The Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord River system receives a grade of B

Massachusetts, USA. Congratulations to the team at OARS: For the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers on the release of their first report card! IAN worked closely with the OARS team throughout the report card process: facilitating the initial kick-off workshops, and consulting on the grading and final report card document. To learn more about the report card scores, and dig deeper into the data, visit:
Alexandria, VA

Bill, Emily, Heath, Katie May, Max, and Sky facilitated a 3-day workshop for about 40 participants hosted at NSF to develop evaluation models for transdisciplinary research. The workshop was hosted by the Belmont Forum, a global consortium of national level funding agencies that focus on co-development of solutions to societal problems.
Quezon City, Phillipines

Vanessa facilitated the "Get the Grade" game to kick-start the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Philippine Dept. of Env. and Natural Resources' project, "Eco-system-based Adaptation in 2 River Basins (E2RB)".
Annapolis, MD

IAN team members Dylan, Katie May, and Vanessa recently attended a week-long workshop at SESYNC called Summer Institute on Cyberinfrastructure. The workshop helped to improve their data gathering, interpreting and visualization skills. They were able to hone their coding skills and advance their understanding of social and ecological data systems.
Environment and Society course Fall 2019

This interdisciplinary course will introduce students to various approaches to studying environment and society and provide fundamental background in the theory and practice of coupled human and natural systems.
Check out the course flyer for more info