Illustration of Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra)

Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra)

Illustration of Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra)

bird laughing kookaburra Chordata Aves Coraciiformes Halcyonidae Dacelo novaeguineae

Author(s)Tracey Saxby
Author CompanyIntegration and Application Network
Date Created2005-01-01
AlbumFauna > Birds
Dimensions367 x 500
Filesize24.4 kB (svg)   46.9 kB (png)
Number of Downloads688
Filetype(s) SVG     PNG
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Required AttributionTracey Saxby, Integration and Application Network (