological value and regional context of National Parks within an urbanized setting. The student will have substantial interaction with statisticians, landscape ecologists, and science integrators/communicators collaborating on the project. The student will be based at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, ( and will be enrolled through the Marine Estuarine and Environmental Studies ( program of the University System of Maryland. Travel to National Capital Region parks and the NPS Center for Urban Ecology ( is also expected. The fellowship will cover stipend, tuition, travel and supplies. For more information contact Bill Dennison or Tim Carruthers (