Foundational Science in Flight: USGS Bird Programs Support Conservation, Culture, and a Thriving U.S. Economy (Page 1)  
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Foundational Science in Flight: USGS Bird Programs Support Conservation, Culture, and a Thriving U.S. Economy

Birds are vital to our economy, ecosystems, and cultural heritage. Investing in bird conservation benefits communities, businesses, and working lands while reinforcing our nation’s legacy of stewardship and biodiversity. By valuing birds, we ensure a richer, healthier, and more vibrant future for all Americans. The USGS leads two national bird monitoring programs Thriving bird populations contribute over $100 billion in related purchases to the U.S. economy annually, helping to support 1.4 million jobs and $90 billion in labor-related income. Across our nation, Federal and State wildlife agencies, Flyway Councils, non-governmental organizations, and more consider data from the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Bird Banding Laboratory (BBL) and Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) to be critical to meeting their mandates to set healthy harvest levels and in identifying species of conservation need. However, without stable and sufficient resources for the BBL and BBS, the capacity to monitor and address the rapidly evolving needs of migratory bird populations is at risk, jeopardizing the foundation of collaborative conservation efforts across North America.


Author(s)Ziolkowski D, Celis-Murillo A, Malpass J, Pardieck K, Martin J, and Walker L
IAN Author(s)Annie Carew, Lili Badri, Vanessa Vargas-Nguyen
Date Published2025-03-10
ProjectTranslating USGS Science Into Management Products
Location(s)North America
Number of Pages3
Filesize2.6 MB
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