A Conceptual Basis for Monitoring Vital Signs: Shenandoah National Park (Page 1)  
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A Conceptual Basis for Monitoring Vital Signs: Shenandoah National Park

As a 200,000-acre natural oasis in the densely populated mid-Atlantic region, Shenandoah National Park is a refuge for both wildlife and people. This booklet illustrates the unique natural resources in the park and demonstrates the need for natural resource monitoring. It also explores the natural processes and human-caused activities that pose a threat to park ecosystems, and investigates the selection of vital signs—indicators of natural resource conditions.


IAN Author(s)Joanna Woerner, Bill Dennison, Melissa Andreychek
Date Published2010-11-18
ProjectShenandoah National Park science communication products
Location(s)Shenandoah National Park
Number of Pages20
Filesize41.4 MB
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