Projects for Alexandra Fries

Support of Community Engagement Core

2018-09-30 —

UMCES is working with the University of South Carolina Center for Oceans and Human Health to develop a work plan to help lead community engagement and research synthesis activities for the Community Engagement Core. The plan is envisioned to include stakeholder and researcher workshops to enhance two-way communication between community interests and the research communities.

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Western Lake Erie Report Card Development and Production

2018-07-01 — 2020-08-31

The purpose of this project is to create an ecosystem health report card in consultation with local stakeholders to effectively measure the nutrients and water quality of western Lake Erie. In doing so, actions will be leveraged to ensure the continued health of the lake and awareness of the significance of the lake will be increased to support the livelihood and health of local communities.

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Chesapeake Bay Report Card Expansion

2018-01-01 — 2025-09-30

Incorporating novel indicators into the Chesapeake Bay Report Card. Make key improvements to the Chesapeake Bay Report Card, which has served since 2006 as the definitive source for ecosystem health status in the Bay and tidal tributaries.

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Belmont Forum workshop facilitation, support, and communication

2016-11-01 — 2018-03-01

IAN has teamed up with Belmont Forum members to design and faciltate meetings as well as produce communication tools. We are developing surveys, create meeting materials and agendas, generating templates and videos, and distributing summary documents to achieve programmatic goals and focus efforts to further the success of the Belmont Forum.

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Evaluation of Multi-Year Data Sets to Establish Status and Trends of Environmental Restoration Success in the Everglades

2016-09-30 — 2019-09-30

The purpose of this project is to evaluate recent scientific findings that demonstrate progress towards restoration goals for the Everglades, identify research gaps related to the function of the Everglades ecosystem, and to make recommendations for management decisions based on those findings. This system status assessment will be used to convey these findings for the system as a whole and regions of the Everglades to public resource managers and stakeholders.

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IAN Report Card

2016-01-01 —

The IAN report card includes three categories of indicators: partnership satisfaction, social impacts and ecological outcomes. For partnership satisfaction, we devised a survey and asked our partners a battery of questions about their satisfaction with the co-production of products, the collaborative process and capacity-building within their organization. For social impacts, we assessed our media reach, our dissemination effectiveness, and our teaching and training.

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Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative: Integrating Citizen-based and Other Nontraditional Monitoring

2015-05-15 —

The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay, Inc. (Alliance) in partnership with the Izaak Walton League of America (League), the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM) at Dickinson College, and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Integration and Application Network (UMCES IAN) will provide technical, logistical, and outreach support for the integration of citizen-based and non-traditional monitoring networks into the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership.

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Layout and design of factsheets and final report for Rookery Bay NERR

2015-04-06 — 2015-07-30

The primary objective of this project is to layout and design one 4-page factsheet, four 2-page factsheets, a final report, and to provide web-ready graphics to the Rookery Bay NERR. This includes designing colors, font, and design elements within each document. A common branding will be applied throughout the products so they are separate but related products. To achieve this, the following tasks have been identified and are outlined below.

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