There were two Northern Water Snakes that were poised at the edge of the shoreline where, in the calm shallows (3-4

Northern Water Snake

There were two Northern Water Snakes that were poised at the edge of the shoreline where, in the calm shallows (3-4") of this brackish marsh, were many breeding Sheepshead Minnows darting and splashing about. May 2005, North Fork Tred Avon River, Easton, MD

Northern Water Snake Nerodia sipedon hunting marsh

Author(s)Jane Hawkey
Author CompanyIntegration and Application Network
Date Created2005-04-30
AlbumFauna > Reptiles
Dimensions2560 x 1920
Filesize1.8 MB
Number of Downloads227
Filetype(s) JPG
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Required AttributionJane Hawkey, Integration and Application Network (