Publications about Upper Saranac Lake

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Using the aquatic macrophyte Vallisneria americana (wild celery) as a nutrient bioindicator (Page 1)

Using the aquatic macrophyte Vallisneria americana (wild celery) as a nutrient bioindicator

Benson ER, O'Neil JM, and Dennison WC ·

Human sewage and septic waste are significant sources of nutrient loading to many aquatic ecosystems. Ecologically relevant nitrogen sources can be traced by analyzing nitrogen stable isotope ratios (δ15N signatures) in aquatic plants. Elevated δ15N signatures can suggest increased uptake of nitrogen derived from human and/or animal waste. In the current study, Vallisneria americana, a freshwater angiosperm, was collected from several locations in Upper Saranac Lake, NY, USA.

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