Happy New Year from IAN
From everyone at the Integration & Application Network, we'd like to wish you a happy and productive year ahead. We have a new logo for 2012 and look forward to providing a wide variety of new products and services in the coming year.Baltimore Harbor Assessment

Seagrass Calendar 2012

100 million symbols downloaded

Welcome to Liza Hernandez and Daniel Levey

Liza Hernandez has joined UMCES and IAN as the Tidal Monitoring Analyst at the Chesapeake Bay Program Office. Liza received her Master's in Marine Science from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William & Mary. Previously, Liza worked as a NOAA trustee on vessels conducting research on the Gulf of Mexico. She looks forward to working closely with colleagues to develop the upcoming Chesapeake Bay report card, to provide assistant to the modeling team at the Bay Program, and to work towards the vision and mission of the Tidal Monitoring & Analysis Workgroup, of which she serves as the coordinator. In her spare time she enjoys the outdoors, going to the beach, traveling and learning, spending time with her dog, Lucy, and photography. Daniel Levey has joined IAN as a Science Communication Intern. He recently graduated high school and plans to attend Catholic University in the fall of 2012. Daniel has been assisting on a number of projects, including the IAN image and symbol libraries, the IAN Barrier Island /Sea-level Rise module, and seminar series videos. In his free time, Daniel enjoys making music and playing sports.