Creating a matrix for cross-goal collaborations (Page 1)  
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Creating a matrix for cross-goal collaborations

This poster describes an indicator matrix developed by the Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative. The matrix demonstrates the overlapping objectives between the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Management Strategies and volunteer monitoring groups. The matrix can enhance understanding and inspire more monitoring, which will be used for restoration across all Bay Program goals (i.e., clean water, abundant life, conserved lands, and engaged communities). Case studies demonstrate the usability of the matrix by both the volunteer monitoring community and the Bay Program.


IAN Author(s)Caroline Donovan, Alexandra Fries, Suzanne Webster, Dylan Taillie
Date Published2017-11-16
ProjectChesapeake Monitoring Cooperative: Integrating Citizen-based and Other Nontraditional Monitoring
Location(s)Chesapeake Bay
Number of Pages1
Filesize7.9 MB
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