USAUS-H2O virtual environmental partnership officially launched

IAN 'Down Under': Darwin-IAN collaboration, USAUS-H2O virtual environmental partnership and Riversymposium 2014

USAUS H20 U.S. Teacher Workshop 2015

IAN completed its second teacher-training workshop for the USAUS-H2O project in Annapolis, MD. This exciting project aims to educate and inform responsible stewardship of water resources between U.S. and Australian students through an interactive virtual partnership. Teachers from eight schools from around the U.S. are partners in the project including: Mendocino High School (California), Holy Rosary High School (Louisiana), Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child (New Jersey), The Barrie School (Maryland), The Benjamin School (Florida), Zionsville Community High School (Indiana), Cleveland High School (Oregon), and Boothbay Region High School (Maine). The two day workshop included familiarization with the virtual platform that teachers and students will use throughout the project, an introduction to science communication, and a visit to the Australian Embassy in Washington D.C. We are so excited to have such a wonderful group of enthusiastic U.S. teachers on board to work with their counterparts in Australia in educating students about their local urban water cycles. The USAUS-H2O project is jointly funded by the Australian Department of Education and Training and the U.S. Department of State.
Blog & Video Highlights
- Eric Davidson's Science for Citizen seminar, titled Global, National & Local Trends of Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Agriculture, is now available on IAN's website or YouTube.
- 2015 promises to be an exciting year for Chesapeake Bay
- Growth and Future of Chesapeake Bay conference at Hood College
- USAUS-H2O Annapolis-Washington DC workshop