Welcome, Global Sustainability Scholars!

We are thrilled to welcome another remarkable group of Global Sustainability Scholars this summer from May 26-July 21. Please give a warm welcome to Anna Calderón (returning scholar, Wellesley College), Taylor Mitchell (University of Michigan), Kameryn Overton (Tuskegee University), Emma Gee (UC Santa Cruz), Darion Fredericks (Fort Lewis College), and Tre’Nard Morgan (University of Michigan). Comprised of diverse backgrounds and expertise, these scholars are passionate about environmental justice challenges, and with their understanding of sustainable practices, they bring a wealth of knowledge to our team. During their time, they will collaborate on the Coastal Ocean Assessment for Sustainability and Transformation Project (COAST Card) to develop a stakeholder engagement toolbox and the Potomac River Report Card utilizing listening sessions throughout the Potomac Watershed. The collective wisdom and enthusiasm of these scholars promises an exciting and impactful summer ahead.

2022 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card Released

The highly anticipated release of our 2022 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card brought forth crucial insights into the health of this iconic ecosystem. The 16th annual release occurred on June 6th at the Washington Sailing Marina in Alexandria, Virginia. It was attended by representatives from Maryland, DC, and Virginia, along with environmental groups working within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Our comprehensive assessment, based on rigorous scientific data and analysis, offers a holistic view of the Bay's ecological condition and the watershed’s ecological, economic, and societal conditions. In 2022, the Chesapeake Bay scored 51% (C) with a significantly improving trend, and the Chesapeake Bay watershed scored 52% (C). This was also the first year we evaluated the Environmental Justice Index; however, it was not included in the overall health score. To learn more about the scores, please visit ecoreportcard.org. This report card serves as a reminder of the ongoing work needed to restore and protect the Chesapeake Bay and surrounding watershed, encouraging collective action for a sustainable future.

Advancing the New Potomac Report Card through Listening Sessions

The 2022 Potomac River and Watershed Report Card was released on June 6th and incorporated data from the 2022 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card. The Potomac River and its watershed are a focus of the Coastal Ocean Assessment for Sustainability and Transformation Project (COAST Card), and the report card will be further developed through stakeholder input received at listening sessions throughout the Potomac watershed.

The COAST Card team has held two stakeholder listening sessions so far during June, with two more happening before the end of the month. The first session occurred on June 6th at the Washington Sailing Marina, right after the 2022 Chesapeake Bay Report Card release, and the second one occurred on June 8th at the Leonardtown Wharf Park. We had a great turnout of participants at both events and were able to showcase the new Potomac River Report Card. The next two will be on June 14th at the Potomac Science Center (Woodbridge, VA) and on June 22nd at Canal Place Heritage Park (Cumberland, MD).

These listening sessions are aimed at bringing together diverse community stakeholders in the Potomac Watershed. Engaging with individuals representing various backgrounds, perspectives, and interests allows for a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and aspirations of the watershed's communities. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership, promotes environmental justice, and ensures that the voices of marginalized groups are heard and considered in the decision-making processes. The ultimate goal of these listening sessions is to help inform the next iteration of the Potomac River and Watershed Report Card.