Now available: Verde River Watershed Report Card Newsletter

Andrew Elmore, Alex Fries, and Emily Nastase kicked-off the Verde River Watershed Report Card at the stakeholder workshop in Cottonwood, Arizona, November, 2018. Participants of the workshop worked together to conceptualize the watershed, create a shared vision, and determine potential indicators for the report card. The outcomes of the workshop are summarized in this newsletter.

IAN had a great showing for the bi-annual AGU meeting in December in Washington, D.C. IAN staff manned 2 booths: one displaying newsletters and videos created for the USGS: Climate Change Research Activities Synthesis Project and another displaying report cards and visualizations created in a collaborative effort with the WWF called Healthy Rivers for All. Read more in Yesenia's blog here.
Sea Level Rise

The updated projections for sea level rise in Maryland were recently summarized in a new report published on IAN Press: "Maryland Sea Level Rise: Projections for Maryland 2018". An expert team led by Don Boesch forecasts approximately one foot of sea level rise in the 2000-2050 time period. Read more here.
Belmont Forum
On December 8-10th 2018, IAN facilitated a Belmont Forum synthesis workshop in Washington D.C. Three groups of transdisciplinary research projects, focused on food security, mountains, and the Arctic, came together to share their findings and lessons learned. Stay tuned to IAN Press for the synthesis publication that is currently in the works!