Texas Coast Ecosystem Health Report Card
Texas Coast Ecosystem Health Report Card
IAN staff and HRI scientists collaborated in a series of workshops in 2016 and 2018 to produce the 2019 Texas Coast Ecosystem Health Report Card. Assessing the health of the Gulf of Mexico is a complex and extensive undertaking, requiring the development of an integrated assessment/management framework and a diversity of data sets. Because of the diversity and complexity of its ecosystems, human communities, and associated environmental pressures and stressors, Coastal Texas and its watersheds provide an excellent model for developing a Report Card that encompasses the entire Gulf of Mexico. Completed in May 2019, Texas Coast Ecosystem Health Report Card will serve as a proof-of-concept evaluation of this framework and its implementation while providing a baseline assessment of the health of the Texas Gulf Coast.
Key Personnel

- Start: 2016-01-01
- Finish: 2019-05-15
- Duration: 3 years, 4 months