Ecosystem health report cards: An approach to integrated assessment

Report on nitrogen source assessment for Maryland Coastal Bays available

The role of benthic communities in the health of Maryland's Coastal Bays

Biological indicators enhance water quality monitoring in Maryland's Coastal Bays newsletter

IAN continues its involvement in the Maryland Coastal Bays

Newsletter examines effects of land use on water quality in Maryland's Coastal Bays

Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card

Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card 2009

Characterization and Comparison of Stream Nutrients, Land Use, and Loading Patterns in Maryland Coastal Bay Watersheds

2010 Maryland Coastal Bays report card

Coastal Bays Report Card 2011

Maryland Coastal Bays report card 2012

Maryland Coastal Bays report card 2013

IAN in 2015

Our Path Forward: The Comprehensive Conservation & Management Plan for Maryland Coastal Bays (2015-2025)

Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card 2014

2015 Maryland Coastal Bays report card and website launched

State of the Maryland Coastal Bays booklet released

IAN receives Gold Star Partnership Award

Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card 2017 released

Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card Released

Ocean City, MD, USA. Bill Dennison and Heath Kelsey presented the 2018 Coastal Bays Report Card on Monday, September 23, at the Marlin Club in West Ocean City, Maryland. Data for two of the six indicators were unavailable for the 2018 Report Card, which meant that the Coastal Bays received an Incomplete this year. Water quality results declined from 2017, because of very high rainfall, which was the third highest on record, and increased nutrient input to Coastal Bays. The problems in collecting seagrass data also illustrate the challenges of monitoring under climate change influences. Seagrass information is collected by aerial imagery, which requires specific conditions that were hampered by increased cloud cover.
2018 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card

We produced the annual Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card with our partners at the Maryland Coastal Bays Program. The Bays received an Incomplete score for 2018 due to a lack of data.
Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card published

The MD Coastal Bays Report Card was released in Ocean City, MD on October 13, 2021. The aim of this report card is to provide a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of 2019–2020 Coastal Bays health. Coastal Bays health is defined as the progress of four water quality indicators (total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen) and two biotic indicators (seagrass, hard clams) toward scientifically derived ecological thresholds or goals. The six indicators are combined into one overarching Coastal Bays Health Index, which is presented as the report card score. The overall score for the Coastal Bays was a C+ for the 2019-2020 reporting cycle. This was a decrease from the last full year of data in 2017.
Coastal Bays classroom maps make their debut

IAN developed a watershed map with the Maryland Coastal Bays Program that will be put up in classrooms in Worcester County. The map posters aim to educate students about the local and environmental value of the Coastal Bays, instilling a sense of ownership and familiarity with the watershed. The two-sided classroom map posters will also be available in libraries and other community centers.
2023 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card Release

The 2023 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card is now available! The release event was held in Ocean City, attended by scientists and managers as well as citizens and volunteers. Heath Kelsey and Annie Carew represented IAN at the event. The report card score is a B-, which is the highest score that the Coastal Bays have ever received. This increase was driven by improvements in the seagrass and hard clam scores, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Congratulations to the Maryland Coastal Bays Program for another successful year!