Jane Thomas
Science Communicator
Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub

Jane Thomas
Science Communicator
Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub
In and around the Indian River Lagoon
Developing a report card for the coral reefs of American Samoa
Streamlining environmental reporting in the Pacific region
The Bird's Head Seascape in West Papua
Our next book on coastal ecosystem assessment
Comparing septic and sewage systems (GRAPHIC)
Maryland Coastal Bays conceptual diagrams (GRAPHIC)
Orinoco River Basin values (GRAPHIC)
Land use map of the Missouri River basin (GRAPHIC)
Conceptual diagram showing features and threats of the Arkansas River and Red River sub-basin (GRAPHIC)
Conceptual diagram showing features and threats of the Missouri River sub-basin (GRAPHIC)
Land use in the Arkansas River and Red River sub-basin (GRAPHIC)
Potential indicators for the Arkansas River and Red River sub-basin (GRAPHIC)
Flow Capacity for the Mississippi River (GRAPHIC)
Main Threats and Key Features of the Ohio River Basin (GRAPHIC)
Main Threats and Key Features of the Upper Mississippi River Sub-Basin (GRAPHIC)
Ohio River Basin Land Use (GRAPHIC)
Mississippi River Report Card Workshop Timeline (GRAPHIC)
Potential Indicators for the Ohio River Basin (GRAPHIC)
Threats and Features of the Lower Mississippi River Basin (GRAPHIC)
Lower Mississippi Land Cover Map (GRAPHIC)
Lower Mississippi Workshop Connections (GRAPHIC)
Chloroscombrus chrysurus (Atlantic Bumper) (SYMBOL)
Hippocampus erectus (Lined Seahorse) (SYMBOL)
Menticirrhus saxatilis (Northern Kingfish) (SYMBOL)
Mnemiopsis leidyi (Comb Jelly) (SYMBOL)
Diagram showing resources of and threats to Harpers Ferry National Historical Park (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing features of and threats to C&O Canal (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing features of and threats to Catoctin Mountain Park (GRAPHIC)
Haemulon plumierii (White Grunt) (SYMBOL)
Australia: Moreton Bay (SYMBOL)
Flag: Australia (SYMBOL)
Flag: Australia Queensland (SYMBOL)
River barge (SYMBOL)
Upper Mississippi River River sub-basin land use (GRAPHIC)
Currency: dollar sign (SYMBOL)
Micropogonias undulatus (Atlantic Croaker) (SYMBOL)
Pyrodinium bahamense (SYMBOL)
Chrysaora quinquecirrha (known as the Atlantic sea nettle or Eas (PHOTO)
Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) (PHOTO)
R/V Rachel Carson (PHOTO)
R/V Rachel Carson (PHOTO)
R/V Rachel Carson (PHOTO)
R/V Rachel Carson (PHOTO)
R/V Rachel Carson (PHOTO)
R/V Rachel Carson (PHOTO)
R/V Rachel Carson (PHOTO)
R/V Rachel Carson (PHOTO)
Skipjack Nathan (PHOTO)
Diagram showing key threats to Pacific Island nations (GRAPHIC)
Back River, Maryland (PHOTO)
Back River, Maryland (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge marina (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Sediment Plumes (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Sediment Plumes (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Choptank River Bridge (PHOTO)
City of Baltimore (PHOTO)
City of Baltimore (PHOTO)
City of Baltimore (PHOTO)
City of Baltimore (PHOTO)
City of Baltimore (PHOTO)
City of Baltimore (PHOTO)
City of Baltimore (PHOTO)
City of Baltimore (PHOTO)
City of Baltimore (PHOTO)
City of Baltimore (PHOTO)
City of Baltimore (PHOTO)
Cover Crops (PHOTO)
Farm Land (PHOTO)
Flyover of Tavern Creek (PHOTO)
Flyover of Tavern Creek (PHOTO)
Flyover of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Flyover of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Flyover of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Flyover of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Flyover of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Flyover of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Flyover of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Flyover of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Fort McHenry (PHOTO)
Fort McHenry (PHOTO)
Fort McHenry (PHOTO)
Fort McHenry (PHOTO)
Francis Scott Key Bridge (PHOTO)
Grassed waterways (best management practice) (PHOTO)
Grassed waterways (best management practice) (PHOTO)
Grassed waterways (best management practice) (PHOTO)
Grassed waterways (best management practice) (PHOTO)
Grassed waterways (best management practice) (PHOTO)
Grassed waterways (best management practice) (PHOTO)
Grassed waterways (best management practice) (PHOTO)
Herbicide Use in Land Management (PHOTO)
Herbicide Use in Land Management (PHOTO)
Highways of Baltimore (PHOTO)
IMET building (PHOTO)
IMET building (PHOTO)
Kent Island Bridge, Maryland (PHOTO)
M&T Bank Stadium (PHOTO)
M&T Bank Stadium (PHOTO)
M&T Bank Stadium (PHOTO)
M&T Bank Stadium (PHOTO)
Magothy River (PHOTO)
Magothy River (PHOTO)
Oriole Park at Camden Yards (PHOTO)
Oriole Park at Camden Yards (PHOTO)
Pier (PHOTO)
Pleasure Cove Marina (PHOTO)
Port of Baltimore (PHOTO)
Port of Baltimore (PHOTO)
Port of Baltimore (PHOTO)
Port of Baltimore (PHOTO)
Port of Baltimore (PHOTO)
Port of Baltimore (PHOTO)
Port of Baltimore (PHOTO)
Private Island (PHOTO)
Riparian vegetation (PHOTO)
Sandbank (PHOTO)
Sandbank (PHOTO)
Sandbank (PHOTO)
Sanitary district (PHOTO)
Sanitary district (PHOTO)
Sediment Curtain (PHOTO)
Sediment Plumes (PHOTO)
Sillery Bay (PHOTO)
Solar Array (PHOTO)
Sparrows Point Industrial Complex (PHOTO)
Sparrows Point Industrial Complex (PHOTO)
Sparrows Point Industrial Complex (PHOTO)
Sparrows Point Industrial Complex (PHOTO)
Sparrows Point Industrial Complex (PHOTO)
Sparrows Point Industrial Complex (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Wastewater treatment (PHOTO)
Waterfront Property (PHOTO)
Waterfront Property (PHOTO)
Waterfront Property (PHOTO)
Relative Sea-level Rise (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing threats to the seagrasses and birds in the Gulf of Mexico (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing features of and threats to Darwin Harbour (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing key features of and major threats to the Great Barrier Reef (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing desired and degraded condition of croplands within Monocacy National Battlefield (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing desired and degraded condition of forests within Monocacy National Battlefield (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing desired and degraded condition of grasslands within Monocacy National Battlefield (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing desired and degraded condition of pasture lands within Monocacy National Battlefield (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing pressures to the world's coral reefs (GRAPHIC)
Conceptual diagram showing condition of Atlantic subtidal habitats of Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Conceptual diagram showing condition of bay subtidal and mudflat habitats of Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Conceptual diagram showing condition of beach and intertidal habitats of Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Conceptual diagram showing condition of dune and grassland habitats of Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Conceptual diagram showing condition of forest and shrubland habitats of Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Conceptual diagram showing condition of inland wetland habitats of Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Conceptual diagram showing condition of salt marsh habitats of Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Diagram illustrating desired and degraded condition of forests within Antietam National Battlefield (GRAPHIC)
Diagram illustrating desired and degraded condition of inland wetland habitats of Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Diagram illustrating desired and degraded condition of pastures within Antietam National Battlefield (GRAPHIC)
Diagram illustrating desired and degraded condition of salt marsh habitats of Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Diagram illustrating features of Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Diagram illustrating threats to Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing condition of habitats on Assateague Island (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing the habitats of Assateague Island in cross-section (GRAPHIC)
Eastern tiger swallowtail (PHOTO)
Snowberry clearwing (PHOTO)
Climate change impacts on ecosystem and management (GRAPHIC)
Maize/corn crop (SYMBOL)
Maize/corn stalk (SYMBOL)
Barracks at Jamestown (PHOTO)
Captain John Smith (PHOTO)
Captain John Smith (PHOTO)
Deer browsing (PHOTO)
James Fort model (PHOTO)
Jamestown Church (PHOTO)
Jamestown Church (PHOTO)
Plantation house (PHOTO)
Red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) (PHOTO)
Southern Leopard Frog (Rana sphenocephala) (PHOTO)
Union Jack (PHOTO)
Coastline 2D: barrier island with microtidal energy (SYMBOL)
Coastline 2D: barrier island with mixed energy (SYMBOL)
Coastline 2D: sea-level rise with continental shelf (SYMBOL)
Coastline 2D: sea-level rise with continental slope (SYMBOL)
Coastline 2D: sea-level rise with increased swell (SYMBOL)
Coastline 3D: barrier island lagoon system (SYMBOL)
Coastline 3D: bay with barrier island (SYMBOL)
Coastline 3D: comparison high vs low marsh (SYMBOL)
Coastline 3D: modified shoreline (SYMBOL)
Coastline 3D: mountains to open ocean (SYMBOL)
Coastline 3D: mountains to open ocean with upwelling (SYMBOL)
Coastline 3D: natural shoreline (SYMBOL)
North arrow 3 (SYMBOL)
Reef 3D: volcanic island with barrier reef 2 (SYMBOL)
Reef 3D: volcanic islands with reefs (SYMBOL)
River 2D: water table high (SYMBOL)
River 2D: water table low (SYMBOL)
River 3D: comparison healthy vs eutrophic (SYMBOL)
River 3D: groundwater transport (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Assawoman Bay 3D watershed (detailed) (SYMBOL)
Watershed 3D: comparison good vs bad (SYMBOL)
Adaptive management cycle (GRAPHIC)
Choosing indicators in project management (GRAPHIC)
Choosing sampling methods (GRAPHIC)
Conceptual framework of a monitoring program (GRAPHIC)
Determining threshold values (GRAPHIC)
Division of regions in ecological report cards (GRAPHIC)
Ecological indicators in environmental management (GRAPHIC)
Environmental statistics- sample size (GRAPHIC)
Example of diagrams that help select indicators (GRAPHIC)
Explanatory power vs. complexity in ecological forecasting (GRAPHIC)
Gathering data for Coastal Assessment (GRAPHIC)
Geographic scaling of report cards (GRAPHIC)
Habitat patchwork (GRAPHIC)
Historical versus current flow regime through the Everglades wetlands (GRAPHIC)
How water quality influences different zones in a waterway (GRAPHIC)
Integrating data into an ecological report card (GRAPHIC)
Interconnectivity of research, management and communication (GRAPHIC)
Models of varying complexity (GRAPHIC)
PSR indicators (GRAPHIC)
Producing results in environmental management (GRAPHIC)
Remote Sensing Toolkit (GRAPHIC)
Sampling sites in the everglades (GRAPHIC)
Science and resource management (GRAPHIC)
Spatial analysis (GRAPHIC)
Spatially fixed sampling (GRAPHIC)
The 'wedding cake' design (GRAPHIC)
The steps of ecological forecasting (GRAPHIC)
Three stages of environmental management (GRAPHIC)
Using knowledge to empower change (GRAPHIC)
Phaethon aethereus (Red-billed Tropicbird) (SYMBOL)
Urban: city building 08 (SYMBOL)
Mining: hammer and chisel (SYMBOL)
Fall (PHOTO)
Fall (PHOTO)
R/V Rachel Carson (PHOTO)
Palau Storyboard: 1 (SYMBOL)
Palau Storyboard: 2 (SYMBOL)
Palau Storyboard: 3 (SYMBOL)
Palau Storyboard: 4 (SYMBOL)
Palau Storyboard: 5 (SYMBOL)
Praying mantis (PHOTO)
Praying mantis (PHOTO)
Praying mantis (PHOTO)
Red fox (PHOTO)
Bald eagle (PHOTO)
Beetle in Queen Anne's Lace (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Cattails (PHOTO)
Dragonfly (PHOTO)
Dragonfly (PHOTO)
Loblolly pine (PHOTO)
Osprey family (PHOTO)
Restoration at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Target audiences (GRAPHIC)
Fenceline (PHOTO)
Fenceline (PHOTO)
Incised stream banks (PHOTO)
Roadkill deer (PHOTO)
Roadkill deer (PHOTO)
Warm-season grasslands (PHOTO)
Warm-season grasslands (PHOTO)
Algal Bloom (PHOTO)
Black-eyed susans (PHOTO)
Black-eyed susans (PHOTO)
Bush Creek (PHOTO)
Butterfly on black-eyed susan (PHOTO)
Butterfly on black-eyed susan (PHOTO)
Forest in Monocacy National Battlefield (PHOTO)
Forest in Monocacy National Battlefield (PHOTO)
Former fenceline (PHOTO)
Grassy drive in warm-season grasslands (PHOTO)
Grassy drive in warm-season grasslands (PHOTO)
Incised stream banks (PHOTO)
Junction of Bush Creek and Monocacy River (PHOTO)
Moncacy National Battlefield (PHOTO)
Monocacy River (PHOTO)
Monocacy River (PHOTO)
Visitors' Center at Monocacy National Battlefield (PHOTO)
Warm-season grasslands (PHOTO)
Bald eagle (PHOTO)
Black-eyed susan (PHOTO)
Boats on the Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Custom House, Chestertown (PHOTO)
Living shoreline (PHOTO)
Osprey and nest (PHOTO)
Osprey and nest (PHOTO)
Osprey and nest (PHOTO)
Osprey and nest (PHOTO)
Osprey and nest (PHOTO)
Paddlers on the Chester River (PHOTO)
Riprap on the Chester River (PHOTO)
Sailing the Chester River (PHOTO)
Sailing the Chester River (PHOTO)
Tubing on the Chester River (PHOTO)
Water quality monitoring (PHOTO)
Water quality monitoring (PHOTO)
Water quality monitoring (PHOTO)
Water quality monitoring (PHOTO)
Water quality monitoring (PHOTO)
Water quality monitoring (PHOTO)
Water quality monitoring (PHOTO)
Great blue heron (PHOTO)
Great blue heron (PHOTO)
Great blue heron (PHOTO)
Great blue heron (PHOTO)
Great blue heron (PHOTO)
Great blue heron (PHOTO)
Great blue heron (PHOTO)
Great blue heron (PHOTO)
Great blue heron (PHOTO)
Shorebird (PHOTO)
Aquatic plants growing in McGill Creek (PHOTO)
Aquatic plants growing in McGill Creek (PHOTO)
Aquatic plants growing in McGill Creek (PHOTO)
Aquatic plants growing in McGill Creek (PHOTO)
Aquatic plants in McGill Creek (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chestertown (PHOTO)
Chestertown (PHOTO)
Chestertown (PHOTO)
Greg Neck (PHOTO)
Hen Island in the Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Jacobs Creek (PHOTO)
Kennedyville (PHOTO)
Kennedyville (PHOTO)
Management (SYMBOL)
Marinas on the Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Marinas on the Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Marinas on the Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Marinas on the Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Mill Creek and the Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Poultry houses on the Chester River (PHOTO)
Poultry houses on the Chester River (PHOTO)
Poultry houses on the Chester River (PHOTO)
Poultry houses on the Chester River (PHOTO)
Queenstown (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Unicorn Dam (PHOTO)
Wye River (PHOTO)
Wye River (PHOTO)
Diagram of Assawoman Bay (GRAPHIC)
Diagram of Chincoteague Bay (GRAPHIC)
Diagram of Isle of Wight Bay (GRAPHIC)
Diagram of Newport Bay (GRAPHIC)
Diagram of Sinepuxent Bay (GRAPHIC)
Diagram of St. Martin River (GRAPHIC)
Arrow arum and Phragmites (PHOTO)
Arrow arum and cattails (PHOTO)
Merkle Wildlife Sanctuary (PHOTO)
Muskrat lodge (PHOTO)
Osprey nest (PHOTO)
Osprey nest (PHOTO)
Paddlers (PHOTO)
Paddlers (PHOTO)
Paddling (PHOTO)
Paddling (PHOTO)
Patuxent River (PHOTO)
Upper Patuxent River (PHOTO)
Upper Patuxent River (PHOTO)
Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Lilies (PHOTO)
Pink evening primrose (PHOTO)
Pink evening primrose (PHOTO)
Diagram showing the features of and threats to the Kura River Basin (GRAPHIC)
Geologic timeline (GRAPHIC)
Recreation in the Coastal Bays (GRAPHIC)
Spring (PHOTO)
Spring (PHOTO)
Spring (PHOTO)
Spring (PHOTO)
Spring (PHOTO)
Spring (PHOTO)
Spring (PHOTO)
Spring (PHOTO)
Spring (PHOTO)
USA: Chesapeake Bay watershed (SYMBOL)
Anthropogenic nitrogen exchanges (GRAPHIC)
Aquifers underlying the Coastal Bays (GRAPHIC)
Atlantic waterfowl migration patterns (GRAPHIC)
Causes of acid rain (GRAPHIC)
Classification of estuaries & coastal water (GRAPHIC)
Coastal lagoon vs. river-valley estuary (GRAPHIC)
Coastal plain aquifer system (GRAPHIC)
Criteria for dissolved oxygen for aquatic life (GRAPHIC)
Cross section of the Atlantic Coastal Plain (GRAPHIC)
Cypselurus callopterus (Ornamented Flying Fish) (SYMBOL)
Damaged tree (SYMBOL)
Dendroctonus ponderosae (Mountain Pine Beetle) 2 (SYMBOL)
Dissolved chlorophyll in the Lagoon of Venice (GRAPHIC)
Dissolved oxygen in the Lagoon of Venice (GRAPHIC)
Effect of nutrient loading on primary producers (GRAPHIC)
Global distribution of coastal waterways (GRAPHIC)
Groundwater transport in the Maryland Coastal Bays (GRAPHIC)
Guidelines for natural shore erosion and marsh creation (GRAPHIC)
Habitat requirements of seagrass and hard clams (GRAPHIC)
Healthy & eutrophic coastal lagoons (GRAPHIC)
Healthy waterways (GRAPHIC)
Land subsidence & sea-level rise (GRAPHIC)
Life cycle of the blue crab (GRAPHIC)
Managing pollution (GRAPHIC)
Map of national coastal lagoon conditions (GRAPHIC)
Maryland State House (SYMBOL)
Morphology of different barrier islands (GRAPHIC)
Nitrogen exchange in a coastal bay (GRAPHIC)
Nitrogen stable isotope methodology (GRAPHIC)
Pervious vs. impervious surfaces (GRAPHIC)
Rangia cuneata (Atlantic Rangia) (SYMBOL)
Relative light attenuation for seagrass (GRAPHIC)
Relative sea-level rise (GRAPHIC)
Salinity of the Lagoon of Venice (GRAPHIC)
Sea-level rise & marshes (GRAPHIC)
Seasonal water table (GRAPHIC)
Septic system (GRAPHIC)
Soft vs. hard shorelines (GRAPHIC)
Stolephorus commersonnii (Commerson's Anchovy) (SYMBOL)
Stream habitat vs. ditch habitat (GRAPHIC)
The 'Brunn rule' (GRAPHIC)
The carbon cycle (GRAPHIC)
The clean water act (GRAPHIC)
The evolution of Assateague Fenwick & Assateague Islands, 1850-2005 (GRAPHIC)
The life cycle of the american eel (GRAPHIC)
The life cycle of the summer flounder (GRAPHIC)
The nitrogen cycle (GRAPHIC)
The phosphorus cycle (GRAPHIC)
Types of coastal waterways (GRAPHIC)
Wastewater treatment (GRAPHIC)
sustainable vs. unsustainable communities (GRAPHIC)
Canada geese (PHOTO)
Flotsam and jetsam (PHOTO)
Ice puddle (PHOTO)
Icy beach (PHOTO)
Leaves frozen in ice (PHOTO)
Leaves frozen in ice (PHOTO)
Oyster shells (PHOTO)
Tires (PHOTO)
Rainbow (PHOTO)
Rainbow (PHOTO)
1st New York Light Artillery, Battery (L) (E Attached) (PHOTO)
Devil's Den (PHOTO)
Gettysburg fence (PHOTO)
Gettysburg fence (PHOTO)
McPherson Barn, looking northwest (PHOTO)
Monument to Major General John F. Reynolds (PHOTO)
Pennsylvania Memorial (PHOTO)
Pennsylvania Memorial (PHOTO)
Union Brigade Marker (PHOTO)
Union Brigade Marker (PHOTO)
Union U.S. Regulars Marker (PHOTO)
Union U.S. Regulars Marker 2 (PHOTO)
Virginia Memorial (PHOTO)
Virginia Memorial (PHOTO)
Moonrise over the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Moonrise over the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Mantis on picnic table (PHOTO)
Mantis on picnic table (PHOTO)
Abalone farming (SYMBOL)
Anguilla rostrata (American Eel) : elver (SYMBOL)
Anguilla rostrata (American Eel) : glass eel (SYMBOL)
Anguilla rostrata (American Eel) : leptocephalus (SYMBOL)
Clammer (SYMBOL)
Flag: USA Maryland (SYMBOL)
Flying geese (SYMBOL)
Golfer (SYMBOL)
Grus americana (Whooping Crane) 2 (SYMBOL)
Paralichthys dentatus (Summer Flounder) : juvenile (SYMBOL)
Paralichthys dentatus (Summer Flounder) : larva (SYMBOL)
Ptychocheilus grandis (Sacramento Pikeminnow) (SYMBOL)
Weather: solar radiation (SYMBOL)
Weather: wind vector (SYMBOL)
Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts (PHOTO)
Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts (PHOTO)
Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts (PHOTO)
Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts (PHOTO)
Agricultural irrigator (PHOTO)
Agriculture and the Pocomoke Sound Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Beach Island (PHOTO)
Beach Island (PHOTO)
Big Marsh (PHOTO)
Cherry Point (PHOTO)
Cherry Point (PHOTO)
Cleared forest near Mobjack Bay, Virginia (PHOTO)
Craddock Creek (PHOTO)
Craddock Neck (PHOTO)
Deal Island (PHOTO)
Deal Island (PHOTO)
Deal Island Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Deal Island Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Deal Island Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Deal Island Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Deal Island Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Deal Island Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Deal Island Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Deal Island Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
East Creek (PHOTO)
East Creek (PHOTO)
Golf course (PHOTO)
Gwynns Island (PHOTO)
Hacks Neck (PHOTO)
Hacks Neck (PHOTO)
Hacks Neck (PHOTO)
Hungars Creek (PHOTO)
Hungars Creek (PHOTO)
Hungars Creek, Virginia (PHOTO)
Hungars Creek, Virginia (PHOTO)
Hyslop Marsh (PHOTO)
Hyslop Marsh and Nandua Creek (PHOTO)
Island on Virginia's eastern shore (PHOTO)
Lillys Neck (PHOTO)
Marshes in Somerset County (PHOTO)
Marshes in Somerset County (PHOTO)
Marshes in Somerset County (PHOTO)
Marshes in Somerset County (PHOTO)
Mattawoman Creek (PHOTO)
Mobjack Bay (PHOTO)
Mobjack Bay (PHOTO)
Mobjack Bay (PHOTO)
Mobjack Bay (PHOTO)
Mobjack Bay (PHOTO)
Mobjack Bay (PHOTO)
Mouth of the Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
Nassawadox Creek (PHOTO)
Nassawadox Creek (PHOTO)
Nassawadox Creek (PHOTO)
New Point, Virginia (PHOTO)
New Point, Virginia (PHOTO)
New Point, Virginia (PHOTO)
Occohannock Creek (PHOTO)
Parkers Island (PHOTO)
Parkers Marsh Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Parkers Marsh Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Pepper Creek, Virginia (PHOTO)
Piankatank River (PHOTO)
Piankatank River (PHOTO)
Pocomoke Sound Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Pocomoke Sound Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Poultry farming (PHOTO)
Poultry farming (PHOTO)
Poultry farming (PHOTO)
Poultry farming (PHOTO)
Pungoteague Creek (PHOTO)
Pungoteague Creek (PHOTO)
Rappahannock River (PHOTO)
Rappahannock River (PHOTO)
Rappahannock River (PHOTO)
Rappahannock River (PHOTO)
Rappahannock River (PHOTO)
Rappahannock River (PHOTO)
Right-of-way (PHOTO)
Sandy Point (PHOTO)
Sandy Point (PHOTO)
Sandy Point (PHOTO)
Sandy Point (PHOTO)
Sandy Point (PHOTO)
Sandy Point (PHOTO)
Sandy Point (PHOTO)
Sandy Point (PHOTO)
Smith Island (PHOTO)
Smith Island (PHOTO)
Smith Island (PHOTO)
South Marsh Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
Tangier Island (PHOTO)
The Gulf on the eastern shore of Virginia (PHOTO)
The Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
The Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
The Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
The Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
The Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
The Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
The Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
The Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
The Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
The Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
The Pocomoke River (PHOTO)
Tributaries of Mobjack Bay (PHOTO)
Ware Neck Point, Virginia (PHOTO)
Ware Neck Point, Virginia (PHOTO)
Ware Neck Point, Virginia (PHOTO)
Westerhouse Creek (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Wicomico River (PHOTO)
Winter wheat (PHOTO)
Winter wheat (PHOTO)
The Oyster Recovery Partnership deploying oysters in the Choptank River (PHOTO)
2007 Chesapeake Bay Report Card (PHOTO)
2007 Chesapeake Bay Report Card Press Release (PHOTO)
2007 Chesapeake Bay Report Card Press Release (PHOTO)
2007 Chesapeake Bay Report Card Press Release (PHOTO)
2007 Chesapeake Bay Report Card Press Release (PHOTO)
2007 Chesapeake Bay Report Card Press Release (PHOTO)
2007 Chesapeake Bay Report Card Press Release (PHOTO)
2007 Chesapeake Bay Report Card Press Release (PHOTO)
Choptank River (PHOTO)
Choptank River Bridge (PHOTO)
Callinectes sapidus (Blue Crab) : female ventral view (SYMBOL)
Callinectes sapidus (Blue Crab) : male ventral view (SYMBOL)
Callinectes sapidus (Blue Crab) : ventral view adolescent female (SYMBOL)
Chesapeake Bay restoration goals (GRAPHIC)
Climate drivers (GRAPHIC)
Flooding vs. inundation (GRAPHIC)
How sea-level rise affects the community (GRAPHIC)
Hypoxia (GRAPHIC)
Natural versus impervious water filtration (GRAPHIC)
Phalacrocorax varius (Australian Pied Cormorant) (SYMBOL)
Physiographic Regions of Maryland (GRAPHIC)
Protecting wetland migration corridors (GRAPHIC)
Protective natural resources (GRAPHIC)
Sea-level rise in Maryland's coastal bays (GRAPHIC)
Shallow vs. Deep well (GRAPHIC)
Squeeze Zone for Striped Bass (GRAPHIC)
Suburban: canal estate 2 (SYMBOL)
Suburban: rancher 1 (SYMBOL)
USA CA: Estero Bay 3D (SYMBOL)
Urban: city building 06 (SYMBOL)
Urban: city building 07 (SYMBOL)
Urban: row houses (SYMBOL)
Vulnerability to sea-level rise (GRAPHIC)
Arctostaphylos spp. (Manzanita) (SYMBOL)
Charadrius alexandrinus (Snowy Plover) (SYMBOL)
Eschrichtius robustus (Gray Whale) (SYMBOL)
Macrocystis pyrifera (Giant Kelp) 1 (SYMBOL)
Macrocystis pyrifera (Giant Kelp) 2 (SYMBOL)
Nereocystis pyrifera (Bull Kelp) (SYMBOL)
Paralichthys californicus (California Halibut) (SYMBOL)
Pseudo-nitzschia australis (Diatom) (SYMBOL)
Scorpaenichthys marmoratus (Cabezon) (SYMBOL)
Sebastes carnatus (Gopher Rockfish) (SYMBOL)
Bai (Palauan meeting place) (SYMBOL)
Civil Engineering: bulkhead (SYMBOL)
Civil Engineering: riprap (SYMBOL)
Coconut palm tree (SYMBOL)
Jetty 2 (SYMBOL)
Rhizophora mucronata (SYMBOL)
Taro 2 (SYMBOL)
Water: septic system (SYMBOL)
Water: septic system 1 (SYMBOL)
Water: septic system 2 (SYMBOL)
Bioindicators (SYMBOL)
Economic indicators (SYMBOL)
Habitat management (SYMBOL)
Human access management (SYMBOL)
Linking science and management (SYMBOL)
Diagram showing how land use on Babeldaob Island affects the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (GRAPHIC)
DNA: strand 2 (SYMBOL)
Chestertown (PHOTO)
Tributaries of the Chester River (PHOTO)
Annapolis (PHOTO)
Annapolis (PHOTO)
Annapolis (PHOTO)
Annapolis (PHOTO)
Annapolis (PHOTO)
Annapolis (PHOTO)
Annapolis (PHOTO)
Annapolis (PHOTO)
Annapolis (PHOTO)
Annapolis (PHOTO)
Back River (PHOTO)
Back River (PHOTO)
Baltimore (PHOTO)
Bear Creek, Baltimore (PHOTO)
Bear Creek, Baltimore (PHOTO)
Bear Creek, Baltimore (PHOTO)
Broad Neck and the Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chester River (PHOTO)
Chestertown (PHOTO)
Chestertown (PHOTO)
Chestertown (PHOTO)
Chestertown (PHOTO)
Conowingo Dam, Susquehanna River (PHOTO)
Conowingo Dam, Susquehanna River (PHOTO)
Conowingo Dam, Susquehanna River (PHOTO)
Conowingo Dam, Susquehanna River (PHOTO)
Conowingo Dam, Susquehanna River (PHOTO)
Conowingo Dam, Susquehanna River (PHOTO)
Conowingo Dam, Susquehanna River (PHOTO)
Conowingo Dam, Susquehanna River (PHOTO)
Conowingo Dam, Susquehanna River (PHOTO)
Conowingo Dam, Susquehanna River (PHOTO)
Conowingo Dam, Susquehanna River (PHOTO)
Deep Creek (PHOTO)
Eastern Neck (PHOTO)
Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Elk Neck (PHOTO)
Elk Neck (PHOTO)
Elk River (PHOTO)
Elk River (PHOTO)
Elk River (PHOTO)
Fairfield Industrial Park (PHOTO)
Fairfield Industrial Park (PHOTO)
Fairfield Industrial Park (PHOTO)
Francis Scott Key Bridge (PHOTO)
Francis Scott Key Bridge (PHOTO)
Francis Scott Key Bridge (PHOTO)
Grassed waterways (PHOTO)
Hart-Miller Island (PHOTO)
Highways in Baltimore (PHOTO)
Highways in Baltimore (PHOTO)
Kent Island and the Chester River (PHOTO)
Kent Narrows (PHOTO)
Kent Narrows (PHOTO)
Magothy River (PHOTO)
Mill Creek (PHOTO)
Pearce Creek (PHOTO)
Power line right-of-way (PHOTO)
Quaker Neck (PHOTO)
Quaker Neck (PHOTO)
Quaker Neck (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Sassafras River (PHOTO)
Severn River (PHOTO)
Severn River (PHOTO)
Spaniard Neck (PHOTO)
Susquehanna Flats (PHOTO)
Susquehanna Flats (PHOTO)
Susquehanna Flats (PHOTO)
Swan Creek (PHOTO)
The mouth of the Corsica River (PHOTO)
Upper Chesapeake Bay (PHOTO)
West Fork (PHOTO)
Chainsaw art at the Spa Creek Conservancy (PHOTO)
Chainsaw art at the Spa Creek Conservancy (PHOTO)
Chainsaw art at the Spa Creek Conservancy (PHOTO)
Green roof on the Severn Savings Bank, Annapolis (PHOTO)
Green roof on the Severn Savings Bank, Annapolis (PHOTO)
Green roof on the Severn Savings Bank, Annapolis (PHOTO)
Living shoreline in Amos Garrett Park (PHOTO)
Native garden in Amos Garrett Park (PHOTO)
Rain garden at the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium (PHOTO)
Rain garden in Amos Garrett Park (PHOTO)
A forest of masts at Mears Marina, Annapolis (PHOTO)
No Dumping - Drains To Bay (PHOTO)
Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Marshes in Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Marshes in Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Health care industry: red cross (SYMBOL)
Mathematics: Pi (SYMBOL)
Music: eighth notes 1 (SYMBOL)
Restroom (SYMBOL)
Chandelier Cave in Palau (PHOTO)
Chandelier Cave in Palau (PHOTO)
Chandelier Cave in Palau (PHOTO)
Grey reef shark, Palau (PHOTO)
Moorish idol in Palau (PHOTO)
Cryptogamic crust in Palau (PHOTO)
Bai in Palau (PHOTO)
Bai in Palau (PHOTO)
Ascidians on coral, Palau (PHOTO)
Barracuda in Palau (PHOTO)
Butterflyfish eating a mushroom coral, Palau (PHOTO)
Coral bleaching in Palau (PHOTO)
Coral bleaching in Palau (PHOTO)
Coral bleaching in Palau (PHOTO)
Corals in Palau (PHOTO)
Crown of thorns starfish in Palau (PHOTO)
Diving the Blue Corner, Palau (PHOTO)
Feather star on coral at one of the sites monitored by the Palau (PHOTO)
Feather stars on coral at one of the sites monitored by the Pala (PHOTO)
Giant clams in Palau (PHOTO)
Grey reef shark, Palau (PHOTO)
Harlequin tuskfish in Palau (PHOTO)
Jellyfish Lake, Palau (PHOTO)
Jellyfish Lake, Palau (PHOTO)
Jellyfish Lake, Palau (PHOTO)
Plate coral at the Cemetery, Palau (PHOTO)
Plate coral in Palau (PHOTO)
Soft coral, Palau (PHOTO)
Staghorn coral in Palau (PHOTO)
Ulong Island, Palau (PHOTO)
Ulong Island, Palau (PHOTO)
Underwater in Palau (PHOTO)
Underwater in Palau (PHOTO)
Ice on the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Ice on the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Algal blooms result in low oxygen (GRAPHIC)
Bay encroachment (GRAPHIC)
Calidris spp. (Sandpiper) (SYMBOL)
Charadrius melodus (Piping Plover) 1 (SYMBOL)
Chesapeake Bay aquatic grass distribution from 1965-2000 (GRAPHIC)
Native vs invasive Phragmites (GRAPHIC)
Nitrogen input in the Chesapeake Bay (GRAPHIC)
Nutrient flow in an estuary (PHOTO)
Phosphorus in the Chesapeake Bay (GRAPHIC)
Poor vs effective storm management (GRAPHIC)
Riparian forest buffers (GRAPHIC)
Sediment influence and water clarity (GRAPHIC)
Sources of nitrogen/phosphorus deposition (GRAPHIC)
Winter cover crops reduce nitrates (GRAPHIC)
Effect of nutrients of aquatic primary producers (GRAPHIC)
California sea lions (PHOTO)
Giant kelp (PHOTO)
Southern sea otter (PHOTO)
Algae on Monterey cypress trees (PHOTO)
Algae on Monterey cypress trees (PHOTO)
Algae on Monterey cypress trees (PHOTO)
California sage brush (PHOTO)
California sage brush (PHOTO)
California sage brush (PHOTO)
California sagebrush (PHOTO)
Dew drops on a groundcover plant, Point Lobos State Reserve, California (PHOTO)
Dew drops on a groundcover plant, Point Lobos State Reserve, California (PHOTO)
Giant kelp (PHOTO)
Giant kelp (PHOTO)
Harbor seals (PHOTO)
Monterey cypress (PHOTO)
Monterey cypress (PHOTO)
Palm tree kelp, Postelsia palmaeformis (PHOTO)
Rock formations at Point Lobos State Reserve, California (PHOTO)
Spanish moss (PHOTO)
Spanish moss (PHOTO)
Spider web at Point Lobos State Reserve, Carmel, California (PHOTO)
Sticky monkey flowers at Point Lobos State Reserve, Carmel, California (PHOTO)
The kelp Macrocystis integrifolia washed up on a beach at Pacific Grove, California (PHOTO)
Harbor seals on rocks offshore from the Monterey Bay Aquarium (PHOTO)
Diagram showing the landscape of the Chenier and Deltaic Plains of coastal Louisiana (GRAPHIC)
Rocky intertidal area at Sea West, north of Morro Bay, California (PHOTO)
Rocky intertidal area at Sea West, north of Morro Bay, California (PHOTO)
Rocky intertidal area at Sea West, north of Morro Bay, California (PHOTO)
Rocky intertidal area at Sea West, north of Morro Bay, California (PHOTO)
Rocky intertidal area at Sea West, north of Morro Bay, California (PHOTO)
Rocky intertidal area at Sea West, north of Morro Bay, California (PHOTO)
Rocky intertidal area at Sea West, north of Morro Bay, California (PHOTO)
Rocky intertidal area at Sea West, north of Morro Bay, California (PHOTO)
Rocky intertidal area at Sea West, north of Morro Bay, California (PHOTO)
Rocky intertidal area at Sea West, north of Morro Bay, California (PHOTO)
Rocky intertidal area at Sea West, north of Morro Bay, California (PHOTO)
"Living stones" - arid-adapted plants from the California desert (PHOTO)
Arid-adapted plants from the California desert (PHOTO)
California sea lion (PHOTO)
California sea lion (PHOTO)
California sea lion (PHOTO)
California sea lion (PHOTO)
Diagram showing ecosystems of the Chenier Plain of coastal Louisiana (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing ecosystems of the Deltaic Plain of coastal Louisiana (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing hydrology of the Deltaic Plain of coastal Louisiana (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing hydrology on the Chenier Plain of coastal Louisiana (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing trade-offs in Deltaic and Chenier Plain sediment use in coastal Louisiana (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing trade-offs in riverine sediment use in coastal Louisiana (GRAPHIC)
Early morning fog in the Morro Bay harbor (PHOTO)
Morro Bay rock, California (PHOTO)
Big Sur coastline (PHOTO)
Elephant seals (PHOTO)
Elephant seals (PHOTO)
Elephant seals (PHOTO)
Harbor seals on the beach (PHOTO)
Harbor seals on the beach (PHOTO)
Harbor seals on the beach (PHOTO)
Rocky coastline along the 17-Mile-Drive near Carmel, California (PHOTO)
Rocky coastline along the 17-Mile-Drive near Carmel, California (PHOTO)
The Lone Cypress near Carmel, California (PHOTO)
A tributary of the Choptank River (PHOTO)
A tributary of the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Aerial view of Poplar Island in the mid-Cheasapeake Bay (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay in Cambridge, Maryland (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay in Cambridge, Maryland (PHOTO)
Annapolis wastewater treatment plant (PHOTO)
Annapolis wastewater treatment plant (PHOTO)
Boone Creek, Oxford, Maryland (PHOTO)
Downtown Annapolis, Maryland (PHOTO)
Downtown Cambridge, Maryland (PHOTO)
Flooded farm fields (PHOTO)
Hambrooks Bay, Cambridge (PHOTO)
Hambrooks Bay, Cambridge (PHOTO)
Harris Creek, a tributary of the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Harris Creek, a tributary of the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Harris Creek, a tributary of the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Harris Creek, a tributary of the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Harris Creek, a tributary of the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Harris Creek, a tributary of the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Harris Creek, a tributary of the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Harris Creek, a tributary of the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Harris Creek, a tributary of the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Horn Point Laboratory (PHOTO)
Multiple sediment plumes converging in the mid-Bay (PHOTO)
Multiple sediment plumes converging in the mid-Bay (PHOTO)
Offices of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (PHOTO)
Offices of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (PHOTO)
Offices of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (PHOTO)
Offices of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (PHOTO)
Offices of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation (PHOTO)
Offices of the Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, Maryland (PHOTO)
Offices of the Chesapeake Bay Program, Annapolis, Maryland (PHOTO)
Oxford, Maryland (PHOTO)
Oxford, Maryland (PHOTO)
Oxford, Maryland (PHOTO)
Plumes of water around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Plumes of water around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Plumes of water around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Plumes of water around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Plumes of water around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Plumes of water around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Plumes of water around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Plumes of water around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Plumes of water around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Plumes of water around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Plumes of water around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Plumes of water around the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (PHOTO)
Runoff plume (PHOTO)
Runoff plume (PHOTO)
Seagrass in Round Bay in the Severn River, Annapolis, Maryland (PHOTO)
Seagrass in Round Bay in the Severn River, Annapolis, Maryland (PHOTO)
Sediment plume coming out of the South River (PHOTO)
Sediment plume coming out of the South River (PHOTO)
Sediment plumes around Horn Point (PHOTO)
Sediment plumes in the Choptank River (PHOTO)
The Cambridge wastewater treatment plant (PHOTO)
The Cambridge wastewater treatment plant (PHOTO)
The Cambridge wastewater treatment plant (PHOTO)
The Navy stadium in Annapolis, Maryland (PHOTO)
The Navy stadium in Annapolis, Maryland (PHOTO)
The historic district of Cambridge, Maryland (PHOTO)
The historic district of Cambridge, Maryland (PHOTO)
The historic district of Cambridge, Maryland (PHOTO)
Farm Creek, adjacent to Fishing Bay Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Horn Point Laboratory campus on the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Horn Point Laboratory campus on the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Horn Point Laboratory campus on the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Horn Point Laboratory campus on the Choptank River (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Dark coffee-colored water in Marshyhope Creek (PHOTO)
Dark coffee-colored water in Marshyhope Creek (PHOTO)
Elliott Island in Fishing Bay (PHOTO)
Farm Creek, adjacent to Fishing Bay Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Glebe Creek, a tributary of the Miles River near Easton (PHOTO)
Green marshes adjacent to Fishing Bay Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Green marshes adjacent to Fishing Bay Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Healthy marshes (green) and stressed marshes (brown) in Fishing Bay Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
In the foreground is a plume in Boone Creek, as a result of the excessive rain in late June 2006 (PHOTO)
Looking north up Little Blackwater River (PHOTO)
Maple Dam Road in Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Marsh ditching adjacent to Fishing Bay, in the Fishing Bay Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Marsh ditching adjacent to Fishing Bay, in the Fishing Bay Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Marsh ditching adjacent to Fishing Bay, in the Fishing Bay Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Marsh ditching in Fishing Bay Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Marshes in Farm Creek Marsh in Fishing Bay Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Plume coming out of the mouth of Cedar Creek, into the west side of Fishing Bay (PHOTO)
Plume coming out of the mouth of Cedar Creek, into the west side of Fishing Bay (PHOTO)
Plumes coming from tributaries of the Nanticoke River, after the excessive rains of June 2006 (PHOTO)
Plumes coming from tributaries of the Nanticoke River, after the excessive rains of June 2006 (PHOTO)
Plumes coming from tributaries of the Nanticoke River, after the excessive rains of June 2006 (PHOTO)
Plumes coming from tributaries of the Nanticoke River, after the excessive rains of June 2006 (PHOTO)
Plumes coming from tributaries of the Nanticoke River, after the excessive rains of June 2006 (PHOTO)
Plumes coming from tributaries of the Nanticoke River, after the excessive rains of June 2006 (PHOTO)
Poultry farming in the Nanticoke River watershed (PHOTO)
River plumes entering Fishing Bay (PHOTO)
River plumes entering Fishing Bay (PHOTO)
River plumes in Charles Creek (PHOTO)
River plumes in the Honga River (PHOTO)
River plumes in the Honga River (PHOTO)
River plumes in the Honga River (PHOTO)
River plumes in the Honga River (PHOTO)
River plumes in the Honga River (PHOTO)
River plumes in the Honga River (PHOTO)
River plumes in the Honga River and Charles Creek (PHOTO)
The Blackwater River in Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
The Blackwater River in Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
The Blackwater River in Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
The Blackwater River in Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
The Blackwater River in Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
The Blackwater River in Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
The Blackwater River in Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge (PHOTO)
Water plumes coming off Parks Neck into the Honga River (PHOTO)
Water plumes coming off Parks Neck into the Honga River (PHOTO)
Widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) in the Honga River (PHOTO)
World's End Creek, which drains into Charles Creek and the Honga River (PHOTO)
World's End Creek, which drains into Charles Creek and the Honga River (PHOTO)
World's End Creek, which drains into Charles Creek and the Honga River (PHOTO)
Sea Grass Sampling (PHOTO)
Sea Grass Sampling (PHOTO)
Seagrass Sampling (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Assawoman Wildlife Area in Little Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Ocean City Inlet from Isle of Wight Bay (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Ocean City Inlet from Isle of Wight Bay (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Ocean City Inlet from Isle of Wight Bay (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Ocean City Inlet from Isle of Wight Bay (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Ocean City Inlet from Isle of Wight Bay (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the Ocean City Inlet from Isle of Wight Bay (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the canal joining Little Assawoman Bay (bottom left) with Assawoman Bay (top right) (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the canal joining Little Assawoman Bay (bottom left) with Assawoman Bay (top right) (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the canal joining Little Assawoman Bay (bottom left) with Assawoman Bay (top right) (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the canal joining Little Assawoman Bay (bottom left) with Assawoman Bay (top right) (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the canal joining Little Assawoman Bay (bottom left) with Assawoman Bay (top right) (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the canal joining Little Assawoman Bay (bottom left) with Assawoman Bay (top right) (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the canal joining Little Assawoman Bay (left) with Assawoman Bay (right) (PHOTO)
Aerial view of the south-eastern end of Little Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Agriculture and forest in Newport Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Agriculture and forest in Newport Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Agriculture and poultry houses in Newport Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Agriculture and poultry houses in Newport Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Agriculture and poultry houses in Newport Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Agriculture in Newport Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Agriculture in Newport Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Assawoman Bay, looking south (PHOTO)
Berlin, Maryland (PHOTO)
Berlin, Maryland (PHOTO)
Berlin, Maryland (PHOTO)
Berlin, Maryland (PHOTO)
Bishopville Dam, Bishopville (PHOTO)
Bishopville Dam, Bishopville (PHOTO)
Bishopville Dam, Bishopville (PHOTO)
Bishopville Dam, Bishopville (PHOTO)
Bishopville Dam, Bishopville (PHOTO)
Bishopville Prong (PHOTO)
Bishopville Prong (PHOTO)
Bishopville Prong (PHOTO)
Bishopville Prong (PHOTO)
Bishopville Prong (PHOTO)
Bishopville Prong, Bishopville (PHOTO)
Canal developments in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Canal developments in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Canal developments on Dirickson Creek, Little Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Canal developments on Dirickson Creek, Little Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Canal developments on Dirickson Creek, Little Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Canal developments on Roy Creek, Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Canal developments on Roy Creek, Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Development in the St. Martin River watershed (PHOTO)
Forest clearing for agriculture (PHOTO)
Forest clearing for agriculture in the Newport Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Golf course (The Links at Lighthouse Sound) in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Golf course and the Isle of Wight Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Golf course and the Isle of Wight Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Golf course on Turville Creek (PHOTO)
Golf course on Turville Creek (PHOTO)
Grey's Creek (PHOTO)
Grey's Creek (PHOTO)
Grey's Creek (PHOTO)
Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Isle of Wight Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Isle of Wight Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Isle of Wight Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Isle of Wight Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Isle of Wight Wildlife Management Area (PHOTO)
Just south of the Route 90 bridge in Isle of Wight Bay (PHOTO)
Little Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Looking along Trappe Creek towards Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking along Trappe Creek towards Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking along Trappe Creek towards Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking along Trappe Creek towards Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking along Trappe Creek towards Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking along Trappe Creek towards Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking along Trappe Creek towards Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking along Trappe Creek towards Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking north along Little Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Looking north along Little Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Looking north along Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking north along Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking north along Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking north along Sinepuxent Bay (PHOTO)
Looking north along Sinepuxent Bay (PHOTO)
Looking north along the western edge of Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking north along the western edge of Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking north from Assawoman Bay (foreground) to Little Assawoman Bay (background) (PHOTO)
Looking north from Assawoman Bay (foreground) to Little Assawoman Bay (background) (PHOTO)
Looking south along Fenwick Island (PHOTO)
Looking south along Fenwick Island (PHOTO)
Looking south along Fenwick Island (PHOTO)
Looking south from Isle of Wight Bay down Sinepuxent Bay, with Assateague Island on the left (PHOTO)
Looking south over Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Looking up Dirickson Creek, Little Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Looking west across Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking west across Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking west across the mouth of Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking west across the mouth of Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Looking west over the northern end of Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Marina in Sinepuxent Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes and ditches along a tributary of Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Marshes in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Montego Bay Residential Park in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Montego Bay Residential Park in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Montego Bay Residential Park in northern Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Montego Bay Residential Park in northern Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Montego Bay Residential Park in northern Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Montego Bay Residential Park in northern Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Ocean City, Fenwick Island, and Isle of Wight Bay (PHOTO)
Ocean Downs racetrack (PHOTO)
Ocean Downs racetrack (PHOTO)
Poultry farming in Newport Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Poultry houses in St. Martin River watershed (PHOTO)
Remnant marshes and developments along Fenwick Island in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Remnant marshes and developments along Fenwick Island in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Remnant marshes and developments along Fenwick Island in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Remnant marshes and developments along Fenwick Island in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Herring Creek (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Herring and Turville Creeks (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Turville Creek (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Turville Creek (PHOTO)
Riddle farm development on Turville Creek (PHOTO)
Roy Creek (PHOTO)
Roy Creek, Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Roy Creek, Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Roy Creek, Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Roy Creek, Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Roy Creek, Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Roy Creek, Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Roy Creek, Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Roy and Dirickson Creeks, Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Seagrass on the western side of Isle of Wight Bay (PHOTO)
Shingle Landing Prong (PHOTO)
Shingle Landing Prong (PHOTO)
Shopping complex in Berlin (PHOTO)
St. Martin River (PHOTO)
St. Martin River (PHOTO)
St. Martin River (PHOTO)
St. Martin River (PHOTO)
St. Martin River (PHOTO)
The southern end of Little Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Assateague Island (PHOTO)
Assateague Island (PHOTO)
Assateague Island (PHOTO)
Assateague Island (PHOTO)
Assateague Island (PHOTO)
Assateague Island and Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Bay watershed (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Inlet (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Inlet (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Inlet (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Inlet (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Island (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Island (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Island (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Island (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Island (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Island (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Island (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Island (PHOTO)
Chincoteague Island (PHOTO)
Clam aquaculture in Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Clam aquaculture in Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Ditches in Assateague Island (PHOTO)
Ditches in Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Ditches in Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Ditches in Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Fenwick Island, Maryland Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Fenwick Island, Maryland Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Fenwick Island, Maryland Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Fenwick Island, Maryland Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Golf Course in Assawoman Bay (PHOTO)
Golf course in Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Golf course in Sinepuxent Bay (PHOTO)
Isle of Wight Bay, Maryland Coastal Bays (PHOTO)
Mills Island in Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Mills Island in Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Mills Island in Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Mills Island in Chincoteague Bay (PHOTO)
Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Newport Bay (PHOTO)
Ocean City Inlet (PHOTO)
Poultry houses (PHOTO)
Prop scars in seagrass in Sinepuxent Bay (PHOTO)
Shoals and seagrass (PHOTO)
Shoals and seagrass (PHOTO)
Shoals and seagrass (PHOTO)
Shoals and seagrass (PHOTO)
Sinepuxent Bay (PHOTO)
Sinepuxent Bay (PHOTO)
Sinepuxent Bay and Assateague Island (PHOTO)
Sinepuxent Bay and Assateague Island (PHOTO)
Diagram showing features of and threats to coastal Louisiana (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing impacts of storm surge on coastal Louisiana (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing issues around flood protection in coastal Louisiana (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing issues around storm protection in coastal Louisiana (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing the effects of sacrificing renewable natural resources in coastal Louisiana (GRAPHIC)
USA MD: Assawoman Bay watershed (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Assawoman Bay watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Choptank River watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA DE MD VA: Coastal Bays (SYMBOL)
USA DE MD VA: Coastal Bays watershed (SYMBOL)
USA DE MD VA: Coastal Bays watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA DE MD VA: Delmarva line map (SYMBOL)
USA MD VA: Chesapeake Bay watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD VA: Chincoteague Bay watershed (SYMBOL)
USA MD VA: Chincoteague Bay watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Isle of Wight watershed (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Isle of Wight watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Lower Eastern Shore watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Lower Western Shore watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Newport Bay watershed (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Newport Bay watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Patapsco and Back Rivers watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Patuxent River watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Potomac River watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Sinepuxent Bay watershed (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Sinepuxent Bay watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD: St. Martin River watershed (SYMBOL)
USA MD: St. Martin River watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Upper Eastern Shore watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Upper Western Shore watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA VA: Elizabeth River watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA VA: James River watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA VA: Rappahannock River watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
USA VA: York River watershed locator map (SYMBOL)
Callinectes sapidus (Blue Crab) : male dorsal view (SYMBOL)
Lilium longiflorum (Easter Lily) (SYMBOL)
Geochelone nigra (Galapagos Giant Tortoise) 2 (SYMBOL)
Iguana spp (SYMBOL)
Coastline 3D: sandy coastline (SYMBOL)
Estuary 3D: stratified water column (SYMBOL)
Lagoon 3D: barrier sand islands (SYMBOL)
USA MD VA: Chincoteague Bay 3D watershed (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Assawoman Bay 3D watershed (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Isle of Wight 3D watershed (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Newport Bay 3D watershed (SYMBOL)
USA MD: Sinepuxent Bay 3D watershed (SYMBOL)
USA MD: St. Martin River 3D watershed (SYMBOL)
Anguilla rostrata (American Eel) (SYMBOL)
Boston Whaler motorboat (SYMBOL)
Charadrius melodus (Piping Plover) 2 (SYMBOL)
Crab boat (SYMBOL)
Crab zoea (SYMBOL)
Hospitality: ferris wheel (SYMBOL)
Limulus polyphemus (Horseshoe Crab) (SYMBOL)
Morone saxatilis (Striped Bass) (SYMBOL)
Morone saxatilis (Striped Bass) : egg (SYMBOL)
Morone saxatilis (Striped Bass) : feeding larvae (SYMBOL)
Morone saxatilis (Striped Bass) : juvenile (SYMBOL)
Morone saxatilis (Striped Bass) : yolk sac larvae (SYMBOL)
Pinus taeda (Loblolly Pine) (SYMBOL)
Sediment grab (SYMBOL)
Squid (SYMBOL)
An osprey returns to its nest (PHOTO)
Diagram of Assawoman Bay (GRAPHIC)
Diagram of Chincoteague Bay (GRAPHIC)
Diagram of Isle of Wight Bay (GRAPHIC)
Diagram of Newport Bay (GRAPHIC)
Diagram of Sinepuxent Bay (GRAPHIC)
Diagram of St. Martin River (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing differences between seagrass and macroalgae in the Coastal Bays (GRAPHIC)
Diagram showing ecosystem monitoring activities in the Coastal Bays (GRAPHIC)
Akashiwo sanguinea (Dinoflagellate) (SYMBOL)
Paralichthys dentatus (Summer Flounder) (SYMBOL)
Water: water pipe 1 (SYMBOL)
Water: water pipe 2 (SYMBOL)
Arecaceae (Palm Tree) 1 (SYMBOL)
Asparagopsis spp (SYMBOL)
Atmospheric wind/rain (SYMBOL)
Caulerpa racemosa 1 (SYMBOL)
Caulerpa racemosa 2 (SYMBOL)
Cygnus buccinator (Trumpeter Swan) (SYMBOL)
Cygnus olor (Mute Swan) 1 (SYMBOL)
DC Washington Monument (SYMBOL)
Equus ferus caballus (Pony) 2 (SYMBOL)
Grape vine (SYMBOL)
Grus americana (Whooping Crane) 1 (SYMBOL)
Haematopus longirostris (Pied Oystercatcher) (SYMBOL)
Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Bald Eagle) (SYMBOL)
Jetty (SYMBOL)
Morone americana (White Perch) (SYMBOL)
Orchard (SYMBOL)
Pteropus spp. (Fruit Bat) (SYMBOL)
Seabird guano (SYMBOL)
Wheat (SYMBOL)
Rynchops niger (Black Skimmer) (SYMBOL)
Maize/corn cob 1 (SYMBOL)
Soybean oil (SYMBOL)
Wheat sheath (SYMBOL)
Coastline 2D: saltwedge (SYMBOL)
Concentration: high salinity (SYMBOL)
Concentration: intermittent salinity (SYMBOL)
Concentration: low salinity (SYMBOL)
Licor profiler unispec spectrometer (SYMBOL)
Najas guadalupensis (Common Water Nymph) (SYMBOL)
Ramses spectrometer (SYMBOL)
Ramses spectrometer 2 (SYMBOL)
Alfalfa (SYMBOL)
Alfalfa with roots (SYMBOL)
Animal nutrition (SYMBOL)
Callinectes sapidus (Blue Crab) : adult 2 (SYMBOL)
Manure export (SYMBOL)
Ruppia maritima fruits (SYMBOL)
Ruppia maritima reproductive shoots (SYMBOL)
Ruppia maritima vegetative shoots (SYMBOL)
Soybeans (SYMBOL)
Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard Duck) (SYMBOL)
Cygnus olor (Mute Swan) 2 (SYMBOL)
Cygnus olor (Mute Swan) 3 (SYMBOL)
Hydrilla verticillata (Waterthyme) 2 (SYMBOL)
Myocastor coypus (Nutria) (SYMBOL)
Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve (PHOTO)
Mississippi River Watershed Map (GRAPHIC)
Indian River Lagoon Report Card (INDIAN RIVER - SOUTH ATLANTIC)
A symposium for Maryland’s oyster industry (CHESAPEAKE BAY, CHOPTANK RIVER - CHESAPEAKE BAY)
Development of the Mississippi River Watershed Report Card (MISSISSIPPI RIVER - GULF OF MEXICO)
Development of a Reef Resiliency Index (GREAT BARRIER REEF - AUSTRALIA)
SPREP-PIFS: Streamlined environmental reporting (FIJI - SOUTH PACIFIC)
Gulf of Mexico Report Card (GULF OF MEXICO)
Great Barrier Reef Report Card (GREAT BARRIER REEF - AUSTRALIA)
Conservation International: Science communication products
Science communication training for West Papua, Indonesia (WEST PAPUA - SOUTH PACIFIC)
Training Federal Agencies in Ecosystem-Based Management (AIRAI BAY, PALAU - NORTH PACIFIC, MORRO BAY - PACIFIC COAST)
2021 Maryland Coastal Bays Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Building Resilience in the Maryland Coastal Bays (REPORT)
Building Resilience in the Maryland Coastal Bays Storymap (REPORT)
Coral reef condition: A status report for American Samoa (REPORT)
Upper Mississippi River Conference 2016 Action Agenda (NEWSLETTER)
Assessing the health of the Indian River Lagoon (NEWSLETTER)
2015 Maryland Coastal Bays report card (REPORT CARD)
Maryland Coastal Bays 2016: Land and bay perspectives (REPORT)
Maryland Coastal Bays 2016: Bay perspectives (REPORT)
Maryland Coastal Bays 2016: Land perspectives (REPORT)
Conceptual Diagrams (NEWSLETTER)
Atabapo River Report Card 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Bita River Report Card 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Cuenca del rio Orinoco Reporte de Salud 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Guaviare River Report Card 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Inírida River Report Card 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Matavén River Report Card 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Meta River Report Card 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Orinoco River Basin Report Card 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Reporte de salud río Arauca 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Reporte de salud río Atabapo 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Reporte de salud río Bita 2016 (NEWSLETTER)
Reporte de salud río Guaviare 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Reporte de salud río Inírida 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Reporte de salud río Matavén 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Reporte de salud río Meta 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Reporte de salud río Tomo 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Reporte de salud río Tuparro 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Reporte de salud río Vichada 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Tomo River Report Card 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Tuparro River Report Card 2016 (REPORT CARD)
Vichada River Report Card 2016 (REPORT CARD)
2014 Maryland Coastal Bays report card (REPORT CARD)
America's Watershed Initiative Report Card for the Mississippi River (REPORT)
Mississippi River Watershed Report Card (REPORT CARD)
America's Watershed Initiative Mississippi River Watershed Report Card (REPORT CARD)
Mississippi River Report Card whole watershed report card workshop newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
Missouri River Basin report card workshop newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
2013 Maryland Coastal Bays report card (REPORT CARD)
Arkansas River and Red River Basins report card workshop newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
Lower Mississippi River Basin report card workshop newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
Catoctin Mountain Park Natural Resources Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Natural Resources Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Catoctin Mountain Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Ohio River Basin report card workshop newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
Upper Mississippi River Sub-Basin report card workshop newsletter (NEWSLETTER)
2012 Maryland Coastal Bays report card (REPORT CARD)
More habitat means more fish (BROCHURE)
Improving management of a mid-Atlantic coastal barrier island through assessment of habitat condition (JOURNAL ARTICLE)
2011 Maryland Coastal Bays report card (REPORT CARD)
A vision for effective and streamlined reporting in the Pacific (NEWSLETTER)
A vision for the Gulf of Mexico Report Card (NEWSLETTER)
Healthy Darwin Harbour: Pathways and Partnerships (NEWSLETTER)
Great Barrier Reef Report Card Summary - 2009 Baseline (REPORT CARD)
Great Barrier Reef Report Card Regional Summaries - 2009 Baseline (REPORT CARD)
Great Barrier Reef Technical Report Card - 2009 Baseline (REPORT CARD)
Antietam National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Manassas National Battlefield Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Monocacy National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Antietam National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Antietam National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment Resource Brief (BROCHURE)
Manassas National Battlefield Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Manassas National Battlefield Park Natural Resource Condition Assessment Resource Brief (BROCHURE)
Monocacy National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Monocacy National Battlefield Natural Resource Condition Assessment Resource Brief (BROCHURE)
2010 Maryland Coastal Bays report card (REPORT CARD)
Assateague Island National Seashore Natural Resource Condition Assessment (REPORT)
Assateague Island National Seashore Natural Resource Condition Assessment - Executive Summary (REPORT)
Coral Health Index (CHI): measuring coral community health (REPORT)
Living with the Sea: Local efforts buffer effects of global change (REPORT)
Conceptual Diagrams: Tools for Science Communication (NEWSLETTER)
Integrating and Applying Science: A handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment (BOOK)
Chapter 2: Environmental leadership: achieving a sustainable future by fostering environmental champions (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 3: Communication products: creating a process for generating science communication products (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 4: Communication strategy: packaging and delivering the message for maximum impact (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 6: Ecological report cards: integrating indicators into report cards (BOOK CHAPTER)
Chapter 7: Ecological forecasts: building a predictive capacity to guide management (BOOK CHAPTER)
Integrating and Applying Science: A practical handbook for effective coastal ecosystem assessment (BOOK WHOLE)
Shifting Sands: Environmental and cultural change in Maryland's Coastal Bays (BOOK)
South Caucasus region transboundary report card (REPORT CARD)
South Caucasus region transboundary report card (Russian) (REPORT CARD)
Maryland at Risk: Sea-level rise adaptation & response (NEWSLETTER)
River Journeys (BOOK)
Global Warming and the Free State: Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in Maryland (REPORT)
Reef Plan Monitoring: Marine Water Quality Impacts (NEWSLETTER)
Protecting Palau's natural heritage (NEWSLETTER)
Beneficial use of dredged material to restore Chesapeake Bay wetlands (NEWSLETTER)
Communicating Science Effectively: A Practical Handbook for Integrating Visual Elements (BOOK)
Communicating Science Effectively: A Practical Handbook for Integrating Visual Elements (BOOK WHOLE)
Reducing flood damage in coastal Louisiana: Communities, culture & commerce (NEWSLETTER)
Chesapeake Bay Environmental Models (NEWSLETTER)
State of the Maryland Coastal Bays 2004 (REPORT)
Nutrient Management of Delmarva Soils & Waters (NEWSLETTER)
Developing a Chesapeake Bay Report Card (POSTER)
A comparison of issues and management approaches in Moreton Bay, Australia and Chesapeake Bay, USA (BOOK CHAPTER)
Developing a Chesapeake Bay Report Card (NEWSLETTER)
Hurricane Isabel and Sea Level Rise (NEWSLETTER)