Verde River Watershed Report Card

The Nature Conservancy and Friends of the Verde River released the first-ever Verde River Watershed Report Card in February. Overall, the Verde Watershed earned a score of 57%, a C+.
Gulf of Mexico Coral Reef Report Card

The Harte Institute and the University of Mexico at Sisal released the first-ever report card on the condition of coral reef ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico. The report card involved representatives from the US, Mexico, and Cuba.
2019 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card

For the first time, Chesapeake Bay watershed health was scored as part of the report card and scored a B-. The Chesapeake Bay health score dropped from a grade of C to a C-. In addition to ecological indicators, societal indicators were included for the first time.
COAST Card project launched

Coastal Ocean Assessment for Sustainability and Transformation (or COAST Card) launched virtually and continues to move forward. This project is funded under the Belmont Forum Ocean Sustainability Collaborative Research Action (CRA).
Western Lake Erie Report Card

This year, we launched the first-ever report card for the western basin of Lake Erie and its associated watershed. The report is the culmination of nearly two years of work among partners and contributors from Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Ontario. Based on 2018 data, the lake received a C and the watershed received a C+.
Lower Kafue River Basin Report Card

Our partners at World Wildlife Fund Zambia released the Lower Kafue River Basin Report Card. Overall, the basin received a score of C (49).
Atlantic Coral Reef Status Reports

Separate reports were published for each U.S. Atlantic reef: Florida, Flower Garden Banks, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. Reef status ranged from good to impaired.
National Coral Report

Years in the making, Coral reef condition: a status report for U.S. Coral Reefs synthesizes data to determine the health of Pacific and Atlantic coral reefs. Nine jurisdiction-specific coral status reports were published prior to this national report. For more information, visit the Coral Reef Information System or our reef project page.