Bill Dennison
Vice President for Science Application
UMCES Cambridge Office

Mailing Address
Bill Dennison
Vice President for Science Application
UMCES Cambridge Office
Dr. Bill Dennison is a Professor of Marine Science and Interim President at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES).
Bill rejoined UMCES in 2002 following a ten year stint at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. He originally started at UMCES (then the Center for Environmental and Estuarine Science) in 1987 as a Postdoctorate/Research Assistant Professor based at Horn Point Laboratory. In Australia, Bill developed an active Marine Botany group at the University of Queensland with strong links to the Healthy Waterways Campaign for Moreton Bay. Bill obtained his academic training from Western Michigan University (B.A., Biology & Environmental Science), the University of Alaska (M.S., Biological Oceanography), The University of Chicago (Ph.D., Biology), and Stony Brook University (Postdoc, Coastal Marine Scholar).
UMCES reception at the Coastal Estuarine Research Federation conference
Israelis working with Palestinians for ecosystem restoration
Staff Appreciation Day for University of Maryland Center of Environmental Science
Attending the 2023 C-StREAM Symposium
Maryland Governor Wes Moore’s visit to Horn Point Laboratory
Farewell to our 2023 Global Sustainability Scholars
Reflections on the Sustainability Research & Innovation 2023 conference
Belmont Forum Ocean Sustainability midterm meeting
Sustainable Agriculture Matrix workshops
Rita Rossi Colwell Center dedication
Release of Chesapeake Bay Watershed Report Card
Cambridge Packing House event with Horn Point Laboratory graduate students
Dr. Natalie Snider graduates from UMCES
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Faculty Convocation
Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay with Carin Bisland
Attending Lawren Caldwell’s graduation
Biennial Chesapeake Bay Program meeting in Charlottesville, Virginia
Discussing Sustainable Agriculture with Andrew Campbell
Open House at the Institute of Marine Environmental Technology
Inaugural Appalachian Laboratory Inspiration Award
The Mental Yoga of Environment & Society
Dr. Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen successfully defends her dissertation
Stakeholder workshop for Darwin Harbour report card
The Integration and Application Network facilitates virtual workshops
Tony Larkum's 80th Birthday Party
The Susan Williams Session at 2019 CERF: I Heard it Through the Grapevine
Facilitating a Great Barrier Reef partnership workshop in Brisbane
Ken Barton Sails Into Retirement
Developing a Chesapeake Watershed report card: Harrisburg PA workshop
Its Still Flowing: Verde River Song
Review: “Smarter Government: How to Govern for Results in the Information Age,” by Martin O’Malley
Developing the Western Lake Erie report card in Toledo, Ohio
Western Lake Erie environmental literacy
IAN as a Boundary Organization
We are Trailblazers: The Chesapeake Bay Program in 2019
Governor Harry Hughes and his sweet dream of the Chesapeake Bay Program
Association for Science of Limnology and Oceanography in San Juan, Puerto Rico
More Conversations with Randy Olson about the use of narratives in science
Creating and Communicating Environmental Intelligence
Toasting Farewell to Mark Belton
Arctic Observing and Science for Sustainability Summary from Belmont Forum
Facilitating a Belmont Forum workshop in Washington D.C.
The Integration and Application Network in 2018
Environment & Society Reflections
Dottie Samonisky retirement party
A visit to the Harris Creek oyster restoration site with Chesapeake Bay Program colleagues
Celebration of Susan Williams’ life and impact at UC Davis and Bodega Marine Laboratory
Kick off workshop for Western Lake Erie report card project
Earthward Bound: Ricky Arnold returns from the International Space Station
The 21st International Riversymposium
Previewing NY Harbor exhibit at the New York Aquarium on Coney Island
Maryland Coastal Bays report card gets a B- for the first time
New Environment & Society course launched
2017 Chesapeake Bay report card release
Rich Batiuk’s retirement from the Chesapeake Bay Program
Maryland’s inaugural State of the Coast conference
Seagrass recovery in Chesapeake Bay: A success for Chesapeake Bay research and restoration
Discussing island drought in Puerto Rico Part II
Discussing island drought in Puerto Rico Part I
Science Cafe and science communication training in Boston
Pigs in Water: living underwater with Susan Williams
My four decade friendship with Susan Williams
Future Earth Coasts workshop songbook
Atlantic Estuarine Research Society 70th anniversary conference
The 8th World Water Forum in Brasilia
Good luck and Godspeed, Ricky Arnold
Environmental literacy for the Assabet, Sudbury and Concord Rivers
Visiting the National Press Club to talk about Chesapeake Bay
Veni, Vidi, Vici: We Came, We Saw, We Concord.
Scientific synthesis paper shows Chesapeake Bay nutrient diet is working
Bob “JJ” Orth receives the Virginia Outstanding Scientist Award
Returning to My Ohio Roots: Scoping Out A Lake Erie Report Card
To Move or Not to Move: Relocating The Chesapeake Bay Program
Learning About Transdisciplinary Science Through Graduate Teaching
Reflections on teaching a global course on developing environmental report cards
A Long Love Affair with The Chesapeake Bay Part II
A Long Love Affair With Chesapeake Bay Part I
Healthy Rivers for All: December 2017 retreat
Talk Less, Show More: Communicating Challenges and Successes in a Changing World
Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card 2016
The Integration and Application Network in 2017
Talking Science Communication With the Knauss Fellows
Twas the Weeks Before Christmas: Saying Goodbye to Nick DiPasquale
Science of Science Communication IV: What Future Conferences Should Consider
Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 2017 Conference
Using Poetry to Deliver an “Ignite” Style Scientific Presentation
Sailing around the world: Sea Semester and Rich Wilson
IAN's First Ever Strategic Plan
Persuasive Writing Skills: A Professional Development Session with John Sturtevant
The Twentieth Anniversary of the International Riversymposium
The Debut of the Riversymposium Club Band
Developing a vision for an integrated Darwin Harbour report card
Talking about the Tennessee River in Chattanooga: Part 2
Talking about the Tennessee River report card in Chattanooga: Part 1
What makes a port city iconic?
Environmental literacy of the Tuul River, Mongolia
In the Footsteps of Gengis Khan in the Mongolian Steppe: Part 3
In the Footsteps of Gengis Khan in the Mongolian Steppe: Part 2
In the Footsteps of Gengis Khan in the Mongolian Steppe: Part 1
Michael Kemp's Retirement Party
Jane Hawkey, the Integration and Application Network ‘Closer’ retiring
Don Boesch, the Coastal Scholar, steps down after 27 years
Biscayne Bay Marine Health Inaugural Summit
Developing environmental intelligence through environmental literacy and citizen science
Sharing Water event in Washington, D.C.
Annual IAN Retreat at Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center
More lessons on how to synthesize science
Tell a compelling story: Talking about science communication to landscape ecologists in Baltimore
Chesapeake Bay report card released in Baltimore
Narrative literacy for science communication
Leonardo da Vinci's scientific visualizations: 'Saper verdere' or knowing how to see
Marching for Science in Washington, D.C.
Jane Thomas, Science Communicator Extraordinaire, heading Down Under
Creating quality spaces of scientific synthesis
Atlantic Estuarine Research Society meeting at St. Mary's College of Maryland
Practical visual literacy for science communication
Celebrating the life of Erica Herling Kropp (1950-2016)
Exploring Hawaii: arid zone ecology, vog and volcanoes
Hawaii ecodrought workshop; trade wind invasions, ridge to reef, endemic species
Talking about Transdisciplinary research in Paris
On the trail of iconic Parisian scientists
Transdisciplinary literacy: Seven principles that help define transdisciplinary research
Ecodrought on the east side of the Pacific Northwest
Talking ecodrought in Portland, Oregon: food trucks, beer and the Benson Hotel
Lessons on how to synthesize science
Ecological drought in the Southeast U.S.: Forest fires, supermoon and new age libraries
Jane Thomas: A champion for the Maryland Coastal Bays
Developing scientific stories for Chesapeake Bay submerged aquatic vegetation
Integrating system dynamics modeling and report cards workshop
Science visualization courses teach students to "Let it go"
The report card game “Get the Grade!” was launched in Stockholm, New Delhi and Honolulu
Fatos importantes sobre a Baía de Guanabara
Environmental Literacy for Guanabara Bay, Brazil
The praxis of science visualization
How to organize and run short, productive and fun scientific workshops
How to create conceptual cross-section diagrams
A tour of the National Weather Center in Norman, Oklahoma during an extreme weather day
Conference on New Ideas to Accelerate Chesapeake Bay Restoration
A new style of conceptual cross section diagrams developed for New York Harbor
Environmental literacy of the Texas coastline
How environmental report cards can democratize science
Combining visuals with narrative for effective science communication
Using report cards to get the synoptic big picture: An astronaut's view
Determining what makes a good environmental champion
Developing a report card for the Integration and Application Network
Evolution’s hero vs. a historical footnote: A new Narrative Index sheds light on Darwin vs. Wallace
Talking with graduate students about how to get a job
Developing a strategy for Long Island Sound embayment report cards
Going from "Aha!" to "Well, Duh" in the Great Barrier Reef, with beer coasters and Burdekin Gold
Using Conceptionary to initiate discussion on barriers for implementing report cards
The importance of narrative in science communication
Randy Olson’s new book: “Houston, We Have a Narrative”
Conceptual Diagramming with the Integration and Application Network
Integration and Application Network in 2015: The year in review
Viewing data on a VisWall and in an immersive dome in Fort Collins, Colorado
Modern cave drawings and story-telling using PowerPoint
Long Island Sound Report Card in context
Science for Environmental Management 2015 poem
Developing a constitution for Chesapeake Bay
In memory of Jay Zieman, University of Virginia seagrass ecologist
Reginald V. Truitt in his own words: A visit to the Maryland Room archives
Webstock 2015: One day of Peace & the Internet
Brainstorming in the Innovation Room with World Wildlife Fund
Resilience based management of the Great Barrier Reef
Scientists underwater: Reginald Truitt, Gilbert Klingel, the Bentharium and the Aquascope
Remembering Bob Simon: A class act
Reginald Truitt: The origin of Chesapeake Bay science in support of management
Talking about moose and climate change in snowy Massachusetts
USAUS-H2O Annapolis-Washington D.C. workshop
Launching the Chesapeake Bay Story website: Telling fact-based stories about Chesapeake Bay health
Growth and the future of Chesapeake Bay conference at Hood College
Creating reporting boundaries for the Long Island Sound environmental report card
"Seagrasses of the World" revisited: "A Guide to Southern Temperate Seagrasses" published
Exploring New York Harbor: Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge
2015 promises to be an exciting year for Chesapeake Bay
Drawing sketches and creating conceptual diagrams to communicate science
How Big Chicken Stole Chesapeake Bay
A visit to the New York Aquarium: Seeing the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy
Traveling around Barcelona, Spain during the One Planet One Ocean conference
How is your ecosystem doing? Advances in the use and understanding of ecosystem indicators workshop
One Planet One Ocean conference in Barcelona, Spain
Enhancing diversity in environmental sciences through the NOAA Educational Partnerships Program
2014 International Riversymposium
Mississippi River report card song
Draft Mississippi River report card released at 2014 America's Watershed Initiative Summit
Thiess International Riverprize finalists for 2014
Louisiana Sea Grant Discovery, Integration and Application initiative (LA DIA)
The poetry and art of Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton: a solitary genius
Chesapeake Bay and Chesapeake Biological Laboratory field trip
Kicking off the Louisiana Discovery Integration and Application program in Baton Rouge
Chesapeake Bay Program Goal Implementation Teams: Wye Island meeting
Developing video techniques for science communication
In the wake of Rachel Carson, a conservation icon
A sea change at SEA: Sea Education Association takes its tall ships into uncharted waters
Integration and Application Network retreat: June 2014
2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement
IAN receives National Cooperative Ecosystems Study Unit award
The 2014 River Rally in Pittsburgh
Baltimore’s Annual Healthy Harbor Report Card
Upper Mississippi River: Environmental Literacy
2013 Chesapeake Bay report released
Visiting the Nickel Preserve in eastern Oklahoma
Arkansas and Red Rivers Workshop in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Bahamian adventures: Columbus on the Niña and seagrass scientists on the R/V Calanus
Ohio River basin: Environmental Literacy
The poetry and art of Johannes Kepler
Peter Oliver sings 'The Water Waltz'
Johannes Kepler: an astronomer
Lower Mississippi River: Environmental Literacy
A new version of the song 'Memphis Tennessee' released
The Los Angeles River: Geography, vistas and restoration
The Los Angeles River: Geography, vistas and restoration
The Los Angeles River: Geography, vistas and restoration
Developing a Mississippi River report card: Lower Mississippi workshop in Memphis
Atlantic Estuarine Research Society conference in Ocean City, Maryland
Long Island Sound 'listening tour' to initiate environmental report cards: Part 2
Long Island Sound 'listening tour' to initiate environmental report cards: Part 1
Seagrasses and a little girl lost their greatest champion: Evamaria Koch (1961-2014)
A visit to New York Harbor School on Governors Island
The poetry and art of Alexander von Humboldt
Long Island Sound: Prospects for the Urban Sea book synopsis
New Insights report: Converting geeky science into understandable stories
A visit to the Australian Institute of Marine Science
Developing a climate change resilience index for the Great Barrier Reef: Part 2
Developing a climate change resilience index for the Great Barrier Reef: Part 1
The poetry and art of Galileo Galilei
Adventures in producing an eBook: Dancing with dugongs eBook released
Long Island Sound funders meeting
Long Island Sound: Environmental Literacy
The poetry and art of Nicholas Copernicus
Nicholas Copernicus and the Copernican Revolution
Moreton Bay, Australia: Environmental Literacy
Scientists who made a difference: Celebrating effective science application
Roebling Bridge in Cincinnati--the predecessor to the Brooklyn Bridge
Developing a Mississippi River report card: Ohio River workshop in Cincinnati
The Economics of the Ocean: Discussing the Baltic Sea and Chesapeake Bay at the House of Sweden
Wild & Scenic Environmental Film Festival
Ten classic conceptual diagrams: Powerful examples of communicating knowledge
Discussing science communication at CERF2013
Aegean Sea field trip: Egyptian sand, seagrass, marine sanctuaries, cruising
MEDCOAST 2013 and EMECS 10 conference: Turkish baths, Red Sox baseball, new colleagues
Calculating a Lake Health Index for the Great Lakes
Science communication and integration with Environment Canada
Coastal Louisiana song book: Reflections on reviewing the 2012 Master Plan
Science Communication vs. Science Writing: Different audiences and different styles
Symbols: A universal and effective technique for communication
Being inspired by Cousteaus: An evening with Jean-Michel Cousteau
Take the baysurvey!: Learning about stewardship behaviors for Chesapeake Bay restoration
International Riversymposium 2013
The people of the Gulf of Kachchh
Gulf of Kachchh Integrated Assessment
Developing a Mississippi River report card: Upper Mississippi River workshop in the Quad Cities
Gulf of Kachchh field trips: Birds, mangroves, corals, macrotides, industries
Jai Ho!: A song for the Gulf of Kachchh report card workshop
Gulf of Kachchh report card workshop
Converting from passive to active learning
The integration of heart, hands and head
It’s all Greek to me: The terms ‘praxis’ and ‘phronesis’ in environmental philosophy
Healthy Waterways Healthy Catchments: Making the connection in South East Queensland, Australia
Discover the Waterways of South-East Queensland
Moreton Bay Study: A Scientific Basis for the Healthy Waterways Campaign
The crew member's guide to the health of our waterways
Top ten science communication booklets
Talking about report cards at the National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration
Talking about report cards at the International Congress for Conservation Biology
Maryland Climate Change Summit
Maryland releases a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan
Having fun while developing an environmental philosophy
Ten recommendations for effectively communicating science: Part 2
Recommendations for effectively communicating science: Part 1
Awakening Environmental Passion
Do not go gently into that black abyss of Chesapeake Bay monitoring cuts
Enhancing the Chesapeake Bay report card with new indicators and new methods
Coastal Bays report card launch
Top ten quotes that influenced my career
Coastal Louisiana issues discussed at public meeting in St. Bernard Parish
Seven natural wonders of the world
Scaling Up: Future of Environmental Decisions workshop
Singing the Chesapeake Bay Blues
Discussing jellyfish with scientific colleagues and Diane Rehm
Farming and Chesapeake Bay: Initiating a dialog with the Vansville Farmers Club
Top ten books about science that influenced my career
Commemorating Bob Menzer at Marine Estuarine and Environmental Sciences
Teaching with a ‘flipped classroom’ over an interactive video network
Paul Greenfield: A human catalyst
The Conowingo Debate: The role of the dam in Chesapeake Bay restoration
Midshore Riverkeeper Conservancy report card launch
A new special journal issue on water education
Global use of IAN symbol libraries
Biophilia on a coral cay: Reflections from Lady Elliot Island
USAUS-H2O Australian teachers workshop held in Brisbane
Top ten conceptual diagrams: Seagrasses, streams, eco-rhythms
A visit to The Water Institute of the Gulf in Baton Rouge
Top ten human symbols: People, buildings and boats
Initiating an assessment of Prince William Forest Park
Initiating a virtual environmental partnership between US and Australia teachers and students
Top ten animal symbols: Whales, bison, butterflies and frogs
Top ten tree and shrub symbols: Cypress, agave, weeping willows and gums
Top ten bird symbols: Kookaburras, flamingos, geese and tropicbirds
Top ten fish and shellfish symbols: Sharks, rays, fish, crabs and lobster larvae
Top ten marine flora symbols: Phytoplankton, macroalgae, mangroves and seagrasses
Dorchester County citizens concerned about Chesapeake Bay
"Raising the bar" vs. "Dumbing it down" for science communication
Kayak and R/V Rachel Carson sampling reveals nutrient sources for Chincoteague Bay
Ending a NOAA partnership and beginning a new EcoCheck chapter
International RiverFoundation remarks
Willamette Through Film festival
Peter Oliver's retirement sermon; Greek philosophers, jelly babies, wicked problems and dugongs
Peter Oliver's retirement lecture
Scott Nixon nourished our ecological souls
Chesapeake Bay 2011 report card release at Baltimore Harbor
Assessing the vulnerability of the Great Barrier Reef to climate change
Environmental report card workshop in Surfers Paradise, Australia
Innovations in Environmental Synthesis, Reporting and Governance: Part 11 - Conclusion
Innovations in Environmental Synthesis, Reporting and Governance: Part 9 - Innovations in Governance
Innovations in Environmental Synthesis, Reporting and Governance: Part 2 - Innovations in Synthesis
Innovations in Environmental Synthesis, Reporting and Governance: Part 1 - Introduction
Brisbane 2011: Living with Floods and Dancing with Dugongs: Part 15- Questions from the Seminar
Brisbane 2011: Living with Floods and Dancing with Dugongs: Part 14- The Dugong Rock
Brisbane 2011: Living with Floods and Dancing with Dugongs: Part 13- Conclusion
Brisbane 2011: Living with Floods and Dancing with Dugongs: Part 11- Monitoring of the Moreton Bay
Brisbane 2011: Living with Floods and Dancing with Dugongs: Part 9- Sea-level Rise and Flooding
Brisbane 2011: Living with Floods and Dancing with Dugongs: Part 8- Examples of Flooding in Europe
Brisbane 2011: Living with Floods and Dancing with Dugongs: Part 5- Preparing for Floods
Brisbane 2011: Living with Floods and Dancing with Dugongs: Part 4- The Brisbane River Renaissance
Brisbane 2011: Living with Floods and Dancing with Dugongs: Part 3- History of Flooding in Brisbane
Brisbane 2011: Living with Floods and Dancing with Dugongs: Part 2- A Learning Moment
Brisbane 2011: Living with Floods and Dancing with Dugongs: Part 1- Introduction
Coastal Louisiana Master Plan released
Nutrient trading in Chesapeake Bay
Savai'i Island, Samoa; lava, blowholes, pigs, churches
Samoa; tsunamis, coral reefs, fishing, dredging
A visit to the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Samoa
Developing a Gulf of Mexico report card
Australian cities and waterways: Melbourne, Port Phillip Bay and the Yarra River
Australian cities and waterways: Sydney and Sydney Harbour
Australian cities and waterways: Brisbane, Moreton Bay and the Brisbane River
Australian cities and waterways: Connections, crossings, celebrations, and culture
Boggo Road Ecosciences Precinct; high tech laboratory on an old gaol site
Queenscliff, Bellarine peninsula and Victoria embayments
Communicating climate change via a melting ice bear
Seven attributes of a vibrant science group
Healthy Waterways Champion Award speech
Dugong Rock; Using iconic creatures in conservation
Flooding in Queensland: The story of the Paluma
The perspective from Australia's Top End; fishing, international waters, and invasive species
Darwin: Captain Wickham, Harriet the Tortoise, Alaskan similarities, and Darwinian art
Natural gas, live cattle, algal blooms & crocodiles: Darwin Harbour field trip
A virtual international collaboration producing conceptual diagrams
Developing a Swan River report card
A microcosm of the world's water quality problems: Peel-Harvey field trip
Swanlands: Western Australia estuaries
Sugarcane 101: Project Catalyst field trip
Sugar, Coca-Cola, WWF, clickers and scorecards
Reasons to be optimistic about sugarcane impacts on the Great Barrier Reef
Riparian Rhapsodies in Customs House
Walking tour of Brisbane (Part 3): Parliament, World War II and beyond
Walking tour of Brisbane (Part 2): Financial district, riverside and botanic gardens
Walking tour of Brisbane (Part 1): Parklands, City Hall and ANZAC
The HMS Endeavour 'discovers' the Great Barrier Reef
Scientific discovery aboard the HMS Endeavour
Stoplight colors for environmental report cards
Creating a global symbol language
Dugong oil vat, sand mining and Geoff Moore
Flood newsletter on seagrasses, turtles and dugongs
Mackay field trip #2: Sugarcane
Mackay field trip #1: Lagoons, champions and mangroves
"Rainbow Literature": Peer reviewed, colorful science communication products
New conceptual diagram worksheet developed
Dashboard books on fire: Communicating fire management creatively
Storyboarding to generate a science newsletter
Launching the Healthy Waterways Alliance in Mackay
Dr. John Snow and Jack Maple, kindred spirits
Sea turtles, dugong and a major city skyline
Integrating science with people: Creating the corpus callosum connections
Discovering Southeast Queensland waterways and rediscovering Liz Clarke
Some Healthy Waterways history
Classifying environmental problems
Conceptual diagrams in a chapel
Celebrating Success: Healthy Waterways Awards
Flood newsletter on impacts to creeks, streambanks and paddocks
Experiential education: Changing the way we teach
International WaterCentre field trip to North Stradbroke Island
South East Queensland 2011 flood newsletter
Lunch with Mayor Allan Sutherland in Redcliffe
Two Guys and a Tinny: Conducting estuarine assessments
Societal learning moments: The importance of timely, synthetic science communication
Moreton Bay seagrasses after the flood
Queenslander!: The rallying cry for flood recovery
Conceptionary in action: Learning through play
Bill Dennison speech to Latornell conference, Ontario, Canada: Part 7 - O Canada!
Bill Dennison speech to Latornell conference, Ontario, Canada: Part 5 - Report card examples
Bill Dennison speech to Latornell conference, Ontario, Canada: Part 4 - Environmental Report Cards
Bill Dennison speech to Latornell conference, Ontario, Canada: Part 1 - Science Communication
Notes from Zanzibar; Communicating science workshop
Shari Wilson, Admiral of the Chesapeake Bay and Calliethos intellegente
Sharing the iconic Jack Greer with the world
Communicating Science to Effect Social Change
How maps can lie: Chesapeake watershed stream health
Council for Environmental Deans & Directors summer conference; Boulder, Colorado
The Integration and Application Network 'tribe'
Ben Fertig's dissertation defense; 6 July 2010
Coastal Bays report card release
Joining Chesapeake Bay Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee
Visit with Grand River Conservation Authority
The Next Frontier: Ecological Forecasting
Great Barrier Reef report card workshop
Dr. Walter Boynton becomes Tidal Monitoring Analysis Workgroup chair
Chesapeake Bay report card release
Reunited with Integration and Application Network alumni in Canada
Research Experience for Undergraduate students arrive at UMCES
IAN Press Launches eBook Format
Chesapeake Bay restoration: Are we headed in the right direction?
IAN Science Communication Intern Program
Erasmus Mundus thesis defense in Faro, Portugal
Environmental report card grading system
Trip to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; 29 March 2010
Discussion following Walter Boynton seminar on Corsica River estuary restoration
Is Science Communication an art?
Friends of the Bay go to Washington, D.C.
Colonial National Historic Park visit
6th anniversary of the IAN symbol libraries
Hello, my name is Chesapeake Bay, and I have a nutrient problem
New edX Course Released (APRIL)
Erasmus Mundus Scicomm instruction (MARCH)
Online professional certificate in environmental management for sustainability (JANUARY)
Darwin Harbour Integrated Report Card now available (NOVEMBER)
New online course available (NOVEMBER)
Developing a framework for an Environmental Justice Index in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (JULY)
Professional Certificate in Environmental Management for Sustainability courses (MAY)
Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, ISBW14 and WSC2020 are postponed until summer 2022 (DECEMBER)
Online River Academy science communication training course (DECEMBER)
Professional Certificate in Science for Environmental Management (DECEMBER)
Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, ISBW14 and WSC2020 are postponed until summer 2022 (NOVEMBER)
Kicking off the COAST Card project (NOVEMBER)
Online River Academy science communication training course (NOVEMBER)
Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, ISBW14 and WSC2020 are postponed until summer 2022 (OCTOBER)
Online River Academy science communication training course (OCTOBER)
Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, ISBW14 and WSC2020 are postponed until summer 2022 (SEPTEMBER)
Online River Academy science communication training course (SEPTEMBER)
"Evaluating Transdisciplinary Approaches" now available online (AUGUST)
Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, ISBW14 and WSC2020 are postponed until summer 2022 (AUGUST)
Online River Academy science communication training course (AUGUST)
Attending the virtual Science of Team Science conference (JULY)
COMING SOON: RiverDialogue featuring Bill Dennison (JULY)
COMING SOON: online River Academy science communication training course (JULY)
Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, ISBW14 and WSC2020 are postponed until summer 2022 (JULY)
The COAST Card project received a virtual kick-off (JULY)
The Office of the Great Barrier Reef institutional assessment was published (JULY)
Coming soon: online River Academy science communication training course (JUNE)
International Seagrass Biology Workshop POSTPONED (JUNE)
Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, ISBW14 and WSC2020 are postponed until summer 2022 (MAY)
UMCES and USGS kick off a new science synthesis project (MAY)
Developing new international report cards (APRIL)
Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, ISBW14 and WSC2020 are postponed until summer 2022 (APRIL)
Moving to the "new normal" (APRIL)
Developing new international report cards (MARCH)
International Seagrass Biology Workshop 2020 (MARCH)
International Seagrass Biology Workshop 2020 (FEBRUARY)
Revamping the Chesapeake Bay Report Card (FEBRUARY)
Belmont Biodiversity Newsletter (JANUARY)
Belmont Global Change Newsletter (JANUARY)
SAV watchers (JANUARY)
Texas Coast Report Card (JANUARY)
USGS Eco-drought reports (JANUARY)
CERF Conference in Mobile, Alabama (DECEMBER)
Verde River conference in Camp Verde, Arizona (DECEMBER)
International Riversymposium in Australia (NOVEMBER)
Ecosystem transformation (MAY)
Portland, Oregon (APRIL)
Tuul River Basin Report Card 2019 (APRIL)
Belmont Forum (FEBRUARY)
Towards Integrated Reporting for Darwin Harbour (VIDEO)
Catalytic Converter Diagram (GRAPHIC)
Groundwater Diagram (GRAPHIC)
Inorganic Nitrogen in Chesapeake Bay Watershed Diagram (GRAPHIC)
Nutrient Trapping Diagram (GRAPHIC)
Population Map Chesapeake Bay Watershed (GRAPHIC)
Targeted Practices Diagram (GRAPHIC)
Virginia Commonwealth University Rice Center (PHOTO)
Join the adventure (PHOTO)
Advancing the Patuxent River Watershed (PATUXENT RIVER - CHESAPEAKE BAY)
edX Professional Certificate in Environmental Management for Sustainability (WORLDWIDE)
Translating USGS Science Into Management Products (CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Darwin Harbour Report Card (DARWIN HARBOUR - AUSTRALIA)
Chesapeake Center for Collaborative Computing (C4 Continuation) (CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Western Lake Erie Report Card Development and Production (LAKE ERIE - GREAT LAKES)
UMCES Institutional Assessment (MARYLAND - CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Chesapeake Bay Report Card Expansion (CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Future Earth Coasts Partnership (BREMEN - GERMANY)
Sudbury, Assabet, Concord Rivers Report Card Workshop and Staff Training (SUDBURY RIVER - NORTH ATLANTIC, ASSABET RIVER - NORTH ATLANTIC, CONCORD RIVER - NORTH ATLANTIC)
Tuul River Basin Report Card Development (TUUL RIVER - MONGOLIA)
Ecosystem Based Management: An Analysis of National Needs and Opportunities by the Cooperative Institute for the North Atlantic Region (CINAR) (MARYLAND - CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Tennessee River Basin Report Card (TENNESSEE RIVER - SOUTHEASTERN USA)
Belmont Forum workshop facilitation, support, and communication (WORLDWIDE)
NPS Resource Assessment Interface for Management Strategies (NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION PARKS - MID ATLANTIC)
Facilitate the Partnership Between Chesapeake Bay and Guanabara Bay to Enhance and Accelerate Restoration (GUANABARA BAY - SOUTH AMERICA)
Texas Coast Ecosystem Health Report Card (TEXAS COAST - GULF OF MEXICO)
Upper Potomac Headwaters Report Card 2015 (POTOMAC RIVER - CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Conowingo Impact Research (CHESAPEAKE BAY)
USGS Climate Change Research Activities Synthesis (USA - NORTH AMERICA)
NY Harbor Billion Oyster Project (NEW YORK HARBOR - MID ATLANTIC)
From Science to Solutions (USA - NORTH AMERICA)
Building the Long Island Sound Report Card (LONG ISLAND SOUND - MID ATLANTIC)
Chesapeake Bay Health Stories (CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Louisiana Discovery Integration and Application Fellowship program (COASTAL LOUISIANA - GULF OF MEXICO)
Willamette River Report Card Development and Production (WILLAMETTE RIVER - PACIFIC COAST)
Long Island Sound Ecosystem Health Report Card (LONG ISLAND SOUND - MID ATLANTIC)
Cloud Computing (C4 Inception) (CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Climate Change Resilience Index (CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Development of the Mississippi River Watershed Report Card (MISSISSIPPI RIVER - GULF OF MEXICO)
USA-Australia Virtual Environmental Partnership (USA - NORTH AMERICA, AUSTRALIA)
Report Card for Chilika Lake (CHILIKA LAKE - SOUTH ASIA)
Identifying nitrogen sources in the Choptank River (CHOPTANK RIVER - CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Vision for Marismas Nacionales (MEXICO - NORTH AMERICA)
Hurricane Sandy Report (EAST COAST - USA)
MDE Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan (MARYLAND - CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Development of a Reef Resiliency Index (GREAT BARRIER REEF - AUSTRALIA)
Karenia Nutrient Dynamics in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico (GULF OF MEXICO, SOUTH FLORIDA - GULF OF MEXICO)
Gulf of Mexico Report Card (GULF OF MEXICO)
Florida seagrasses workshop facilitation and newsletter (SOUTH FLORIDA - GULF OF MEXICO)
Ecosystem Research and Coastal Management (USA - NORTH AMERICA)
Mesoamerican Reef Report Card (MESOAMERICAN REEF - CARIBBEAN)
Global trajectories of seagrasses
Defending our National Treasure (CHESAPEAKE BAY)
National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment (USA - NORTH AMERICA)
Production of an Ecosystem Based Management Game (USA - NORTH AMERICA)
Maryland Coastal Bays Science Communication Products and Report Cards (MARYLAND COASTAL BAYS)
Environmental Management of Baltimore Harbor (BOOK)
Invasive blue catfish in the Chesapeake Bay: A risk to realizing Bay restoration investments (REPORT)
Connecting Conservation Practices to Local Stream Health in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (REPORT)
AMAMO2023 and J-COAST (Japanese Translation) (NEWSLETTER)
AMAMO2023 and J-COAST Newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
2023/2024 Chesapeake Bay & Watershed Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Tool Guide for Stakeholder Engagement in Coastal Communities (BOOK)
2022 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Guía práctica para la elaboración de reportes de salud de cuencas (BOOK)
Developing the Chesapeake Global Collaboratory: Results from a framing workshop (NEWSLETTER)
2022 Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Report Card (REPORT CARD)
2022 Potomac River and Watershed Report Card (REPORT CARD)
STAC Rising Water Temperatures Report Summary (REPORT)
Middle Potomac Listening Session (REPORT)
2021 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Building Resilience in the Maryland Coastal Bays (REPORT)
Building Resilience in the Maryland Coastal Bays Storymap (REPORT)
Enhanced understanding of factors affecting stream condition can improve restoration outcomes (REPORT)
Data synthesis for environmental management: A case study of Chesapeake Bay (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
2019-2020 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Darwin Harbour 2021 Integrated Report Card (REPORT CARD)
USGS Chesapeake Science Strategy 2021-2025 (REPORT)
Developing a framework for an Environmental Justice Index in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (NEWSLETTER)
Local economy indicators coming next year (NEWSLETTER)
Nutrient trends and drivers in the Chesapeake Bay watershed (REPORT)
Susan Lynn Williams: the Life of an Exceptional Scholar, Leader, and Friend (1951–2018) (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Evaluating Transdisciplinary Approaches (NEWSLETTER)
Office of the Great Barrier Reef Institutional Assessment (REPORT CARD)
Towards integrated reporting for Darwin Harbour (NEWSLETTER)
Using Socioenvironmental Report Cards as a Tool for Transdisciplinary Collaboration (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Moving beyond the ecosystem in ecosystem health report cards (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Water quality gradients and trends in New York Harbor (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Integration and Application Network 2018 Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Scenarios of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (NEWSLETTER)
Understanding Responses to Global Change (NEWSLETTER)
Long-term Annual Aerial Surveys of Submersed Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Support Science, Management, and Restoration (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
2018 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Ecological Drought Across the United States (NEWSLETTER)
2018 Chesapeake Bay & Watershed Report Card (REPORT CARD)
How to Respond to Changing Ecosystems: Resist, Accept, or Direct? (NEWSLETTER)
Chesapeake Bay SAV Watchers (REPORT)
Chesapeake Bay SAV Watchers - Methods Manual (REPORT)
Conceptual Framework for Assessing Ecosystem Health (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
IAN Report Card 2017 (REPORT CARD)
Guanabara Bay ecosystem health report card: Science, management, and governance implications (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Transforming our coastal futures through partnerships to foster sustainability (NEWSLETTER)
Healthy Rivers for All (BROCHURE)
2017 Chesapeake Bay Report Card (REPORT CARD)
The Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers: Developing a Report Card (NEWSLETTER)
Tennessee River Basin Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Tennessee River Basin Report Card Methods Document (REPORT)
IAN Report Card 2016 (REPORT CARD)
2016 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Ecological Drought in the Northwest United States (NEWSLETTER)
Ecological Drought in the Southwest United States (NEWSLETTER)
Integration & Application Network Strategic Plan 2017-2022 (REPORT)
Seagrass ecosystem trajectory depends on the relative timescales of T resistance, recovery and disturbance (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Practitioner's Guide to Developing River Basin Report Cards (BOOK)
Long-term nutrient reductions lead to the unprecedented recovery of a temperate coastal region (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Ecological Drought in the Hawaiian Islands (NEWSLETTER)
Boletim de Saúde Ambiental da Baía de Guanabara (REPORT CARD)
Guanabara Bay Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Ecological Forecasting and the Science of Hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Sentinel Species in a Changing World (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
2016 Chesapeake Bay Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Researchers and stakeholders address coastal vulnerability and freshwater security (NEWSLETTER)
IAN Report Card 2015 (REPORT CARD)
Report cards and system dynamics modelling (NEWSLETTER)
Ecological Drought in the Southeast United States (NEWSLETTER)
Ecological drought in the South Central United States (NEWSLETTER)
Ecological Drought in the Northeast United States (NEWSLETTER)
2015 Maryland Coastal Bays report card (REPORT CARD)
Maryland Coastal Bays 2016: Land and bay perspectives (REPORT)
Maryland Coastal Bays 2016: Bay perspectives (REPORT)
Maryland Coastal Bays 2016: Land perspectives (REPORT)
Conceptual Diagrams (NEWSLETTER)
2015 Chesapeake Bay Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Assessing the health of Guanabara Bay and its river basins (NEWSLETTER)
Avaliando a saúde da Baía de Guanabara e sua Bacia Hidrográfica (NEWSLETTER)
National Capital Parks-East Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Ecological Drought in the North Central United States (NEWSLETTER)
A Look Inside New York Harbor (POSTER)
George Washington Memorial Parkway Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Discerning the Causes of Toxic Cyanobacteria (Lyngbya majuscula) Blooms in Moreton Bay, Australia (BOOK CHAPTER)
New York Harbor: Resilience in the face of four centuries of development (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Prince William Forest Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Upper Potomac Headwaters Report Card 2015 (REPORT CARD)
2014 Maryland Coastal Bays report card (REPORT CARD)
America's Watershed Initiative Report Card for the Mississippi River (REPORT)
Ecological Drought in Alaska (NEWSLETTER)
Integrate your data into a watershed-wide project (POSTER)
Coastal wetlands will become less resilient (POSTER)
Mississippi River Watershed Report Card (REPORT CARD)
2014 Chesapeake Bay Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Inner Hempstead Harbor Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Long Island Sound Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Norwalk Harbor Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Report Card Review (REPORT)
Climate change, the boreal forest, and moose: Scenario planning to inform land and wildlife management (NEWSLETTER)
Gulf of Kachchh: A Framework for the Cumulative Environmental Impact Assessment (REPORT)
America's Watershed Initiative Mississippi River Watershed Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Mississippi River Report Card whole watershed report card workshop newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
Missouri River Basin report card workshop newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
2013 Maryland Coastal Bays report card (REPORT CARD)
Arkansas River and Red River Basins report card workshop newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
Baltimore's Annual Healthy Harbor Report Card: 2013 (REPORT CARD)
2013 Chesapeake Bay Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Lower Mississippi River Basin report card workshop newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
Catoctin Mountain Park Natural Resources Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Natural Resources Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Catoctin Mountain Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Dancing with dugongs (BOOK)
Ohio River Basin report card workshop newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
Oyster delta N-15 as a Bioindicator of Potential Wastewater and Poultry Farming Impacts and Degraded Water Quality in a Subestuary of Chesapeake Bay (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Upper Mississippi River Sub-Basin report card workshop newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
Maryland's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act Plan (REPORT)
Maryland's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan: Executive Summary (REPORT)
2012 Chesapeake Bay Report Card (REPORT CARD)
2012 Maryland Coastal Bays report card (REPORT CARD)
More habitat means more fish (BROCHURE)
Red Tides of the West Florida Shelf: Science and Management (NEWSLETTER)
Red Tides on the West Florida Shelf (BROCHURE)
Elucidating terrestrial nutrient sources to a coastal lagoon, Chincoteague Bay, Maryland, USA (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Improving management of a mid-Atlantic coastal barrier island through assessment of habitat condition (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Oyster deltaN-15 as a Bioindicator of Potential Wastewater and Poultry Farming Impacts and Degraded Water Quality in a Subestuary of Chesapeake Bay (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Popular Education for Water Sustainability: Three Lessons from Reflective Practice (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Studying Nature In Situ: Immersive Education for Better Integrated Water Management (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
2011 Maryland Coastal Bays report card (REPORT CARD)
Measuring effectiveness of Best Management Practices (NEWSLETTER)
A vision for America's Great Watershed Report Card (REPORT CARD)
A vision for effective and streamlined reporting in the Pacific (NEWSLETTER)
Tropical Connections: South Florida's marine environment (BOOK)
Colonial National Historical Park natural resource condition assessment (REPORT)
2011 Chesapeake Bay Report Card (REPORT CARD)
A Habitat-Based Framework for Communicating Natural Resource Condition (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Megacities in the coastal zone: Using a driver-pressure-state-impact-response framework to address complex environmental problems (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
A vision for the Gulf of Mexico Report Card (NEWSLETTER)
Healthy Darwin Harbour: Pathways and Partnerships (NEWSLETTER)
Gulf of Mexico Report Card Initiative (REPORT)
Great Barrier Reef Report Card Summary - 2009 Baseline (REPORT CARD)
Great Barrier Reef Report Card Regional Summaries - 2009 Baseline (REPORT CARD)
Great Barrier Reef Technical Report Card - 2009 Baseline (REPORT CARD)
Antietam National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Manassas National Battlefield Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Monocacy National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Antietam National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Antietam National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment Resource Brief (BROCHURE)
Manassas National Battlefield Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Manassas National Battlefield Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment Resource Brief (BROCHURE)
Monocacy National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Monocacy National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment Resource Brief (BROCHURE)
Assateague Island National Seashore Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Assateague Island National Seashore Natural Resource Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Taking Steps toward Marine and Coastal Ecosystem-Based Management (BOOK)
Creating a Shared Vision for the Mackay-Whitsunday-Isaac Region (NEWSLETTER)
Science-to-Action Guidebook (REPORT)
South East Queensland Floods 2011 (NEWSLETTER)
Chesapeake Bay Report Card 2010 (REPORT CARD)
Case studies of Regional Ecosystem Research (REPORT)
Coral Health Index (CHI): measuring coral community health (REPORT)
South East Queensland Floods 2011 (NEWSLETTER)
South East Queensland Floods 2011 (NEWSLETTER)
A Conceptual Basis for Monitoring Vital Signs: Shenandoah National Park (BROCHURE)
Expanding the diversity of the Mid-Atlantic Tributary Assessment Coalition (POSTER)
Living with the Sea: Local efforts buffer effects of global change (REPORT)
MMAs: What, why, and where (REPORT)
People and Oceans: Managing marine areas for human well-being (REPORT)
Conceptual Diagrams: Tools for Science Communication (NEWSLETTER)
2009 Chester River Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Integrating and Applying Science: A handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment (BOOK)
Chapter 1: Environmental campaigns: achieving a shared vision using research, monitoring, and management (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 2: Environmental leadership: achieving a sustainable future by fostering environmental champions (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 4: Communication strategy: packaging and delivering the message for maximum impact (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 5: Ecological indicators: assessing ecosystem health using metrics (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 7: Ecological forecasts: building a predictive capacity to guide management (BOOK CHAPTER)
Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) [delta]15N as a bioindicator of nitrogen sources: Observations and modeling (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Integrating and Applying Science: A practical handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment (BOOK WHOLE)
Long-Term Trends in Submersed Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in Chesapeake Bay, USA, Related to Water Quality (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Long-Term Trends of Water Quality and Biotic Metrics in Chesapeake Bay: 1986 to 2008 (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Rock Creek Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Shifting Sands: Environmental and cultural change in Maryland's Coastal Bays (BOOK)
Development of water transparency criteria for Florida seagrasses (NEWSLETTER)
South Caucasus region transboundary report card (REPORT CARD)
South Caucasus region transboundary report card (Russian) (REPORT CARD)
New Stream Health Indicator Being Developed (NEWSLETTER)
2008 Chester River report card (REPORT CARD)
2008 Patuxent River Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Enclosed Experimental Ecosystems and Scale: Tools for Understanding and Managing Coastal Ecosystems (BOOK)
Northern Great Plains Network: Using conceptual diagrams to aid communication (NEWSLETTER)
Altered ecological flows blur boundaries in urbanizing watersheds (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Development and evaluation of a spatially-explicit index of Chesapeake Bay health (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Seagrasses: biology, ecology and conservation (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
River Journeys (BOOK)
Upstream land use affects water quality in Maryland's Coastal Bays (NEWSLETTER)
Chesapeake Bay 2007: Land Use and the Chesapeake Bay Report Card (NEWSLETTER)
Reef Plan Monitoring: Marine Water Quality Impacts (NEWSLETTER)
Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail (POSTER)
Inventory and Monitoring Program, Pacific Island Network, National Park Service (NEWSLETTER)
Kaloko-Honokohau National Historical Park (POSTER)
Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historic Park (POSTER)
Pu'ukohola Heiau National Historic Site (POSTER)
Effects of nutrient enrichment in the nation's estuaries: A decade of change (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Environmental problem solving in coastal ecosystems: A paradigm shift to sustainability (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Eutrophication and harmful algal blooms: A scientific consensus (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
The charisma of coastal ecosystems: addressing the imbalance (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Using the aquatic macrophyte Vallisneria americana (wild celery) as a nutrient bioindicator (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Seagrass: A Hidden Treasure (BROCHURE)
A summer of poor water clarity, algal blooms, and fish kills (NEWSLETTER)
Protecting Palau's natural heritage (NEWSLETTER)
Effects of nutrient enrichment in the Nation's estuaries: A decade of change (REPORT)
Chesapeake Bay 2007: Summer Ecological Forecast (NEWSLETTER)
Morro Bay: working together for a healthy ecosystem (NEWSLETTER)
Morro Bay: working together for a healthy ecosystem (POSTER)
Measuring the Health of our National Parks: Rock Creek Park (NEWSLETTER)
Calculating the 2006 Chesapeake Bay report card scores (NEWSLETTER)
Chesapeake Bay Habitat Health Report Card: 2006 (REPORT CARD)
Biological indicators enhance water quality monitoring in Maryland's Coastal Bays (NEWSLETTER)
Assessment of Coastal Management and Science Needs in South Florida (REPORT)
The role of benthic communities in the health of Maryland's Coastal Bays (NEWSLETTER)
Accurately measuring the abundance of benthic microalgae in spatially variable habitats (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
An eye-opening approach to developing and communicating integrated environmental assessments (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Barnegat Bay-Little Egg Harbor Estuary: Case study of a highly eutrophic coastal bay system (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Global seagrass distribution and diversity: A bioregional model (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Linking water quality to living resources in a mid-Atlantic lagoon system, USA (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Seagrasses of south-west Australia: A conceptual synthesis of the world's most diverse and extensive seagrass meadows (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
The challenge of communicating monitoring results to effect change (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
National Capital Region Network Regional Overview (POSTER)
Antietam National Battlefield (POSTER)
Catoctin Mountain Park (POSTER)
Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park (POSTER)
George Washington Memorial Parkway (POSTER)
Harmful algal blooms: Maryland status and trends newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park (POSTER)
Manassas National Battlefield Park (POSTER)
Monocacy National Battlefield Park (POSTER)
National Capital Parks-East (POSTER)
Prince William Forest Park (POSTER)
Rock Creek Park (POSTER)
Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts (POSTER)
Seagrasses: Prairies of the Sea (BROCHURE)
Communicating Science Effectively: A Practical Handbook for Integrating Visual Elements (BOOK)
A Conceptual Basis for Natural Resource Monitoring (REPORT)
An Eye Opening Approach to Integrated Environmental Assessments (POSTER)
A Global Crisis for Seagrass Ecosystems (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Communicating Science Effectively: A Practical Handbook for Integrating Visual Elements (BOOK WHOLE)
Monitoring toxic cyanobacteria Lyngbya majuscula (Gomont) in Moreton Bay, Australia by integrating satellite image data and field mapping (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, and carbon in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia: Differential limitation of phytoplankton biomass and production (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
The role of connectivity in Australian conservation (BOOK CHAPTER)
Seagrasses of Southwest Australia (POSTER)
Seagrasses of Southwest Australia: Estuaries (POSTER)
Seagrasses of Southwest Australia: South Coast (POSTER)
Seagrasses of Southwest Australia: West Coast (POSTER)
Bay Grass Restoration in Chesapeake Bay (NEWSLETTER)
Chesapeake Bay Environmental Models (NEWSLETTER)
Ecophysiology of the marine cyanobacterium, Lyngbya majuscula (Oscillatoriaceae) in Moreton Bay, Australia (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Influence of submarine springs and wastewater on nutrient dynamics of Caribbean seagrass meadows (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Organochlorine and heavy metal concentrations in blubber and liver tissue collected from Queensland (Australia) dugong (Dugong dugon) (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Quantifying and evaluating ecosystem health: A case study from Moreton Bay, Australia (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Healthy Waterways, Healthy Catchments (BOOK)
State of the Maryland Coastal Bays 2004 (REPORT)
Where river meets sea: exploring Australia's estuaries (BOOK)
Developing a Chesapeake Bay Report Card (POSTER)
A comparison of issues and management approaches in Moreton Bay, Australia and Chesapeake Bay, USA (BOOK CHAPTER)
Benthic microalgae in coral reef sediments of the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Combining Landsat ETM plus and Reef Check classifications for mapping coral reefs: A critical assessment from the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Nitrogen ecophysiology of Heron Island, a subtropical coral cay of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Where river meets sea: Exploring Australia's estuaries (BOOK WHOLE)
Assessment of sewage and septic derived nitrogen in the Choptank and Patuxent Rivers (REPORT)
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science: History, Mission & Accomplishments (NEWSLETTER)
Photosynthetic responses of the coral Montipora digitata to cold temperature stress (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Submarine Springs and Sewage (POSTER)
An in situ study of photosynthetic oxygen exchange and electron transport rate in the marine macroalga Ulva lactuca (Chlorophyta) (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Spatial distribution of benthic microalgae on coral reefs determined by remote sensing (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
The efficiency and condition of oysters and macroalgae used as biological filters of shrimp pond effluent (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Assessing ecological impacts of shrimp and sewage effluent: Biological indicators with standard water quality analyses (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
ENCORE: The effect of nutrient enrichment on coral reefs. Synthesis of results and conclusions (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Effects of concentrated viral communities on photosynthesis and community composition of co-occurring benthic microalgae and phytoplankton (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Integrated treatment of shrimp effluent by sedimentation, oyster filtration and macroalgal absorption: a laboratory scale study (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Measurement of light penetration in relation to seagrass (BOOK CHAPTER)
Virus-like particles associated with Lyngbya majuscula (Cyanophyta; Oscillatoriacea) bloom decline in Moreton Bay, Australia (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Discover the waterways of South East Queensland (BOOK)
Effect of the seagrass Zostera capricorni on sediment microbial processes (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Physiological responses of five seagrass species to trace metals (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Sediment-based reconstruction of submersed aquatic vegetation distribution in the Severn River, a sub-estuary of Chesapeake Bay (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
The impact of the herbicide diuron on photosynthesis in three species of tropical seagrass (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Utilization of nitrogen and carbon by phytoplankton in Moreton Bay, Australia (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Blooms of the cyanobacterium Lyngbya majuscula in coastal waters of Queensland, Australia (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Effect of Hydric Soil Disturbance on Ecological Health of Coastal Waters (CONFERENCE ARTICLE)
Effects of light deprivation on the survival and recovery of the seagrass Halophila ovalis (RBr) Hook (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Microbial nutrient cycling in seagrass sediments (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Moreton Bay Study: A Scientific Basis for the Healthy Waterways Campaign (BOOK WHOLE)
Responses of seagrass to nutrients in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Seagrass and sediment nutrients: Species comparison and fertilisation responses of P. australis at Rottnest Island, Western Australia (BOOK CHAPTER)
Seagrass survival during pulsed turbidity events: the effects of light deprivation on the seagrasses Halodule pinifolia and Halophila ovalis (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Seagrasses: angiosperms adapted to sea floors (BOOK CHAPTER)
Status of Australian seagrass research and knowledge (BOOK CHAPTER)
Moreton Bay Study (BOOK)
Moreton Bay and Catchment (BOOK)
Moreton Bay and Catchment (BOOK)
Are expanding populations of the tropical green alga Caulerpa taxifolia a potential threat for Moreton Bay? (BOOK CHAPTER)
Aspects of the winter phytoplankton community of Moreton Bay (BOOK CHAPTER)
Assessing the impact of a flood event on Moreton Bay using marine plants as bioindicators of water quality (BOOK CHAPTER)
Factors limiting phytoplankton biomass in the Brisbane River and Moreton Bay (BOOK CHAPTER)
In situ seagrass photosynthesis measured using a submersible, pulse-amplitude modulated fluorometer (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Macroalgal habitat preference of ciguatera dinoflagellates at Heron Island, A Coral Cay in the southeastern Great Barrier Reef, Australia (CONFERENCE ARTICLE)
Photosynthetic capacity in coral reef systems: Investigations into ecological applications for the underwater PAM fluorometer (CONFERENCE ARTICLE)
Phytoplankton community response to a flood event (BOOK CHAPTER)
Seagrasses and mangroves in Moreton Bay (BOOK CHAPTER)
The use of the seagrass, Zostera capricorni, to identify anthropogenic nutrient sources in Moreton Bay (BOOK CHAPTER)
The crew member's guide to the health of our waterways (BOOK)
Growth and physiological responses of three seagrass species to elevated sediment nutrients in Moreton Bay, Australia (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Physiological responses of seagrasses used to identify anthropogenic nutrient inputs (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Phytoplankton productivity response to nutrient concentrations, light availability and temperature along an Australian estuarine gradient (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Effects of ultraviolet and photosynthetically active radiation on five seagrass species (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Estimating nutrient availability in seagrass sediments (BOOK CHAPTER)
Light intensity and the interactions between physiology, morphology and stable isotope ratios in five species of seagrass (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Macroalgal responses to nitrogen source and availability: Amino acid metabolic profiling as a bioindicator using Gracilaria edulis (Rhodophyta) (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Seagrass survival model (BOOK CHAPTER)
Photosynthetic Responses of Eelgrass (Zostera marina L) to Light and Sediment Sulfide in a Shallow Barrier-Island Lagoon (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Tissue nutrient content of Gracilaria spp (Rhodophyta) and water quality along an estuarine gradient (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Assessing Water-Quality with Submersed Aquatic Vegetation (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Nitrogen Versus Phosphorus Limitation for Growth of an Estuarine Population of Eelgrass (Zostera marina L) (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Light Availability and Diurnal Growth of a Green Macroalga (Caulerpa-Cupressoides) and a Seagrass (Halophila-Decipiens) (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Phosphorus-Limited Growth of the Tropical Seagrass Syringodium-Filiforme in Carbonate Sediments (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Shoot density, Leaf production, Rhizome/root production, Chlorophyll content (BOOK CHAPTER)
Effect of 'brown tide' shading on eelgrass (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
An examination of the environmental factors important to initiating and sustaining 'brown tide' blooms (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Effect of Water Motion on Coral Photosynthesis and Calcification (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Effects of Light on Seagrass Photosynthesis, Growth and Depth Distribution (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Sediment Ammonium Availability and Eelgrass (Zostera marina) Growth (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Effects of Temperature on Photosynthesis and Respiration in Eelgrass (Zostera marina L) (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Photoadaptation and Growth of Zostera marina L (Eelgrass) Transplants Along a Depth Gradient (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Role of Daily Light Period in the Depth Distribution of Zostera marina (Eelgrass) (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Physiological ecology of the seagrass Zostera marina (THESIS)
Role of Seagrass Photosynthesis in Root Aerobic Processes (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Photosynthetic Activity of Zostera marina L Epiphytes in Relation to Light Regime and Substratum (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Photosynthetic Responses of Zostera marina L (Eelgrass) to Insitu Manipulations of Light-Intensity (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Role of Shoot Photosynthesis in Root-Rhizome Respiration in Zostera marina L (Eel-Grass) (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Photosynthetic Response of Zostera marina (Eelgrass) to Insitu Manipulations of Light (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
Light Adaptations of Plants: A Model Based on the Seagrass Zostera marina L. (THESIS)