Expanding the diversity of the Mid-Atlantic Tributary Assessment Coalition (Page 1)  
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Expanding the diversity of the Mid-Atlantic Tributary Assessment Coalition

Since the 2006 release of the first EcoCheck Chesapeake Bay report card, environmental report cards have gained increasing popularity and recognition as a public-friendly and scientifically sound method for reporting the health of a waterway. Recently, a number of watershed organizations in the Mid-Atlantic region have begun producing their own tributary-specific report cards. In 2009, the Mid-Atlantic Tributary Assessment Coalition (MTAC) was formed to foster collaboration among watershed organizations and to fully develop the potential of region-specific environmental report cards. This can be accomplished through the standardization of indicators, monitoring and sampling protocols, data analysis methods, and science communication techniques.


IAN Author(s)Sara Powell, Caroline Donovan, Melissa Andreychek, Heath Kelsey, Bill Dennison
Date Published2010-11-18
Location(s)Chesapeake Bay
Number of Pages1
Filesize5.9 MB
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