Illustration of Erythrina spp. (Coral Tree)

Erythrina spp. (Coral Tree)

Illustration of Erythrina spp. (Coral Tree)

coral tree flame plant Plantae vascular Magnoliophyta angiosperm Magnoliopsida dicot Rosidae Fabales Fabaceae pea family Erythrina sp. tree shrub tropical subtropical Asia Africa South America

Author(s)Kim Kraeer, Lucy Van Essen-Fishman
Author CompanyIntegration and Application Network
Date Created2008-12-19
AlbumFlora > Trees/Shrubs/Vines
Dimensions501 x 342
Filesize228.3 kB (svg)   96.3 kB (png)
Number of Downloads740
Filetype(s) SVG     PNG
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Required AttributionKim Kraeer, Lucy Van Essen-Fishman, Integration and Application Network (