Publications about Orinoco River

IAN is committed to producing practical, user-centered communications that foster a better understanding of science and enable readers to pursue new opportunities in research, education, and environmental problem-solving. Our publications synthesize scientific findings using effective science communication techniques.

Reporte de salud río Vichada 2016 (Page 1)

Reporte de salud río Vichada 2016

Simon Costanzo, Alexandra Fries, Jane Thomas ·
6 July 2016

Este reporte de salud provee una evaluación transparente, oportuna y geográficamente detallada del río Vichada, que es una de las sub-cuencas del río Orinoco. En 2016, la calificación global para el río Vichada es de 3.1. Esto significa que el Vichada cuenta con una salud moderadamente buena. Para más detalles visite el reporte en la página web

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Tomo River Report Card 2016 (Page 1)

Tomo River Report Card 2016

Simon Costanzo, Alexandra Fries, Jane Thomas ·
6 July 2016

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of the Tomo River, a sub-basin in the Orinoco River Basin. In 2016, the overall grade for the Tomo River is a 84%, an A-. This means the Tomo is in good health. For further details, visit the report card website at

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Tuparro River Report Card 2016 (Page 1)

Tuparro River Report Card 2016

Simon Costanzo, Alexandra Fries, Jane Thomas ·
6 July 2016

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of the Tuparro River, a sub-basin in the Orinoco River Basin. In 2016, the overall grade for the Tuparro River is a 77%, a B+. This means the Tuparro is in moderately good health. For further details, visit the report card website at

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Vichada River Report Card 2016 (Page 1)

Vichada River Report Card 2016

Simon Costanzo, Alexandra Fries, Jane Thomas ·
6 July 2016

This report card provides a transparent, timely, and geographically detailed assessment of the Vichada River, a sub-basin in the Orinoco River Basin. In 2016, the overall grade for the Vichada River is a 61%, a B-. This means the Vichada is in moderately good health. For further details, visit the report card website at

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